

This was published 6 years ago

'I think voters feel betrayed': Chaos reigns in a chamber where one in five have disappeared

By Michael Koziol

Remember Stephen Conroy? The Labor stalwart stunned the Senate, and the country, when he suddenly quit politics early in the spring of 2016 by tabling a speech in the dead of night. It was regarded as a political bombshell, with pundits scratching their heads as to why the powerbroker stood for re-election only to depart a few months later.

These days Conroy’s exit seems dull and dignified by comparison. His was the first of 16 Senate resignations or disqualifications from a starting pack of 76 – meaning more than one in five senators elected by the people in 2016 have disappeared from the chamber in under two years.

Illustration: Matt Golding.

Illustration: Matt Golding.

The biggest culprit has, of course, been the dual citizenship saga that dominated the past 12 months in Australian politics. But buttressing that instability is the preponderance of senators in minor parties to break ranks and switch teams at their pleasure, playing out their internal squabbles and personal vendettas in the public eye.

It’s enough for cynics to ape Paul Keating’s depiction of the Senate as "unrepresentative swill". But the sun seems sure to set on the circus. Experts believe the next election will wipe out most of the independent crossbench, returning seats to the major parties and possibly delivering the balance-of-power to the Greens.

Nick Economou, senior lecturer in politics at Monash University, rates this Senate as the most dysfunctional in the country’s history. "Simply because of the sheer weight of numbers," he says.

Much of the blame for the shenanigans has been doled out to Prime Minister Malcolm Turnbull, who called a rare double dissolution election for July 2016 to ram through two industrial relations bills. He got his wish, but it meant halving the quota required to get elected, and in doing so welcoming four representatives of One Nation, three from the Nick Xenophon Team, Jacqui Lambie, Derryn Hinch, David Leyonhjelm and Bob Day.

Senators Brian Burston, Pauline Hanson, Jonathon Duniam, Malcolm Roberts, Rod Culleton, James Paterson, Derryn Hinch, Murray Watt, Jane Hume, Skye KakoschkeMoore, Pat Dodson, Anthony Chisholm, Stirling Griff, Don Farrell and Malarndirri McCarthy joined the Senate after the 2016 election.

Senators Brian Burston, Pauline Hanson, Jonathon Duniam, Malcolm Roberts, Rod Culleton, James Paterson, Derryn Hinch, Murray Watt, Jane Hume, Skye KakoschkeMoore, Pat Dodson, Anthony Chisholm, Stirling Griff, Don Farrell and Malarndirri McCarthy joined the Senate after the 2016 election.Credit: David Foote Auspic/DPS

Of those 11 individuals elected, just five remain: Pauline Hanson, Brian Burston, Stirling Griff (NXT), Hinch and Leyonhjelm.

It’s easy to forget Day, the Family First senator who quit in November 2016 as his business empire collapsed. The High Court later found he was never validly elected, due to financial relationships he had with the Commonwealth. In January 2017, the court booted Rod Culleton, one of One Nation’s original foursome, due to bankruptcy. Day was replaced by Lucy Gichuhi, who now sits with the Liberals, and Culleton by Peter Georgiou, who remains Hanson’s lone offsider.


In the winter break of 2017, a West Australian lawyer named John Cameron revealed Greens senator Scott Ludlam was a New Zealand citizen and thus constitutionally ineligible to sit in the Parliament. It started a whirlwind that saw off his colleague Larissa Waters (replaced by Andrew Bartlett), as well as fellow senators Fiona Nash (replaced by Jim Molan), Malcolm Roberts (Fraser Anning), Skye Kakoschke-Moore (Tim Storer), Stephen Parry (Richard Colbeck), Katy Gallagher (David Smith) and Lambie (Steve Martin).

In and around all this, former Liberal senator Chris Back retired (replaced by Slade Brockman), Xenophon quit to make an unsuccessful tilt at power in South Australia (Rex Patrick took his seat), and former attorney-general George Brandis left for his long-rumoured appointment in London, replaced by Amanda Stoker.

And defections have come at a rate of knots. Cory Bernardi kicked it all off by ditching the Liberal Party to start the Australian Conservatives. Martin waited barely a minute to abandon Lambie and sit as an independent - while Anning did the same to Hanson. But life alone on the crossbench did not seem to suit them – Martin has since joined the Nationals, while Anning hitched himself to Katter's Australian Party.

The revelation Greens senator Scott Ludlam was a New Zealand citizen started a whirlwind of disqualifications. Illustration: John Shakespeare

The revelation Greens senator Scott Ludlam was a New Zealand citizen started a whirlwind of disqualifications. Illustration: John ShakespeareCredit:

Storer abandoned the NXT before he took up his seat, and has so far remained fiercely independent. Burston, who spectacularly fell out with Hanson over company tax cuts, this week defected to the so-called United Australia Party, the latest incarnation of Clive Palmer’s political outreach program.

Loyalty to the brand on which senators were elected seems to be in short supply, says Economou.

"It’s a manifestation of them thinking that they are bigger than the organisation which put them there," he says. "Nobody knows who all these people are - there’s a real capacity for these guys to be very self-indulgent."

So far, the indulgence has favoured Malcolm Turnbull. From a nadir of 29 senators after Bernardi's defection, the Coalition now counts 31 in its ranks with the addition of Gichuhi and Martin. And the  break-up of One Nation and the NXT means neither of those groups now has the unilateral ability to block government legislation.

In particular, Martin signing up to the Nationals represents a radical departure from the position of the woman he replaced, Lambie. She opposed the Turnbull government's corporate tax cuts, as well as the personal tax cuts for higher income earners, both of which were backed by Martin.

