

This was published 2 years ago


Australian politics has changed forever. It’s time for the Liberal Party to do the same

Election defeats, as unwelcome as they may be, are not all bad. Clear failure presents the cathartic opportunity to turn the ship around and lay the foundations for better days.

Rather like a business at the precipice, political parties have no alternative but to take a long hard look at themselves, warts and all.

Let’s acknowledge one undamaged plank in a badly shaken platform. The Liberal Party is the most successful party in Australian political history, having occupied the federal parliamentary treasury benches for 51 of the past 73 years, since 1949.

During the campaign many in the know opined that the 2022 election could see the most significant realignment in Australian politics since Federation. That has happened. The House of Representatives, for the first time ever, is populated by a crossbench numbering at least 15.


The political pie chart now has three roughly equal slices, rather than two, based on first preference votes. While the third slice of the pie chart has been a work-in-progress for decades, the Liberal Party was walloped in its heartland by an unprecedented third force of independent candidates, now known colloquially as the “teals”.

Chances are the third non-major party piece of the pie chart is here to stay, and may get bigger.

Former NSW premier Nick Greiner was fond of saying “the Liberal Party thinks reform is good for everything but itself”, which brings us to some very unpalatable home truths.

The most successful party of government in Australia is the same organisation that is crippled by factionalism and a moribund and steadily declining membership. Add to this a chronically parlous financial state, requiring private bailouts by well-off party luminaries over the years.


Factionalism, a mystery to just about everyone outside the political class, was the root cause for the vote-losing debacle surrounding the preselection of candidates in a swag of key marginal seats in NSW. Winnable electorates such as Bennelong, Eden Monaro, Hughes, Warringah and Parramatta were left without candidates until two minutes to midnight, while faction warlords argued through the courts and in Liberal Party backrooms.


Like many other organisations embarrassed by low membership, finding out how many members the Liberal Party has is pretty much impossible. By my calculations the answer is about 40,000. How many are financial members is unclear. That’s 40,000 members out of the 17.5 million Australians on the electoral roll. That’s a pathetic 0.23 per cent, barely recognisable on the political Richter scale.

The inescapable truth is the Liberal Party is not a mass-membership organisation. It should be and likes to pretend it is. Nowhere was that more apparent than during the recent six-week campaign in many of the now-teal seats, where Liberal Party workers were hopelessly outnumbered. Desperate SOS messages from frazzled party organisers were flying around to get volunteers out. Well-intentioned for sure, but too little too late. The horse had bolted, reflected in a sea of teal that dominated their strategically cherry-picked seats.

Feet on the ground for the ALP, the Greens and other left-leaning parties are augmented by trade unions and allied organisations – and GetUp. According to its website, GetUp has 1 million members – more than 20 times the size of the Liberal Party. Even if it’s half of that, it’s 10 times more than the combined membership of the Liberal Party in six states and two territories.

Let’s get this point out in the open. Factions and their leaders do not like members, other than the members they control. Try and suggest a membership drive to double the size of the Liberal Party. For all the worst reasons, that is viewed far more as a threat than an opportunity.


For those who say the Liberal Party was let down by the defeated Morrison government, the truth is more that the government was let down by the Liberal Party.

For the Liberal Party, four core KPIs stand out for which failure is not an option – a large membership, the orderly conduct of preselections, putting feet on the ground between and especially during election campaigns, and successful fundraising. In NSW, at least, the Liberal Party failed at all four. Anecdotal feedback from other states and territories tell a similar story. More importantly, so do the results.

Scott Morrison has rightly taken the rap for failure at the polls. That goes with the job. But he and the large number of candidates who were either defeated as sitting or aspiring members need to call out the abject organisational failure for which the Liberal Party machine is responsible.

The exciting news is there is a solution. But that can only follow a forensic post-mortem and a willingness on the part of factional players to focus on the party’s core roles and essential reforms. That’s a big call.

Australian politics has just changed forever. It’s now time for the Liberal Party to change forever.

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