This was published 4 years ago
How Australia navigated an economic jolt not seen for a century
In the second of an eight-part series, we examine Australia's economic response to the pandemic.
By Shane Wright and Matt Wade
Valent Lau says JobKeeper saved his family from distress but accepts it cannot go on forever.Credit: Louise Kennerley
As Australia's international borders closed against a deadly new viral enemy spreading overseas, the Reserve Bank noticed something decidedly odd.
Even as cafes and restaurants shuttered their doors and people stayed home, demand for cash was rising. Not just any cash. Banks needed record numbers of $50 and $100 notes as customers reacted to the pandemic by seeking out money to put under the mattress.
The RBA always holds a reserve of notes just in case there is a run on them. Now, it had to tap that reserve. Between the end of January and the end of November, the value of rarely seen $100 notes in circulation rose by 15 per cent. For $50 notes, the number stuffed away in jam tins soared by 23 per cent.
"The above-average growth in circulation reflected increased demand for high denomination banknotes in the months following the outbreak of the COVID-19 pandemic as heightened uncertainty appeared to increase precautionary demand," the bank noted in its sober fashion.
Ironically, Australians' newly acquired taste for large denomination banknotes had manifested even as spending by consumers collapsed and retailers refused to handle cash for fear it might carry the virus. It was just another sign of the way so much was being upended in 2020 by the coronavirus pandemic.
The Morrison government had begun the year aiming to proudly deliver the first federal budget surplus since 2007-08.
Even though the Reserve Bank had cut official interest rates to a record low of 0.75 per cent in late 2019, both it and the Treasury expected the Australian economy would continue its near 30-year run without recession.
Gross government debt would peak around $593 billion in 2022-23. Net debt was promised to be eradicated by the early 2030s.
The first jolt to these plans came with the Black Summer bushfires, which ignited blazes along much of the eastern seaboard, as well as in South Australia, Western Australia and the Northern Territory.
Just as firefighters were bringing the monster blazes to heel, news started trickling out of China about the mysterious new viral threat seeping around the globe.
Treasurer Josh Frydenberg had planned to deliver a Budget surplus. The pandemic put paid to that.Credit: Alex Ellinghausen
Treasurer Josh Frydenberg was first questioned about it on the ABC's Insiders program a day after the border closed to visitors from China on February 1. Pressed on the likely budgetary impact of this latest threat, the Treasurer hedged his bets.
"In terms of a surplus, you'll have to tune in on budget night," he said. Privately, the government believed the promised surplus was at risk, and that recession was possible though not (at this stage) inevitable.
Five weeks later, the nation's borders closed, and the first inkling of the economic devastation unleashed by the worst global pandemic in a century began to dawn on governments around the world.
The open, globally oriented economy upon which Australia had prided itself began to shut down whole industrial sectors. Over one frenetic three-week period unprecedented steps were taken to stave off economic calamity.
The rescue package
On March 12, Frydenberg unveiled a $17.6 billion emergency package including one-off payments to pensioners and others on welfare. That was dwarfed days later by a second $66 billion stimulus package, and then again on March 30 when the government unveiled its $130 billion JobKeeper wage subsidy program.
The Coalition – which once taunted Labor over its emergency spend during the global financial crisis – had just unleashed the biggest economic rescue package in history, and at lightning speed.
State and territory governments saw their finances torpedoed, while business owners watched their livelihoods destroyed. A massive shock was dealt to global financial markets and the Australian stock market shed 37 per cent of its value between February 20 and March 23.
On March 19, the Reserve Bank governor Philip Lowe sent in his own version of the cavalry.
As well as cutting official interest rates to a record low of 0.25 per cent, the RBA adopted "unconventional" monetary policies – pumping cash into the economy and suppressing market interest rates by purchasing government bonds. It also launched a $90 billion scheme to encourage bank lending to businesses on favourable terms.
In November it cut rates even further, to just 0.1 per cent, while announcing it would create $100 billion to buy federal and state government bonds to put downward pressure on long-term interest rates.
"2020 has been a year of great change and disruption," Dr Lowe said in November, in what might seem an understatement. "We are all talking about issues that few of us even contemplated at the start of the year."
After a special meeting in March of the RBA board, Lowe held a virtual press conference – the first time a Reserve Bank governor had ever fronted the nation's media to explain a decision.
Meanwhile, the banks were doing their own heavy lifting. The nation's commercial banks had by mid-July deferred $245 billion owed on 803,000 loans to individuals and businesses.
Controversially, the government allowed people to tap up to $20,000 from their superannuation accounts. More than $40 billion is likely to be withdrawn by at least 3.5 million people.
Still, even with this avalanche of support, the economic damage inflicted by the pandemic was staggering.
On May 14, the Bureau of Statistics released the April jobs report, unveiling the single largest collapse in the number of Australians in work on record. An estimated 600,000 jobs had vanished in 30 days. "This is a tough day for Australia," Prime Minister Scott Morrison said grimly. "A very tough day."
Almost four months later, in September, came the next economic hammer blow.
GDPCredit: Pallavi Singhal
In the years since 1991, as the rest of the world limped through the Asian financial crisis, the dotcom bust and the global financial crisis, Australia had been the sole developed nation to avoid two consecutive quarters of negative growth.
