

This was published 7 years ago

Let cynics not trash Gladys Berejiklian as they did decent past premiers

By Tim Dick

Surely there is no better endorsement for Gladys Berejiklian to become premier of NSW today than having an old cranky windbag declare her unsuitable for the job.

If Alan Jones, the rude titan of talkback radio, declares he doesn't think much of Berejiklian, then bring her on.

No stopping her now.  Gladys Berejiklian.

No stopping her now. Gladys Berejiklian.Credit: James Brickwood

She's been the transport minister and treasurer for six years; Jones is a professional waffler, former rugby coach, and repeatedly failed as a political candidate. Yet here he still is dispensing his political demands, and much of the media falls for his endless confidence trick.

Who would you pick for your team: the scandal-free moderate Liberal member for Willoughby, or 2GB's angry overpaid shouter with a pad at the pricey end of Macquarie Street and whose influence bears little relationship to the size of his audience?

Alan Jones is one of a handful of angry men whose thought bubbles ought to be ignored rather than reported, but too much of the media can't resist giving him a platform far larger than his due.

So enough of him and to matters of substance. If expectations are right and Berejiklian becomes the premier, I hope she's been careful to understand what she's sought, and what she will lose in assuming the leadership.

She will lose any expectation of privacy. Any benefit of the doubt. Any hope that most people will listen to her arguments and, even if they disagree, not write her off as a corrupt stooge of whoever is the devil of the day. Fair or not, many will.

She might have a demonstrated history of ministerial competence, but that counts for little when on top of the political pile. Public judgment is swift, and it is increasingly harsh.

Mike Baird is a decent man, as is his predecessor, Barry O'Farrell. He is the kind of politician we need to attract more of, not less. He had a career before politics, and intent on staying only to achieve something, rather than hanging on for a long political ride.


But far too many made no distinction between opposing his decisions, and assuming the worst of possible motivations for making them. A common reaction to Baird's retirement was that he was going before something nasty came out. That there is zero evidence for such a suggestion – none, zilch – didn't stop the flow of people asserting it.

Baird stayed as MP for Manly far longer than most people remain in one job – 10 years in Parliament – and he gave a detailed and clear explanation for his departure. Yet it was met with unjustified cynicism, most visibly on social media.

He went into politics with entirely the right motivation, to make this state better. Whether you agree with his policies, surely those who do not enter politics for personal enrichment or ego enhancement are those we should desperately encourage to run. Who knows how many have been put off by his experience, but why would you run if your character is so cheaply and unjustifiably trashed?

This is not to say some politicians have made it easy to trust elected representatives. Too many bald-face lies, too many exaggerations and distortions, and a state only needs one Eddie Obeid and his misdeeds to put people off politicians for a generation. Even low-level rorting (relative to Obeid), like riding expenses beyond reasonable boundaries, feeds public cynicism.

And Berejiklian becomes leader at a time of extraordinary cynicism – astonishingly few of us trust government and politicians. Edelman, the PR giant, is the latest to measure it, finding a little over a third of Australians trusted the government last year according to polling released last week, down 8 percentage points on 2015.

Berejiklian, whose Armenian parents migrated to Australia, and who thanked Willoughby voters in her first speech for voting for her even though they could not pronounce her surname, first addressed this problem in Parliament 13 years ago.

"In a society increasingly cynical about the political process and organised institutions, I believe it is more imperative than ever to have a constant point of reference, a core set of ideals and guiding principles to rely on, an anchor when one's mettle is tested and tough decisions need to be made.

"For me, that anchor has been, and always will be, the tenets of modern liberalism. For me, the essence of liberalism is having the opportunity to pursue and achieve your life goals, irrespective of your background, and then give something back to society by ensuring that this opportunity is created for others."

It's a nice, hopeful thought, that principled decision-making can win public trust. It's a start, of course, but recent evidence suggests a good anchor isn't nearly enough to weather the storm of cynicism.

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