

This was published 16 years ago

Review: Personal Video Recorders

By Adam Turner

THIS is the year television finally gets personal in Australia. Just in time for the Beijing Olympics, a range of new personal video recorders is competing for pride of place in your lounge room - including the soon to be released TiVo recorder.

Such devices let you record two shows at once, watch the beginning of a show while you're still recording the end and even pause and rewind live TV. The notion of a TV schedule is set to go out the door as Australians begin to watch what they like, when they like.

While Americans have enjoyed the benefits of TiVo for a decade, Australian television networks have fought tooth and nail against personal video recorders (PVRs) because they allow users to avoid advertisements - not just by fast forwarding but by jumping forward - because PVRs store recordings on a computer hard drive rather than video tape.

One advantage of recording to hard drive is that you never need to scramble for a blank tape when you want to record a show. Another is that PVRs can play and record at the same time. For example the idea of watching the start of a movie while still recording the end is impossible using an old VCR, but it's straightforward for a PVR.

So is instantly jumping between points in a recording, which is why many PVRs let you skip 30 seconds into the future when you hit an ad break. But predictably, the networks aren't too keen on viewers skipping the ads. The commercial stations have already introduced tricks to ensure you can't escape advertising, such as scrolling ads across the bottom of the screen during the show. Product placement within shows is also on the rise and sports commentators are even forced to read out advertisements during live telecasts.


In the US, TiVo isn't controlled by the television networks but in Australia it will be released next week by the Seven Network.

Foxtel, which is part owned by the Packer family, which also owns a slice of the Nine Network, is also releasing the iQ2 PVR, which can record free-to-air and pay TV channels. Seven and Foxtel have taken the approach "if you can't beat them, join them and then cripple the features you don't like". Seven has disabled the ad-skipping on Australian TiVos and even entering the secret ad-skip code that works on US TiVos doesn't change that. Foxtel's iQ2 also lacks ad-skipping. Both PVRs still let you fast forward the ads as you would with an old VCR.

While a lot of emphasis is placed on ad-skipping, it's not a PVR's most important feature. The fact that it can check the program guide to automatically record your favourite shows is what puts the "personal" in personal video recorder.

Access to the program guide means a PVR knows when your favourite show moves to a new timeslot. A few PVRs, such as TiVo, can scan the TV guide and look for shows starring your favourite actors. The TiVo can even monitor your viewing habits and record other shows it thinks you might like.

Once again the Australian networks are controlling viewers by limiting the technology, this time by restricting access to the program guide.

PVRs have been available in Australia for many years, either as customised lounge room computers or as specialist off-the-shelf products from manufacturers such as Topfield and Beyonwiz. In the past few years big names such as Sony, Philips and LG have also released PVRs in Australia. All of these devices have been hobbled by not being able to access the program guide.

Almost all PVRs can extract an electronic program guide from the broadcast signal so they know what's on each channel in the coming week, but until this year the Australian networks refused to broadcast this information. A few third-party EPG providers sprang up, such as, offering online EPGs that can be downloaded to your PVR. IceTV works with computer-based PVRs and a few specialist brands such as Topfield and Beyonwiz, but not with PVRs from big name brands.

The television networks fear that access to an EPG will encourage people to use PVRs and thus skip ads, so rather than attack the large foreign PVR makers they attacked the tiny local EPG providers. The Nine Network has been dragging IceTV through the courts for several years, claiming the IceTV EPG breaches Nine's copyright over the program guide. IceTV defeated Nine, but Nine appealed and the case is still before the courts.

Late last year Australia's free-to-air networks struck a deal to include a full EPG in their broadcast signal. For the first few months the broadcast EPG was very hit and miss. It now offers a full week's data for the standard and high-definition channels, although PVR owners claim the networks are manipulating the data in order to disrupt their recorders. TiVo doesn't rely on this broadcast EPG data, instead it downloads its own custom EPG from the internet while Foxtel sends an EPG directly to the iQ2.

