

This was published 6 years ago

Michaelia Cash staffer resigns after tipping off media about AWU raids

By Adam Gartrell, James Massola and Nick Toscano

An adviser to Employment Minister Michaelia Cash has quit after he admitted to tipping off the media about a police raid on the Australian Workers Union on Tuesday.

Ms Cash denies she misled Parliament about her office's involvement, after she repeatedly told a Senate estimates hearing on Wednesday that neither she nor anyone in her office had told journalists about the Australian Federal Police raids on the union's offices in Melbourne and Sydney.

The AFP is investigating $100,000 in donations the AWU made to activist group GetUp! when the union was led by Opposition Leader Bill Shorten.

But Ms Cash admitted on Wednesday night that she had been wrong and one of her advisers had contacted the media "without my knowledge".

Employment Minister Michaelia Cash denies she misled Parliament about her office's involvement after a staffer admitted to tipping off the media about a police raid on the Australian Workers Union.

Employment Minister Michaelia Cash denies she misled Parliament about her office's involvement after a staffer admitted to tipping off the media about a police raid on the Australian Workers Union.Credit: Andrew Meares

"My staff member came to me during the dinner break and has resigned from my employment," Ms Cash told the hearing, sparking heated and chaotic scenes.

"He has admitted he was wrong. He is very distressed."

The senior media adviser, David De Garis, received the information about the upcoming raid from a "media source" but he would not reveal who it was. Senator Cash said she did not mislead the Senate because she gave information she understood to be true.

Labor's Doug Cameron told the hearing: "She's thrown her staffer under the bus."

Employment Minister Michaelia Cash admitted on Wednesday night that she had been wrong and one of her advisers had contacted the media "without my knowledge".

Employment Minister Michaelia Cash admitted on Wednesday night that she had been wrong and one of her advisers had contacted the media "without my knowledge".Credit: Alex Ellinghausen

Earlier in the day, Senator Cash said: "I can assure you that I found out about the raids as they unfolded on the television. I can also assure you that my office did not find out about the raids until after they were being conducted. It is a very serious allegation you are making and I refute it completely.

"And quite frankly I am offended on behalf of my staff."

Senators Murray Watt and Doug Cameron put questions to Employment Minister Michaelia Cash during a Senate estimates hearing at Parliament House in Canberra on Wednesday.

Senators Murray Watt and Doug Cameron put questions to Employment Minister Michaelia Cash during a Senate estimates hearing at Parliament House in Canberra on Wednesday.Credit: Alex Ellinghausen

Labor and its union allies spent Wednesday attempting to shut down the investigation of Mr Shorten's role in the donations by his former union, with the AWU launching an urgent federal court challenge and the opposition accusing the Turnbull government of a "smear" campaign.

A day after police launched the raids, the full might of the federal opposition and the union movement circled the wagons around Mr Shorten and moved to discredit the Registered Organisation Commission investigation.

Opposition Leader Bill Shorten during question time at Parliament House in Canberra on Wednesday.

Opposition Leader Bill Shorten during question time at Parliament House in Canberra on Wednesday.Credit: Andrew Meares

In Parliament, Prime Minister Malcolm Turnbull targeted Labor for "not respecting the integrity of the police" and insisted Mr Shorten had questions to answer over why the AWU had made a $100,000 donation to GetUp! when the now-Opposition Leader was its national secretary.

"What we have seen from the Labor Party since that search warrant was executed is an attack on the integrity of the Australian Federal Police," he thundered in question time.

Earlier in the day, Employment Minister Michaelia Cash said: "I can assure you that I found out about the raids as they unfolded on the television."

Earlier in the day, Employment Minister Michaelia Cash said: "I can assure you that I found out about the raids as they unfolded on the television."Credit: Alex Ellinghausen

"The Australian Federal Police is absolutely independent in its operations. They decide who to investigate, how to investigate, that is a matter for them and so it should be."

Earlier, Mr Shorten insisted he had the greatest respect for the federal police but the raids, ordered by the Commission "at the behest of the government", were "a political witch-hunt designed to throw mud in the hope that some will stick."

Australian Federal Police remove shredded documents and other evidence during a raid on the Australian Workers Union offices in Sydney on Tuesday.

Australian Federal Police remove shredded documents and other evidence during a raid on the Australian Workers Union offices in Sydney on Tuesday.Credit: Wolter Peeters

"Well, quite frankly, the use of 30 AFP officers to collect documents, which, as the union has said, all they had to do was ring up, was an amazing waste of money, but we understand what this is about," he said.

Labor also backed calls from Senator Nick Xenophon for an independent inquiry to establish who tipped off the media prior to the AFP raids on the AWU offices.

The Commission's investigation centres on the donation to activist group GetUp! in 2006, as well as a $25,000 donation made by the AWU in 2007-08 – which Mr Shorten led until August 2007 – to his first parliamentary campaign for the seat of Maribyrnong.

Two other AWU donations to Labor campaigns in the federal seats of Stirling ($20,000) and Petrie ($25,000) in 2007-08 are also being examined.

It's understood the documents sought by the Commission in the raids include minutes of AWU national executive meetings that will make clear whether the donations were within the letter of union rules.

The AWU's rules state that donations of more than $1000 must be approved by the national executive of the union.

The AWU's legal challenge to the validity of what it calls "unprecedented" and "heavy-handed" police raids succeeded in delaying the federal police handing over seized documents to the Commission until a court makes further orders on Friday.

AWU leader Daniel Walton said on Wednesday the union had "absolutely" gone through the proper processes to approve the donations.

"We had already provided details through to the Registered Organisations Commission to show proof of making proper declarations on these," Mr Walton said on Wednesday.

However, union insiders confirmed concerns about record keeping for the GetUp! gift by both the national and Victorian branches.

Fairfax Media has been told there was no clear minuting of decisions by either. "We may not have always crossed the T's and dotted the I's," is how one insider put it.

The union's national office has not produced minutes relating to the GetUp! gift.

In court, union lawyers sought a court declaration the search warrants for the police raids were invalid, and a court order quashing the Commission's decision to launch the investigation.


The hearing has been adjourned until Friday.

with Royce Millar, Ben Schneiders

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