

This was published 5 years ago

Liberal MP Tim Wilson sends 6000 unsolicited franking credit letters, raising questions over use of expenses

By Paul Sakkal

Liberal MP Tim Wilson sent 6000 unsolicited letters to superannuation trustees, including thousands who live outside his electorate, encouraging them to sign up to a Liberal party campaign against Labor's franking credits policy, potentially putting him in breach of parliamentary spending guidelines.

The office of the Liberal backbencher, who chairs a controversial parliamentary inquiry into Labor's policy, mined a publicly available database of self-managed super funds and sent letters to super trustees encouraging them to attend upcoming inquiry hearings and sign up to volunteer for the Liberal Party.

Almost one third of the letters, which cost $8000 to print and distribute, were sent to individuals who don't reside in Mr Wilson's electorate of Goldstein.

The letters were printed and distributed out of Mr Wilson's electorate office budget that allows MPs to provide constituents with information about parliamentary business.

The letter ends by asking its recipients whether they want to join the Liberal party campaign against the Labor policy, with the address of a website where individuals can register their details to volunteer in Liberal party activities including "door knocking … working on election day" and taking part in "media interviews".

However, guidelines from the department of finance state an MP's printing and communication budget must not be used to "solicit subscriptions … for a member, political party or candidate".

The department's guidelines also state commercial distribution services must only be used for "letter box drops in the electorate", raising questions about whether the letters that went to constituents outside of Mr Wilson's electorate were improperly paid for.

Mr Wilson defended the cost of the mailout, saying it cost less than the impact of Labor's policy of removing franking credits on an average individual.

"On average individual SMSFs will lose $12,000 under Labor's proposed retirement tax, and the cost of our mailout to local SMSFs was less than the impact on one at roughly $8000," he said.

The MP also stood by the mining of publicly available information on the Australian Business Register to find details of individuals who may be affected by Labor's policy.


"I resolutely believe that when a policy seeks to steal a third of Australian retirees' income it is important to inform those at risk about an inquiry that gives them a voice," said Mr Wilson.

Mr Wilson is the chair of a parliamentary inquiry that has spent months travelling the country hearing from thousands of retirees concerned about Labor's $5 billion a year policy, which will strip tax refunds worth thousands of dollars from retired investors who have not paid tax.

Mr Wilson was rebuked by the speaker of the House of Representatives after The Age and The Sydney Morning Herald revealed he collaborated with a multibillion-dollar fund manager on a campaign against the opposition's franking credit policy, failed to declare his investments in funds run by the firm to inquiry hearings, and used the taxpayer-funded probe to help spruik Liberal Party fundraisers.

Labor has also been accused of stacking the inquiries with party supporters, after former Labor candidate Marg D’Arcy reportedly criticised the Liberals policy on franking credits at a recent inquiry hearing in Melbourne.

Ron Finkel AM, businessman and founder of health charity AUSiMED, said he was angered when he received the letter.

Mr Finkel, the brother of Australia’s chief scientist Alan Finkel, lives in Caulfield, in the electorate of Macnamara.

"I don’t know how information about my super fund came into the hands of Tim Wilson … but to couch the letter in obfuscating language while clearly putting forward a partisan view is a disgrace," he said.

Mr Finkel is a rank-and-file member of the Labor party who has never held a position within the party.

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