The pandemic would erase that record. After the economy contracted by 0.3 per cent through the first three months of the year, it shrank by another 7 per cent in the June quarter. All up, it was the biggest blow to the nation's economic welfare since 1931.
But the wheel was soon to turn again.
Turning the corner
Now, two and a half weeks out from Christmas, some economic sunshine is starting to return.
In the three months to September 30 the nation's economy exceeded expectations by achieving its biggest quarterly expansion since 1976, when Rocky was blitzing the nation's cinemas.
Responding to the easing of restrictions, consumers have opened their wallets and are spending on clothes, beers at the local pub and cafe, and restaurant meals, though hospitality sales remain lower than they were pre-pandemic. Regional tourism is hoping for a mini-boom over the coming holidays.
Melbourne fitness instructor Donna Sparx and Sydney photographer Valent Lau have been among the millions of Australian workers who made it through the worst months of this year courtesy of the federal government's JobKeeper scheme.
When first unveiled by Frydenberg and Morrison in late March, it dwarfed anything ever put in place by a peacetime government: $130 billion to underwrite the wages of staff employed by eligible firms hit by the pandemic, with payments of $1500 a fortnight.
JobKeeper saved Donna Sparx's fitness business.Credit: Darrian Taylor
The aim was to provide both ongoing financial support to many people who had never been unemployed while also maintaining a connection between them and employers who'd been forced to place businesses into semi-hibernation.
Sparx says the scheme saved her livelihood. "JobKeeper gave me the security to pivot the business into an online world, it set me up to keep it going in a different way," she says. Even with the impending cut in the rate, she's now in a "much better position" than she was at the end of March.
Lau, with two children and a mortgage, had no idea how he'd keep his family going when the work stopped coming in. JobKeeper was their lifeline, he says, calming fears the family would lose their house and allowing him time to work out how to get his business going again. He's now back to 60 per cent of his pre-COVID work levels, expecting that to rise by another 10 per cent by year's end.
"We know it can't go on forever, we're grateful for what it's done so far," he says.
(There were red faces in Treasury when it was revealed officials had over-estimated the cost of JobKeeper, and it was revised downwards to $70 billion. The budget now forecasts it will come in at $101.3 billion over two years to 2020-21.)
Australians have acquired what consultancy firm McKinsey refers to as "new shopping behaviours" during the crisis, and some it seems we intend to stick with. Online retail sales have increased by 80 per cent since the start of the year, triggering a boom in delivery services – the stand-out being home food delivery via phone apps. Online gambling has been another beneficiary of the pandemic.
We went looking for four-legged friends to share isolation. The price of puppies soared with some new designer breeds fetching north of $5000 for a pooch that pre-virus was worth $2500.
One very old shopping behaviour returned during the early stages of the pandemic - hoarding. Supermarkets rationed toilet paper, pasta and other essentials as demand spiked. Retail food sales jumped a record 24 per cent in March as the nation’s supermarket aisles became the scenes of pitched battles that under other circumstances might have seemed comical.
Another area where COVID had an unexpected impact was in the nation's used car saleyards. Moody's Analytics found wholesale second-hand car prices lifted 45 per cent between April and October as customers steered away from public transport and opted for a used set of wheels.
And while the government shovelled money out the door, it soon found much of it sitting unused in bank accounts across the land. By the June quarter, the household saving rate had climbed to beyond 22 per cent, its highest level on record.
Fearful of the virus and its impact on the jobs market, and unable to spend money on overseas trips or nights out on the town, people with the means to do so simply accumulated it in their accounts.
Household bank deposits swelled by $110 billion through the first 10 months of 2020, even against the backdrop of a record low wage growth, high unemployment and a collapse in the number of people in the workforce.
A senior bank official warns however that savers are going to be "screwed for years", with interest rates tumbling.
The economic repercussions of the coronavirus pandemic will persist for decades. Millions have been regularly working from home since the pandemic shut down large parts of the economy. Billions worth of economic activity has been slashed, especially in the central business districts of our big cities.
Sydney's George Street was almost empty in April 2020.Credit: Louise Kennerley
The pandemic will leave Australia with fewer people than expected. The population has grown at an average annual rate of 1.5 per cent during the past two decades providing a steady economic tailwind. Migration has swelled our cities by more than 200,000 people annually.
But in the six months between April and October, the country lost a net 16,000 residents to other parts of the globe. The nation's population is now forecast to grow at its slowest rate since the First World War, a slump likely to exact a toll across many industry sectors.
Budgets at the federal and state level have been pushed deep into the red by the coronavirus recession. Public debt has spiked. The federal budget, finally released on October 6, foresees a record deficit of $213.7 billion in 2020-21 with another $112 billion shortfall the following year. That's on top of an $85.3 billion deficit in 2019-20.
In dollar terms, these are the three largest deficits in history. For comparison, Ben Chifley was Treasurer during World War II when deficits last held this share of GDP.
All those deficits mean an explosion in federal debt, with gross debt expected to soar beyond $1.7 trillion by the early 2030s.
Frydenberg sums it up as "a heavy burden, but a necessary one, to responsibly deal with the greatest challenge of our time".
His next challenge may be to find a way to encourage Australians to spend some of the 421 million $100 notes sitting under beds or hidden in shoe boxes.
with Pallavi Singhal
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