

This was published 8 years ago

Foreign policy hypocrisy, a challenge for Malcolm Turnbull

If the Prime Minister wants to remain in power long-term, he will need to narrow the gap between foreign policy principles and practice.

By John Garnaut

When Malcolm Turnbull makes his debut on the global stage at the end of next week he'll discover that international strategy is one Abbott-era legacy he doesn't need to fix. He'll find that his government's leading strategists have been thinking harder than ever before about the values, rules and institutions that hold the world together, because they are under threat.

The emergence of Putin's Russia, Xi Jinping's China and Islamic State have led the mandarins in Canberra to rediscover Woodrow Wilson's 14-point blueprint for peace, and Karl Popper's Open Society and its Enemies, which were written in response to the military and totalitarian threats of the first and second world wars. Accordingly, Turnbull's briefing papers will be filled with liberal democratic principles which chime neatly with his own.

Turnbull's challenge, though, is not principle, but practice. He needs to reconcile the lofty strategic theory with the narrow, transactional and sometimes chauvinistic political motives that drove his predecessor's engagement with the neighbourhood.

As prime minister, Tony Abbott promoted liberal, democratic and internationalist principles in the farthest corners of the planet, but seemed to dispense with them entirely when closer to home. With the important exception of hedging against Chinese military risks, and the Defence white paper process, his government's foreign policy strategy was swamped by imperatives associated with "turning back the boats".

Prime Minister Malcolm Turnbull and Foreign Affairs Minister  Julie Bishop will promote Australia's underlying values and interests.

Prime Minister Malcolm Turnbull and Foreign Affairs Minister Julie Bishop will promote Australia's underlying values and interests.Credit: Andrew Meares

And so Turnbull finds himself defending the principles of an open society in the Middle East, with bombing sorties in Iraq and Syria, while his diplomats in the region are showering largesse on any venal politician who even hints that he will be willing to incarcerate refugees.

Conversely, the all-important relationship with Indonesia – the largest and most vibrant democracy in south-east Asia – has been put on ice, partly owing to Australia's insistence on unilaterally pushing back boatloads of refugees.

To be fair to Abbott, the Faustian habits that now define Australia's relations with Nauru, Papua New Guinea and elsewhere in the region were set before he became prime minister. A senior official tells me how he had warned Kevin Rudd, in 2013, that the Manus Island detention centre deal would eliminate Australian leverage over governance standards in PNG. "It was in the context of, 'there goes our ability to talk to PNG about how we're going to deal with corruption'," says the official.

As it's panned out, PNG's kleptocrats have fared even better than expected, enjoying Australian patronage while dismantling democratic institutions and looting their impoverished state.


The triumph of domestic politics over strategic principles in the Pacific, Indonesia, Malaysia, Cambodia, Sri Lanka and elsewhere probably explains why Canberra's foreign and defence policy chiefs have felt compelled to publicly articulate the values that underpin Australia's deeper national interests.

"Foreign policy is anchored in interests but it must also reflect values," said the secretary of the Department of Foreign Affairs, Peter Varghese, in a landmark speech delivered at the Lowy Institute during the dying days of Abbott's prime ministership.

Varghese, sometimes seen as Australia's strategist-in-chief, accepts that there will always be trade-offs. "But that balance should be about how best to be true to our core values rather than simply trading values for interests," he said.

In his world view, supporting liberal democratic, secular and multicultural values will reinforce the rules and institutions that underpin Australia's long-term economic and security interests. As he explained in his Lowy speech: "Australia's values are the values of an open society."

Foreign policy is anchored in interests but it must also reflect values.

Department of Foreign Affairs secretary Peter Varghese

"We believe that freedom is best advanced when we nurture an environment where ideas can flourish, where contending philosophies have to make their case in the marketplace of ideas and where those who govern are held accountable to the governed."

So the world leaders who introduce themselves to Turnbull at the G20 meeting in Istanbul, APEC in Manila and the East Asia Summit in Kuala Lumpur should find that the demise of Abbott has not changed Australia's underlying values and interests. The huge difference, though, is that the likes of Angela Merkel, Barack Obama and Joko "Jokowi" Widodo will see a prime minister who speaks to them with conviction.

And it's not only Turnbull. His entire national security team is now dominated by avowed small-l liberal lawyers.

Perhaps Foreign Minister Julie Bishop will now have room to give effect to her stated support for "an open liberal democracy committed to rule of law, committed to freedoms, and committed to international norms".

And the new Defence Minister, Marise Payne, has been prepared to suffer for her liberal principles. "We took the name `Liberal' because we were determined to be a progressive party," said Payne, in her maiden parliamentary speech, quoting Liberal Party founder Robert Menzies.

And then there is the Attorney-General, George Brandis, QC, who still describes himself as a "John Stuart Mill man", despite his ideological experimentations under Abbott.

Turnbull and his team of moderate liberal lawyers don't have to touch Australia's underlying international strategy, which is entirely consistent with their personal values. The problem they face is hypocrisy. If Turnbull is to be in power for the long haul, as he clearly intends, he needs to narrow the gap between foreign policy principles and practice.

John Garnaut is Fairfax Media's Asia-Pacific editor.

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