

This was published 7 months ago

How do you punish a misbehaving MP? It’s up for debate

By Paul Sakkal and Olivia Ireland

A political fight is brewing over new rules to punish badly behaved MPs, more than two years after the then-Morrison government agreed to create a federal watchdog to police politicians’ behaviour.

The scope of the long-delayed Independent Parliamentary Standards Commission should be outlined in draft legislation due at the end of February, according to Minister for Women Katy Gallagher, but MPs across the political divide are split on whether the body should have the power to suspend or sanction politicians or just make recommendations to the parliament.

Minister for Women Katy Gallagher has been in talks with opposition and crossbench MPs in the Parliamentary Leadership Taskforce.

Minister for Women Katy Gallagher has been in talks with opposition and crossbench MPs in the Parliamentary Leadership Taskforce.Credit: Alex Ellinghausen

Finding agreement between the major parties on legislative details would prove tricky, Gallagher said in a Senate hearing this week, because of politicians’ sensitivities about setting up a powerful agency policing their actions.

“Because this is a politically charged environment, it is different from a lot of workplaces and I think people are naturally cautious about setting up systems where people can be brought before it and punished,” Gallagher said.

“I think people’s interest in it will be greater and potentially that makes it harder to land, in the absence of having a bill to negotiate over.”

Gallagher has been in talks with opposition and crossbench MPs in the Parliamentary Leadership Taskforce, which is supposed to implement the November 2021 recommendations by then-sex discrimination commissioner Kate Jenkins for reining in drunkenness, bullying and other bad behaviour in parliament.


Under the Constitution, MPs can be dismissed only by voters.

Greens senator Larissa Waters is pushing for the commission to have the power to directly order MPs to make apologies and undertake training. The Greens also want the watchdog to be able to recommend that the House of Representatives or Senate suspend an MP or withhold their salary.


Nationals MP Keith Pitt said Australia’s politicians were ultimately accountable to their constituents and voters were the people responsible for ruling on their behaviour.

“I’ll wait to see the details in the proposal before making comment but would be concerned about any proposal that may impact the way our democracy works under Australia’s Constitution,” he said.

Independent senator Lidia Thorpe, who alleged last year that she was sexually harassed by fellow senator David Van, wants the new commission “to be able to suspend pay and eject politicians from parliament when they do the wrong thing.


“People out there in the real world are sick of privileged, high-paid politicians acting with impunity and not taking their jobs seriously.”

Van, who now sits on the crossbench after he was expelled from the Liberal party room and resigned from the party, denies the allegations. He said at the time that Thorpe had made “unfounded and completely untrue allegations against me that I immediately and unequivocally denied and continue to deny”.

Opposition frontbencher Jane Hume, leading negotiations for the Coalition, said she was disappointed about the delays, noted the opposition had worked in good faith, and said she “would hope the government is working in good faith to avoid further delays”.

The commission, which was originally supposed to be up and running by the end of 2023, will not be active until October this year at the earliest.

Politicians’ behaviour generated headlines again this month when Nationals MP Barnaby Joyce blamed a mix of alcohol and prescription drugs after he was filmed lying on a Canberra street muttering obscenities into his phone after attending events at parliament on a sitting day.

Coalition leaders Peter Dutton and David Littleproud have encouraged Joyce to take some time out but it is not known if he will.

Highlighting “ongoing issues” with alcohol consumption in Canberra, teal MP Zali Steggall asked Anthony Albanese in question time on Thursday if MPs should be subjected to random drug and alcohol tests.


“It is not something that I have supported,” the prime minister replied.

“I would have thought that we are all responsible adults and we should act appropriately out of respect for the people who vote to put us here.”

The parliamentary taskforce is working on a new alcohol policy for Parliament House, which should be completed soon. Its annual report, published last week, said the aim was to create a safe working environment “while acknowledging different cultural views on alcohol consumption”.

Then-prime minister Scott Morrison asked Jenkins to investigate parliament’s culture in the days after former ministerial staffer Brittany Higgins went public with an allegation she was raped by colleague Bruce Lehrmann. The trial was aborted due to juror misconduct and the charge against Lehrmann was later dropped altogether owing to concerns about Higgins’ mental health. Lehrmann maintains his innocence.

While the commission has been delayed, a body called the Parliamentary Workplace Support Service has already been set up to look into complaints about MPs and staff in parliament.

Several matters have been referred to the body, including Thorpe’s allegations against Van and an accusation that Thorpe berated an Indigenous elder during a 2021 meeting at Parliament House. Thorpe has maintained that the meeting involved a “robust discussion” about Victoria’s treaty process.

The support service has not made any public comments or findings about any matter it has probed.

In the case of Van, no information has been released despite sources familiar with the investigation, speaking anonymously to detail the confidential process, confirming that the service told Van about witnesses’ detailed allegations in August.

In a report published last week, it was noted that the support service would next year begin reporting publicly on its work and parliamentarians’ non-compliance with rules.

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