

This was published 1 year ago


If Paul Keating was Placido Domingo, Jim Chalmers is more Michael Buble

Australia’s Treasurer, Jim Chalmers, is something of a Paul Keating understudy. He wrote his PhD thesis on the Keating prime ministership in 2004. As a junior Labor researcher in his early 20s, Chalmers had difficulty getting to interview the great man for his dissertation.

But when the former prime minister eventually agreed to an audience, “the 30 minutes I was allotted in his diary became almost three hours”, Chalmers noted in his paper. The two have been close ever since.

Illustration: John Shakespeare.

Illustration: John Shakespeare.Credit:

They have similarities. Both devoted themselves to the Labor Party at a young age. Both hail from the Labor right faction. Both ambitious, both achieved high office early; Keating was treasurer at 39 and Chalmers at 44. Both are ambitious for the country, too.

Both have a larrikin streak. Keating once managed a rock band; Chalmers stripped off one cold Canberra night to swim in an ANU fishpond in emulation of a young Bob Hawke.

But they’re different, too. Keating grew up in Sydney’s Bankstown with a boilermaker dad, but by the time Paul was nine his father had started a business making concrete mixers and eventually employed some 200 workers. Paul moved away from Bankstown and cultivated a taste in antiques.

Chalmers grew up in working-class Logan, to Brisbane’s s south. His mum is a nurse. His father, a courier driver, left the marriage when Jim was 13. The treasurer lives in Logan still, with his wife and kids, a mere 900 metres from the house where he grew up. He is as civil as Keating is caustic, as approachable as Keating is aloof.

Federal Treasurer Jim Chalmers, right, with Paul Keating.

Federal Treasurer Jim Chalmers, right, with Paul Keating.Credit: Jeremy Piper

Keating learned Labor lore at the knee of the divisive firebrand Jack Lang, the NSW premier who was sacked by the governor in a 1932 constitutional crisis. The teenaged Keating would take his lunch to the office of the embittered Lang twice a week for years. Among the advice he took to heart: “You’ll never be anyone until you have a reasonable stock of enemies.”

Chalmers worked with distinctly more modern and moderate Labor leaders including Peter Beattie, Bob Hawke, Neville Wran, Wayne Swan and Kim Beazley.


Craig Emerson, a former Hawke adviser who went on to become a Labor cabinet minister, draws a contrast between the political style of the two Labor treasurers. He points out that Chalmers this week thanked the Business Council of Australia for promoting policy ideas even though he disagreed with them: “He’s chosen to keep engagement with the business community,” he tells me, “in effect saying that notwithstanding the differences we can talk and find common ground.”

He recalls that Keating, however, went to war with some business leaders or, as Emerson puts it euphemistically, “Paul wasn’t enamoured of the business community”, especially in his later years as prime minister. He insulted and offended some business leaders. And he enjoyed every minute of it.

Treasurer Jim Chalmers at the National Press Club this week.

Treasurer Jim Chalmers at the National Press Club this week. Credit: Alex Ellinghausen

Chalmers’ address to the National Press Club this week rang with echoes of Keating. In presenting Australia’s sixth Intergenerational Report, Chalmers set out a vision for the country over the next 40 years:

“Australians living longer and healthier lives. In a country powered by renewables and transformed by technology. With care and compassion at its core, adding value and maximising opportunities in a world of churn and change. An Australia of generational responsibilities and endless possibilities.”

But to get there, Australia would have to overcome the daunting problems set out in the Intergenerational Report. Without corrective policies, Australia will grow hotter, its population older, its workforce relatively smaller and the cost of supporting its ageing population crippling.


Chalmers put the task on the same scale as the Keating reforms of the 1980s:“If the 1980s meant the End of Certainty, the 2020s must mark the End of Complacency,” said the treasurer. The End of Certainty was the name attached to the Hawke-Keating economic reform era by the title of a book by journalist Paul Kelly.

Why? Because the primary economic mission of Hawke and his treasurer was to dismantle a highly regulated and protected economy and replace it with an open and competitive one. They stripped away rigid controls on Australia’s markets – capital, labour, foreign exchange, imports and exports – and allowed the free market to operate. The change was wrenching as the old certainties collapsed.

But the country prospered as capital and labour shifted to areas where it enjoyed comparative advantage and Australia became the first, and remains the only, developed nation to have 30 years of continuous economic growth.

But the country has changed and so have many of the problems. What does Chalmers mean by the End of Complacency? Complacency is Australia’s traditional enemy. Chalmers talks about five big transformations under way globally: “From hydrocarbons to renewables, from IT to AI, from a younger population to an older one, and from globalisation to fragmentation.”


Each poses problems; a Chalmers theme is that he is determined that Australia become a victor rather than victim in all. But complacency achieves nil and effort is needed.

Of these five, the biggest is to transform the carbon-based economy to a renewable one, in the government’s view. Emerson, an economist, agrees: “The energy transition is another transformation of the economy on a similar scale to the Hawke-Keating reforms,” he says.

The Intergenerational Report estimates that, if the world misses its Paris Accord target of limiting warming to 1.5 degrees and it rises as much as 3 to 4 degrees, the national economy would lose between $135 billion and $423 billion in today’s dollars over 40 years as the heat saps labour productivity.

The agriculture sector and tourism are obvious losers in this scenario, but the Treasury report says that the manufacturing, construction and services sectors would all lose.


“Dealing with climate change is a global environmental and economic imperative,” Chalmers told the press club. “Plus, the vast scale of investment needed to respond – some additional $225 billion to decarbonise heavy industries and transition our energy system.”

And he turned from the cost to the opportunity: “These are not only risks to manage, costs to bear but vast industrial opportunities, with more clean, cheap, renewable power creating cumulative comparative advantages in the new industries of the net-zero economy.”

In addition to its carbon emissions goals, the federal government is using four investment funds, two pre-existing and two new, in an effort to accelerate the switch – the Clean Energy Finance Corporation and the Australian Renewable Energy Agency, and the newly minted Rewiring the Nation fund plus the National Reconstruction Fund.

But Hawke and Keating, followed by Howard and Costello, trained Australia into thinking that a big reform program must depend on a big reweighting of the tax system.

Chalmers wants the country to understand that the biggest problem requires the biggest reform effort, and, in 2023 and beyond, it’s not the tax mix. He has made some moderate changes to the tax system to grab revenue, and he will have to attempt more in the next term of parliament if Labor should win. But these are far from the systemic overhaul of the Keating or Costello years.

Besides, Keating enjoyed two essential preconditions for his reform program. He had Hawke, a folk-hero prime minister whose popularity allowed him to win elections while Keating made unpopular change. And, on many of the key reforms, Keating faced a quiescent opposition.

Chalmers has neither. Albanese is popular but he’s not in Hawke’s league, though he lives in hope; and the opposition’s response to the Intergenerational Report has been juvenile.

When the Liberals’ Angus Taylor said the government should concentrate on the next 40 days rather than the next 40 years, Chalmers said that a government should be able to do both. Then he spoke of reform ambition within: “If you don’t have that sense of the future, that flame flickering in you, you know, if you don’t have that pilot light of purpose in you, then you have no business being in this line of work.”

Paul Keating famously anointed himself the Placido Domingo of Australian politics as he preened to challenge Hawke for the prime ministership. Jim Chalmers lacks Keating’s ego and hasn’t compared himself to any great star.

But if Keating was Placido Domingo, Chalmers might best be compared to Michael Buble. Less elite, more accessible, a modern-day crooner. After only a year and a half as treasurer, Chalmers shows promise. So far, however, he has only just cleared his throat.

Peter Hartcher is political editor.

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