Of course, an EPG only tells you when a program is scheduled to start but the commercial networks have scant regard for their schedules during prime time. A PVR can't tell when a program actually begins unless the network embeds a signal in the broadcast, which Australia's networks refuse to do. As such, a good PVR needs to be very flexible when it comes to allowing a margin for error, starting recordings early and running over time. Of course, once recordings start to run over, the PVR needs an intelligent way to handle overlapping recordings as well as the ability to manage hard drive space to ensure there's always room for new shows.

It all sounds a bit complicated, but a good PVR does most of this behind the scenes.

A PVR without all these features will often miss the last few minutes of your favourite shows and sometimes fail to record them at all.

When the TiVo goes on sale next Tuesday it will be the most flexible PVR available in Australia with Foxtel's iQ2 running a close second.

Both PVRs let you record digital free-to-air television - standard and high definition - and the iQ2 is also compatible with Foxtel's new high-definition subscription channels (see reviews). Both let you program your PVR via the internet and next year TiVo will expand its internet features, working towards a movie download service to rival pay TV.

Traditional PVR makers such as Topfield and Beyonwiz have also risen to the challenge and both are releasing new high-definition PVRs in the next few months.

They offer improved features to closer match the advanced functions of TiVo, but also allow ad-skipping. They also offer wider media player features, such as playing files from your PC, which TiVo intends to charge extra for next year.

When combined with an IceTV subscription, the Beyonwiz and Topfield PVRs will have access to a full EPG, remote scheduling via the internet and eventually a movie download service.

The competition between PVRs is certainly hotting up as Australia's athletes prepare to go for gold in Beijing. The battle for your lounge room is about to get personal.

Rating: 4/5.5

TiVo is Australia's most flexible and user-friendly personal video recorder. Under the bonnet lie twin HD tuners and a 160GB hard drive, which holds about 25 hours of high-def content or 60 hours of standard-def - disappointing considering the price tag. TiVo requires a broadband internet connection to download an electronic program guide. It has an Ethernet port, while the $60 optional wi-fi adaptor lets you connect to your wireless network. You can schedule recordings to start up to 10 minutes early and run up to 180minutes over - and customise this for each recording. It also handles overlapping recordings in a highly intelligent way. You can create a "Season Pass" to regularly record your favourite shows, even when they change timeslot, plus WishLists to search for shows according to actor, director, category, keyword or title. To stop the small hard drive filling up, the TiVo lets you nominate how many episodes of a Season Pass to keep. Old recordings are automatically deleted as space is required, unless you mark them to be kept. The TiVo lets you give a thumbs up or down to programs, and then starts to record programs it thinks you will like (although your scheduled recordings take priority when it comes to storage space). Unfortunately, ad skipping is disabled but you can still fast-forward the ads at up to 30x. When you push play it jumps back a few seconds so you don't miss the start of the show. The TiVo's other key selling point is ease of use, it's the easiest to set-up and operate and is a great choice for the non-tech savvy. Advanced features such as streaming content from a PC or the web, or adding external storage, won't be available until next year and will cost extra.

Foxtel iQ2
Rating: 4/5
$10 a month plus $200 installation

Foxtel's iQ2 is the only Australian PVR fully compatible with free-to-air and pay TV. It has a 320GB hard drive holding about 30 hours of high-def content or 90 hours of standard. This features an impressive four TV tuners but you can only record two programs at once. Eventually you'll be able to record two whilst watching a third channel. Like TiVo, there's no ad skipping, only up to 30x fast-forward and rewind but, frustratingly, there's no skip back button for when you overshoot an ad break. The iQ2 now screens all the free-to-air SD and HD channels plus many radio stations, as well as EPG data for all networks, although those on satellite will need to wait until later this year for some features. There's no way to stream content from a PC, with the ethernet port disabled, although video from the web is touted for the future. The iQ2 lets you create a Series Link to regularly record your favourite shows, checking for schedule changes, and will delete old recordings unless they're marked. But you can only add an extra 10 minutes before and after every recording, which can't be edited on a per-recording basis. The overlap handling and storage management is also less flexible than TiVo. The lack of a progress bar during playback is annoying, with the onscreen display only revealing how many minutes you've watched. If you can afford a Foxtel subscription, it's certainly worth paying extra for the iQ2.

