

This was published 2 years ago


It’s the final quarter and it’s Albanese’s time to kick

Any doubt that a de facto election campaign is under way was put to rest on Sunday. Prime Minister Scott Morrison spent the day indulging in one of his signature “how good is this?” stunts, this time in the passenger seat of a petrol-guzzling Ford Mustang as it roared around the track at Bathurst.

On the other side of the Blue Mountains, Opposition Leader Anthony Albanese held his first campaign rally in his seat of Grayndler, close to the boundary with the neighbouring seat of Reid, which the ALP believes it must win if Labor is to form government.

Illustration: Jim Pavlidis

Illustration: Jim PavlidisCredit: The Age

The two leaders’ very different Sundays gave us a strong indication of what the campaign proper will look like next year. Morrison will again play to his marketing strengths, appealing to what he believes to be the cultural values of his “quiet Australians” with endless footage of him being one of the boys.

Unlike his first campaign as PM in 2019, Morrison is a well-known quantity across the country this time around. He likes to be seen as a laid-back, larrikin Aussie dad, who doesn’t take anything too seriously and just wants us all to have a bloody good time in the greatest country on earth.

Albanese, though, is yet to establish his identity in the minds of many Australians. Despite his quarter century in Parliament, he still has room to create his prime ministerial persona ahead of the election. His determination to keep his head down and focus on the government’s performance in the 30 months since he took the ALP leadership has dismayed many of Labor’s “true believers”, and outraged Greens supporters, who want the alternative PM to commit to a wide-ranging reform agenda in the style of Gough Whitlam, or even Bill Shorten in 2019.


On Twitter, where you won’t find so many swinging voters, the cries for Albanese to “stand for something” have become desperate over recent months.

But Albanese hasn’t tried to campaign against Morrison on the national stage during the upheaval of the pandemic. Instead, he has maintained a laser-like focus on the seats Labor needs to win and the vision he wants to sell to undecided voters when they tune in to make a choice. He has always insisted that his Labor team would not try to set the policy agenda as it did under his predecessor, but that he would take time to listen to what Australians want and then “kick with the wind in the fourth quarter”.

There was a moment on Sunday, as Albanese took the stage at the Wests Ashfield Leagues Club, in which he looked to be readying for that fourth quarter. Having moved easily through the crowd, greeting local MPs and candidates and beaming at supporters, he paused a little longer than usual after the applause. He took a deep breath, almost a gulp; his eyes appeared to darken slightly and his smile dropped. He seemed, just for a second or two, to be steeling himself, like a player preparing to take the field in his first and only grand final.


And then he did, indeed, begin to kick – hard.

Albanese set about defining his leadership style in direct contrast to that of the man he is challenging for the prime ministership. He would “always tell it straight”; he wouldn’t “run and hide from responsibility” or “go missing when the going gets tough”. He would lead a government “as good as the Australian people”. At a time of big national challenges, all of us “have to hold a hose”.

It’s undeniable that Labor is taking a much more modest agenda to the people ... but it’s a more coherent vision than last time around.

These attack lines on Morrison may well resonate, given a growing public perception that the Prime Minister is loose with the truth. Morrison has virtually scripted Labor’s negative campaign himself.

But after the past two, brutal years, Albanese recognises that Australians want to leave negativity behind and look to the future. Both he and Morrison are appealing to our exhaustion with the pandemic, and will campaign on what comes next. This is where the contest becomes interesting – because while Morrison is banking on people wanting government to get out of their lives, Albanese is taking a punt that what voters really want is someone with a plan for the future that promises better than they had before.


And yet it’s undeniable that Labor is taking a much more modest agenda to the people in 2022 than it did three years before. Labor has settled on a few key policies to deliver its “better future”: action on climate change and renewable energy, leading to secure jobs in new industries; free TAFE and more university places to educate Australians to work in these new jobs; restoring manufacturing; lifting women’s wages; giving families cheaper childcare and better health and disability care; and embracing the Uluru Statement from the Heart.

This election offering won’t go far enough for some: for example, the climate science tells us we need to go much further than its promise of a 43 per cent emissions reduction by 2030. The absence so far of any measures to improve social security is disappointing, especially for the growing number of unemployed workers stuck living on less than $44 a day until those new jobs become available.

And while Labor’s commitment to funding more social housing is to be applauded, its retreat from tax reform leaves it without much to offer those still hoping to buy into the great Australian dream of home ownership without help from the bank of mum and dad. Such deliberately redistributive policies have, it seems, been deemed too difficult to sell to an increasingly fractured electorate.

But it is a more coherent vision than the ALP was able to offer last time around, and it’s a distinct contrast with Morrison’s promise to “get back to normal” with his “can-do capitalism”.

In such uncertain times, it’s impossible to know which way the political wind will be blowing when the election comes around. It’s fair to say it will be a hard-kicking final-quarter contest.

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