

This was published 3 years ago


The Australian government cannot treat its own citizens as pariahs

By Helen Irving

The travel ban on Australians returning from India, which the Federal Court will now consider after a Melbourne man launched a challenge to it on Wednesday, is a breach of the constitution that should worry all Australians.

The constitution does not grant untrammelled powers to the government, nor does it allow the government to treat citizens as pariahs, even temporarily. It represents a set of values that underlie our democracy and shape our representative institutions. And it recognises the central role of the Australian people in making decisions about the nation’s welfare.

Relatives of a person who died of COVID-19 mourn outside a hospital in Mumbai, India.

Relatives of a person who died of COVID-19 mourn outside a hospital in Mumbai, India.Credit: AP

More than 30 years ago, the High Court declared that citizens have the right to enter Australia without a licence or “clearance” from the government and in 2017, during the dual-citizenship controversy that saw several federal MPs disqualified from Parliament, the court also confirmed that the right of abode is essential under international law; without it, citizenship has no meaning. In that case, senator Nick Xenophon was found to have a type of British nationality that did not allow him to live in Britain. The court concluded that because of this, he was not a dual citizen.

The right of abode cannot be enjoyed without the right to return. It may be subject to legitimate limitations or conditions (such as requiring citizens to quarantine on their return), but coming home cannot be prohibited, let alone criminalised. Yet the government is now threatening Australian citizens with a hefty fine, or even imprisonment, if they exercise this right to return.

The Commonwealth can only pass laws on specific subjects listed in the constitution; these are called heads of power. They include quarantine, external affairs, and immigration. There is also an implied nationhood power, which allows the government to pass laws that benefit or protect the whole nation. The Biosecurity Act (and the emergency requirements made under it) is likely to come under the quarantine power. So far, so good. But there is no constitutional head of power over citizenship. So, how can a law on quarantine legitimately limit the rights of Australian citizens?

The parliament can pass laws that are “incidental” to a head of power, when they are necessary to support that power. But any such laws must be proportionate. The parliament cannot use its power over trade and commerce with other countries, for example, to order the slaughter of all cattle in Australia to prevent the export of diseased meat, although that would certainly be effective. And this is why it also cannot ban Australians from coming home, nor criminalise their return, to stop the spread of COVID-19: such actions are clearly excessive and not “incidental” to quarantine.


Additionally, government powers can only be exercised as the relevant legislation permits and the government cannot exceed those powers. The Biosecurity Act states that an emergency requirement must be “no more restrictive or intrusive than is required”. The travel ban clearly goes beyond what is needed to protect the Australian community from COVID-19.

And it breaches international human rights law, specifically the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights, to which Australia is a signatory. This states that “no one shall be arbitrarily deprived of the right to enter his own country”. Although international human rights law is not enforceable in the way that constitutional law is, Australians should ask themselves why our country has signed up to a covenant if it is willing to breach it.


The ban is clearly unconstitutional and a breach of our rights. Those who believe that the constitution permits Australians to be imprisoned for five years simply because they have come home must ask themselves what an unconstitutional law might actually look like.

Helen Irving is Professor Emerita at the University of Sydney law school and is an expert in constitutional law.

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