

This was published 3 months ago


If Dutton’s given up on the teal seats, how about a nuclear reactor in Vaucluse?

To Millennials like me who grew up with The Simpsons, faith in nuclear power is, at best, comic. Yet, in the middle of a cost-of-living crisis, this is the topic that’s suddenly dominating the political agenda, thanks to Peter Dutton’s dramatic announcements last week.

Room for a small reactor? Strickland House in Vaucluse might be the perfect spot for one.

Room for a small reactor? Strickland House in Vaucluse might be the perfect spot for one.Credit: Getty Images

Dutton’s uncosted nuclear policy and proposed reactor sites, if enacted perfectly with no delays would not be ready until at least 2035, by which time renewables will have all but replaced the demand for coal.

But regardless of what is logical, if Dutton is setting the stage for winning government on a conversation around nuclear energy, he clearly does not want any of the teal seats in the mix.

His determination to not win back the teal seats was put on show recently when he started naming constituencies where he would like to put nuclear reactors. Which is all well and good for him in his own Queensland seat of Dickson, which did not get named, but it may elicit some, eh, reaction from MPs in the hot seats.

But if he wants to make it really clear he doesn’t want to win back seats like Wentworth, Warringah, Mackellar, Kooyong and Goldstein, I would recommend some places for small nuclear reactors.


Firstly, Strickland House in Rose Bay has been underutilised for decades. It is heritage-listed, sure, but you know, they could come up with a small nuclear spot tucked in the basement or something. The prodigious walkers doing the Bondi-to-Manly won’t mind and, heck, it will even add a new site to look at on their wanderings.

Warringah? Well, with so many national park lands, North Head seems an obvious place to chuck a reactor. Great message to any incoming hostile vessels, too: “Have nuclear and not afraid to use it.”

Mackellar, slowly disappearing due to climate change washing away its beaches (thanks, year 11 geography excursions to Collaroy Beach), does have some limitations, but there is always the lighthouse at Barrenjoey Head. I’m sure the thousands of selfie takers won’t mind when they are looking out over Palm Beach. Plus it does add a good story line to Home & Away’s Summer Bay. Alf, rest his soul, would have been seriously conflicted. I bet he didn’t vote teal, but he surely wouldn’t have wanted a nuclear reactor.


By bringing the conversation about nuclear to a local level, Dutton will really get the message across: that is, he couldn’t give a hot rod about these havens for latte-sipping champagne socialists.


And as the party tries its darnedest to preselect women in these seats, it paves the way for the Liberal honchos to be able to turn around after the next election, after they remain teal, and say: “There you go. We tried the female-candidate strategy. It didn’t work. Let’s go back to ‘merit’.”

But we’ll all know it won’t have been the candidates – regardless of gender – who worked their hardest to make impossible policies attractive to teals, but the policies themselves.

For those candidates, if we learnt anything from last time, it is that you cannot serve two masters. If they want to win their local electorates over, they can’t be expecting a ministry in a future Dutton government. The person who authentically wins back teals is going to be someone who disagrees with some of Dutton’s policies – see Bridget Archer – whether it’s nuclear or something else.

The best thing the Libs could do is stick to talking about the cost of living, economic management and lowering emissions through renewables and storage. Instead, their candidates are going to have to continue the mental gymnastics of trying to explain how policies – designed to narrowcast to Australians who are not so vested in getting their power from renewables – are going to win over teal voters.

The teal seats remain progressive but many voters within them are feeling the pinch of interest rate rises. If the Liberal Party focused on an economic and renewable narrative, and left nuclear alone, it might actually get some traction in teal-town.

If Dutton and his team have a strategy to win other voters, that’s fine. Good luck to them, but for the love of progress, don’t do it while sending strong female candidates to electoral slaughter.

Daisy Turnbull is a teacher and author.

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