This was published 2 years ago
Dutton commits to WA GST formula on first trip to Perth as opposition leader
Opposition leader Peter Dutton has reaffirmed the Liberal party’s commitment to the GST deal that has seen billions pour into Western Australia’s coffers at the same time iron ore royalties catapulted the state’s budget to two consecutive surpluses above $5 billion
Dutton travelled to Perth on Wednesday to hold his party’s first shadow cabinet meeting after the Liberals’ devastating election result in WA, where they lost four seats to Labor and a fifth to teal independent Kate Chaney.
Opposition Leader Peter Dutton in Perth on Wednesday.Credit: Hamish Hastie
Dutton said he wanted to visit WA to understand what happened and rebuild the party, and reaffirmed former prime minister Scott Morrison’s “forever” commitment to the GST formula.
A 70 cent floor was introduced to the formula in 2018 after WA’s share dropped to less than 30 cents for every dollar it put into the broader GST pool.
However, Dutton stopped short of saying he would ignore a Productivity Commission review of the formula scheduled for 2026 if it recommended alterations that could see WA’s share drop below 70 cents.
“We support the current arrangement for WA, I’m not going to change it, I’m not proposing a policy to change it,” he said.
“I believe that there’s an equity argument for WA.”
The comments were a firmer commitment than Prime Minister Anthony Albanese, who has promised not to touch the GST before the next election but would proceed with the Productivity Commission’s review.
Albanese’s government has already faced pressure from treasurers grappling with skyrocketing debt in New South Wales, Victoria and South Australia, who say the new formula was resulting in unfair outcomes.
What went wrong in WA?
Dutton conceded his party got it wrong when it came to the former Coalition government’s criticism of WA’s lockdowns, vaccine mandates and “perceived” connections to Clive Palmer during his hard border challenge in 2020.
Labor used the Palmer issue to turn WA voters against the Coalition and Morrison during the campaign.
The WA Liberal party is struggling financially and continues to grapple with the group of powerbrokers known as ‘The Clan’ after its historic election defeat in March last year.
Dutton also acknowledged the WA division had issues.
“I want the Liberal Party to be competitive here in WA for us by the time of the next federal election,” he said.
“It is absolutely essential that’s the case because we need to win back seats here in WA and I believe that we can do that.”
Dutton said he was meeting with state Liberal leader David Honey on Thursday, who he said was the right person to be leading the WA party at the moment.
Dutton also harbours no ill will towards Mark McGowan after the WA premier described him as “not that smart” and an “extremist” in the week after the federal election.
“That’s what they do and I don’t take anything personal on what he said,” Dutton said.
“I’m very happy to meet with him at any time.”
He revealed he sent the premier a message when his son was sick with COVID-19 in April but did not get a response.
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