Beyonwiz DP-P2
Rating: 4/5

Beyonwiz's range of PVRs allow you to skip ads and offer other advanced features. The DP-P2 features two HD tuners and a 320GB hard drive holding about 30hours of high-definition content or 80 hours of standard definition. But you can easily add external storage and copy recordings to and from your PC. The DP-P2 can extract the EPG from the broadcast signal and is also IceTV-compatible, giving users the online scheduling features available for TiVo and iQ2. IceTV is also working towards video downloads. The DP-P2 lets you regularly record your favourite shows and there's a global setting adds up to 120 minutes before and after every recording, which can be edited on a per-recording basis. This PVR's greatest weakness is that recurring recordings are set for the same time each day or week, rather than checking the EPG to see if the show has moved. The workaround is to program your recurring recordings online using IceTV, which then checks for schedule changes and notifies the PVR. The other weakness is storage management. It won't delete old recordings to make space for new ones. These features will be added as part of a firmware update. The DP-P2 plays files from a memory card or USB stick, handling formats such as DivX, MPEG and MP3. It also streams content from the internet or a PC as well as other Beyonwiz PVRs. The DP-P2's other key feature is a pass-through that lets you pause and review live external sources such as pay TV.

The problem with electronic guides...

Frustrated Australian PVR owners are lobbying regulators to force the networks to provide a true electronic program guide (EPG) for everyone. An online petition and information campaign at was designed to force the Australian Communications and Media Authority to make the provision of accurate EPG data a licence condition for Australian networks.

Late last year, FreeTV Australia, the group representing free-to-air broadcasters, struck a deal to include an EPG in broadcast signals allowing personal video recorders (PVR) to work as designed. It would be available for free by any PVR, FreeTV Australia chief executive officer Julie Flynn said at the time.

That day, MsFlynn sent a confidential letter, obtained by The Age, to hardware makers saying that PVRs that allowed viewers to skip advertisements were "not authorised" to use the new broadcast EPG. FreeTV Australia refused to detail how the ban would be enforced as ad-skipping PVRs extract the new EPG from the broadcast signal.

Today, the broadcast EPG is still a "grossly sub-standard product", says Mike Hancock - founder of, one of Australia's largest online forums dedicated to the devices.

"The information is poorly formatted, often contains spelling errors and the naming conventions for shows change frequently.

"Some broadcasters appear to be manipulating the data in an attempt to disrupt the use of modern PVR equipment," says Mr Hancock, who is involved with myEPG. "We believe that enabling a free, unencumbered and open EPG must be a condition of being granted a free-to-air broadcast licence in Australia. Australian free-to-air TV broadcasters think the Australian public deserves so much less than the rest of the world."

Meanwhile, independent EPG provider IceTV is embroiled in a legal battle with Channel Nine and is being "stonewalled" by the other networks, says IceTV general manager Matt Kossatz.

"After contacting FreeTV Australia we have been told to contact the individual TV networks if we're seeking a licencing agreement but, despite our efforts, we are not receiving much communication in return," he says.

"We would like a licencing agreement in place and to be working with the TV networks to help improve the free-to-air offering for viewers. Unless you are TiVo or Foxtel, there certainly seems to be little information about the broadcast EPG or communication regarding what the future plans are."

EPG is a "great benefit" to Australian television viewers, says a FreeTV Australia spokeswoman.

"The free-to-air EPG makes it easier than ever for viewers to plan their freeTV viewing and never miss their favourite shows. Free TV understands the EPG is working well and is not aware of any widespread issues regarding the accuracy of the EPG data provided by broadcasters.

"While the data is provided free and unencrypted, broadcasters reserve all rights with respect to copyright and protection of intellectual property."

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