"I think that voters feel betrayed," Lambie told Fairfax Media. Martin had trashed "everything that we stood for and everything we believe in".

Lambie also thinks the chaos in the Senate has tarnished the brand of independents more widely.  "I'm not trying to be mean to the independents because I’m one of them, but it isn’t helping."

Long-serving Liberal Christopher Pyne, who lives for politics, reflected on the "remarkable" state of affairs during his Friday afternoon chat show on Sky News.

"The turnover has been immense," he said. "It's probably going to be a record. It says a lot about our system in the last few years ... it makes the two-party system look pretty good right now."

But on tax cuts, Pyne added, "the crossbenchers did get it right this week".

There is little research to tell us exactly what voters make of these Senate ructions, though several studies reveal confidence in politics and major institutions is plummeting. Economou believes voters are "alarmed" or at least "uncomfortable" with these tribulations, in part because recent years "seem to have upset people’s perceptions of what the Senate should be about".

Through the 1980s and 1990s, the upper house was dominated by the major parties and the stable, centrist Democrats, who clinched as many as nine seats. In 1998, the Greens won their first Senate spot for Tasmania's Bob Brown, and have since replaced the Democrats as the sizeable third party.

But the dynamics changed in 2013, when a flurry of independents and minor parties barnstormed the chamber thanks in some part to the efforts of the "preference whisperer" Glenn Druery, and his alliance of minor parties. Though the Greens won a record 10 seats that year, power lay with an eclectic bunch comprising Motoring Enthusiast Ricky Muir, the "brick with eyes" Glenn Lazarus, Lambie, Zhenya "Dio" Wang, Day and Leyonhjelm.

To this day, former PM Tony Abbott blames this Senate "gridlock" for the difficulties he faced when in power. His solution? Constitutional reforms that would allow governments to bypass a hostile Senate by calling a joint sitting to pass legislation without going to a double dissolution election.

In reality, the changes to Senate voting procedures passed in 2016 were meant to address the issue. By eliminating group voting tickets and giving voters optional preferences above and below the line, they aimed to stop minor parties "gaming the system" by opaquely trading preferences themselves.

But the intent of that reform was not realised at the last election because the double dissolution halved the normal quota, making it twice as easy for candidates to win a seat. Hence One Nation's blockbuster showing and the class of 2013 clinging on.

With the largest income tax cuts in history passing the Senate this week, and fresh hope of a deal on corporate tax cuts with One Nation, there now seems to be no case for a sneaky half-Senate election this year, as some commentators had suggested.

That means a normal election and - notwithstanding the narrative of a shift away from major parties - a return to normal programming. The vast majority of independents are up for re-election in 2019.


"The crossbench will be half the size," the ABC's veteran election analyst Antony Green tells Fairfax Media. "Whoever wins the election will come out of it with a hugely improved Senate position. Both of the major parties are going to gain seats - whoever wins the election will probably gain more."

The rout will be felt in almost every state, Green says. In NSW, three crossbench spots are up for re-election - Leyonhjelm, Burston and the Greens, whose incumbent Lee Rhiannon will retire in August to make way for Mehreen Faruqi, to whom Rhiannon lost preselection.

Green says one of the three could get up, probably Faruqi. One Nation's chances "wouldn't be good", he says. "They’ve got to out-poll the third Coalition member."

Victoria is the one state where two crossbenchers have a good shot at re-election, in Green's view, those being the Greens' Janet Rice and the high-profile former broadcaster Derryn Hinch.

In Queensland, Anning is a lost cause, and the Greens and One Nation will likely battle it out for the last spot. Labor will struggle to hold all three seats in Tasmania, where Lambie is well-placed for a comeback. And in South Australia, both Centre Alliance senators are safe in their jobs until 2022, but newbie Storer will almost certainly be turfed, possibly for a third Xenophon-linked contender.

Green accepts there has been a decline in support for major parties, but says this has been assisted by the ballooning size of Senate ballot papers, often crowded out to tablecloth size. He also argues the popularity of small parties - other than the Greens - has been tied to big personalities.

But this type of appeal "has no long-term basis, as Nick Xenophon has discovered", says Green.

"What we know from the Senate system at the last federal election is that preferences flow to parties that people know. People gave preferences to One Nation because they knew who she [Hanson] was.

"Under the old ticket voting system, minor parties used to be able to stop preferences reaching the major parties. But when voters do the preferences themselves, they give their preferences to parties they’ve heard of. That favours the Liberals, Labor, the Greens, Pauline Hanson, maybe Derryn Hinch and Jacqui Lambie."

There are potentially some bigger lessons from the past five years of Senate antics. Economou makes two points: the fracturing of the vote has been almost entirely on the populist right-wing of politics, and the Senate has been the symptom of this rather than the cause.


Outside of Labor, the left-wing vote is "all consolidated under the Greens", Economou says. But the right has "amazing diversity", in both ideology and personality.

"The other characteristic of all of those right-of-centre minor parties is that they are as volatile as petrol and they rarely survive for a long time," he says.

"That propensity for implosion and disintegration is now playing itself out in the Senate, which gives the impression the Senate is the most dysfunctional chamber."

In fact, the Senate is functioning exactly as the founders intended - and as voters actually prefer. Electoral surveys confirm Australians generally don't want the Senate controlled by the party of government. That's precisely what architects of the old Senate voting system, including Andrew Inglis Clark and Catherine Helen Spence, tried to prevent when it was created at the turn of the 20th century.

"They didn’t want party people at all, they wanted individuals to get in to stop the hegemony of the major parties," Economou says. "The system is delivering what its designers wanted it to do."

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