

This was published 2 years ago


A major chance for renewal - if Labor can sell it

The Albanese government faces the biggest economic challenge of any incoming government since World War II.

This week’s World Bank warning of likely global stagflation ahead – that is, high inflation combined with low growth pushing up unemployment – confirms the Coalition couldn’t have left Australia debt-exposed and with an expensive, outdated energy platform at a worse time.

Trouble ahead.  The World Bank has warned of high inflation and low jobs growth globally.

Trouble ahead. The World Bank has warned of high inflation and low jobs growth globally.Credit: Paul Jeffers

Good thing then that Treasurer Jim Chalmers has been through a crisis before – the global financial crisis from 2008, as principal adviser to then treasurer Wayne Swan, the only economic minister in the industrialised world to steer their country through it without a recession.

Good thing too that Chalmers understands from his doctoral studies at the ANU before entering politics that policy options are limited by public and party room expectations.

To shift those expectations and expand the government’s scope for action, he’ll likely look to the Hawke government playbook – specifically the way previous Labor prime minister Bob Hawke and treasurer Paul Keating wove a powerful story legitimising big policy moves that would otherwise have been impossible.

It meshes with Prime Minister Anthony Albanese’s goal of running a Hawke-style government. And that’s crucial because this economic and energy crisis is a momentous opportunity for Labor to make a Hawke-Keating scale policy intervention for good.

The looming crisis is an opportunity for Labor to make a Hawke-Keating-scale policy intervention.

The looming crisis is an opportunity for Labor to make a Hawke-Keating-scale policy intervention.Credit: Fairfax

To do this the government has to find a way to communicate what it failed to in opposition, including during the election campaign: that renewable energy is cheaper.

Take that in: renewable energy is cheaper.


Cutting through to voters with this key fact would enable Labor to leverage major policy change off the price shock rolling through every nook and cranny of the nation, from the smallest studio flat to the biggest smelter, from the dinkiest motor scooter to jumbo jets.

But it will only work if their response is a big, strategic, quality one, done quickly enough and sold well enough for the government to escape a political bruising as voter pain looks for a place to land.

Cost-of-living pressures are being felt in every nook and cranny of the nation.

Cost-of-living pressures are being felt in every nook and cranny of the nation.Credit: Wayne Taylor

Tinkering with better market monitoring and other “embroidery on the policy fabric”, as Keating would say, won’t cut it with voters for long, if at all.

They’re over the Morrison government-style “junk policy” that got Australia into this mess in the first place. Voters will only put up with short-term tactical moves if convinced a real solution is ahead.

What to do?

Labor can pivot Australia from the climate wars to the cost-of-living wars, putting a massive drive for cheap homegrown renewable energy at its centre, position the switch to renewables as a core inflation-fighting measure, and re-establish its reputation as superior economic managers in the process.


But it’s going to take an overarching narrative that voters hear, feel and are moved by to do it, underpinned by decisive policy – something the government won’t manage without a conscious gear-change up in its approach.

Albanese would do well to look to the only city in Australia not feeling the energy pinch for his rhetorical centrepiece: Canberra, where electricity prices are not rising because of a decision in 2012 to shift to renewables.

EVs are so common in Canberra now that people joke Teslas are the new Toyotas, and if you’re lucky enough to own one, your car fuel costs aren’t going up either.


Albanese will save taxpayers a packet living at the cheap renewable energy-powered Lodge in Canberra instead of the harbourside Kirribilli holiday house favoured by his Coalition predecessors. He’ll be able to personally attest that life in a renewables-powered city is … cheaper!

The government could take the proven Canberra approach national to tremendous effect.

It rests on the “contract for difference” and “reverse auction” approach pioneered in 2008 by ACT Labor’s then energy minister Simon Corbell, recently taken up too by Victoria and NSW.

From 2008 onwards, the successive Stanhope, Gallagher and Barr Labor governments in the ACT steadily expanded the scheme which saw private renewable energy providers create large-scale capacity secured by government price assurances, providing a price floor and sharing price upsides.


An initial 40 per cent renewables target set in 2010 was lifted to 90 per cent in 2012 and 100 per cent in 2016. The ACT achieved the 100 per cent target in 2020. The entire country could have been insulated from electricity price shocks by now if state governments had followed the Canberra path at the same time.

Better late than never, the Albanese government could put the whole nation on the Canberra path with enormous economic, environmental, and for Labor, electoral benefits. What a federal-state policy achievement that would be.

Abolishing market distortions (including subsidies and tax expenditures) that the Coalition used to slow the transition to renewables is a necessary complement, as is fixing the lax vehicle emission standards for cars blocking the big shift to electric vehicles in Australia occurring in other industrialised economies.

Then there’s the Rewiring the Nation policy Labor took to the election, a massive network upgrade to speed and smooth the transition.


It’s hard to explain to voters how a better network leads to hip pocket benefits, and Labor failed to do so. As part of an overall suite of policies centred on clear messaging that “renewable energy is cheaper”, it might have better luck.

The government already has the nascent narrative in place: that the Coalition left Australia with a mountain of debt and expensive energy, making voters vulnerable to every passing international storm. The resources of government will make that message somewhat easier to get across.

But it’s going to take self-reflection about its failure in opposition, including during the election, to cut through with the crucial message that Labor is the party of cheap energy, to drive the search for a more impactful approach.

More of the same is not going to get it through this crisis and out the other end in a winning position at the 2025 election.

This is because demonstrating competence in government is the number one requirement for the Albanese government’s re-election, and how it handles the economic and energy crisis is going to shape perceptions of that.

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