

This was published 1 year ago


Workplace laws are holding employees back on flexible work

More than 40 years ago, Dolly Parton, Jane Fonda and Lily Tomlin starred in what was at the time a radical feminist revenge hit, 9 to 5, about three women who turn the tables on their misogynist boss and discriminatory workplace. It’s now a hit musical touring Australia. Some of their revolutionary changes include equal pay, job sharing, and an office creche.

We may have come far since, but beyond holding your boss to ransom like Dolly and her comrades did, there is still no recourse in Australia if an employer refuses an employee’s request for flexible work. This gap in legal protection has become particularly pronounced as COVID has transformed the way we view working from home and workplace flexibility.

There is still no recourse in Australia if an employer refuses an employee’s request for flexible work.

There is still no recourse in Australia if an employer refuses an employee’s request for flexible work.Credit: Adobe

Forced by necessity during the pandemic, employers in some industries, particularly professional services, health and even education, realised work could be done remotely and without attendance in the office. Some workplaces were transformed overnight where entire workforces were moved home. It didn’t matter whether you wanted to work from home or not; by and large, you had no choice. It was a complete flip of the orthodoxy that had prevailed that workers wanting to work from home needed to make a special request.

Of course, some workers still had to attend work and indeed, many did so, putting their health at risk for others. However, large swathes of the workforce did dramatically change the way they worked.

Since 2009, there has been a right under the Fair Work Act to request flexible work arrangements. This isn’t only about working from home but that is certainly one of the most common requests. However not everyone can make such a request, only those with a particular need such as disability, age or carer’s responsibility. Employers can reject those requests on what is seen as reasonable business grounds. Those grounds are very broad including cost, capacity, practicality and efficiency or productivity.


If your employer doesn’t give you a written response to your request, you can go to the huge and costly exercise of taking them to court to get that written response. But if they do give you a written response and you want to challenge it you have no rights at all. It is an extraordinary shortcoming of the law. What use is there in being able to compel your employer to provide reasons if you can’t do anything about inadequate reasons?

There is clearly still a case for people to attend the workplace for many important reasons such as collegiality, team building, driving ideas and productivity. And, indeed, recent research has shown that attendance at the office can reduce mental illness through the build-up of “social capital”.

We are also clearly working very differently. People don’t want to commute as much, want to be able to spend more time with their families and want to be able to work hours in a less rigid and structured way.


Employers and employees are recognising we work differently, and we need the law to urgently catch up. 2009 was a long time ago and no one was envisaging a pandemic at that point. A basic and fundamental change that should be made would be giving employees a simple quicker path to the Fair Work Commission to challenge a refusal of a flexible work arrangement.


Similar to the anti-bullying regime, an employee could notify a dispute to the commission, and it would be required to deal with the dispute within 14 days. The first step would be a conciliation conference, enabling the parties to work out a solution with the assistance of a commissioner. A further change would be eliminating restrictions for employees seeking flexible work arrangements based on whether they fall into a particular category and instead creating broad criteria for what would be considered in a request.

For example, criteria could be reducing travel time, creating mental health and wellbeing, and of course all the current criteria, carer’s responsibilities, age, disability and domestic violence. There would still be a right of refusal on reasonable business grounds and some professions such as construction, essential services, health, aged care, transport and manufacturing are likely to have stronger business grounds. However, you wouldn’t expect the same for professional services and the public service.

But irrespective of the profession having a path to dispute a refusal clearly puts greater onus on employers to ensure they’ve properly thought through their decisions. Dolly showed us the way and if we want genuine flexible work rights, then as she said, it’s time we “do somethin’ that gives it meanin’.”

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