

This was published 2 years ago


Why I don’t want to see any more movies about Princess Diana

I’m not sure if you’ve noticed it, but there’s another Princess Diana movie out. It’s called Spencer, starring Kristen Stewart, who is tipped to score an Oscar nomination for her trouble. And that’s terrific, but I won’t be watching. I’m probably one of a handful of people (along with Camilla and Charles, I’m guessing) who’ve had a right royal gutful of movies about Diana.

It’s not the person I object to. It’s simply that Spencer marks the fifth narrative about the late royal in the last 15 years (that’s excluding the documentaries, of which there are legion, and the widely panned musical). On average, that’s one every three years.

Kristen Stewart as Princess Diana in Spencer.

Kristen Stewart as Princess Diana in Spencer.Credit: Pablo Larrain

In the last two decades we’ve had The Queen, starring Helen Mirren in 2006, about the monarch’s reactions to the princess’s death. Then, in 2013, we had Diana with Naomi Watts. This was followed by the British telemovie Diana and I. Then, we moved on to The Crown, with season four focused on Charles and Diana’s marriage, and the upcoming season five featuring a new, glam Diana after their divorce.

I understand the fascination – the history and the tragedy and the glamour. But these Diana narratives function almost like Marvel action movies regularly churned out for a certain audience: they are formulaic and dull, offering nothing in terms of suspense or intrigue because, sadly, we all know how it ends.

I don’t mean to sound flippant; I know this was one woman’s life – and tragic death – I’m talking about. I just can’t help thinking that it’s being exploited.

We’re living in a time where the actions of powerful institutions toward women (including the media), are being examined. Telling the truth about what happened to women, irrespective of their celebrity, is necessary and instructive.

Millennials have seen a similar story with Britney Spears.

Millennials have seen a similar story with Britney Spears. Credit: AP

But this particular story is not new. We hear it again and again and yet we don’t seem to want to change the part where we tear the woman down. The Baby Boomers experienced it with Marilyn Monroe – a woman who has been worshipped longer in death than she was alive. And Millennials have seen it with Britney Spears.

We are collectively addicted to this trajectory of a very young woman thrust into the limelight – a virgin (as Britney and Diana were) who is at first deemed stupid and tacky, then sexy and fashionable, then dangerous, then mad. These women only find exoneration in death, or, in Britney’s case, breakdown. “Oh come, let us all dab our eyes over the sad case of the destroyed woman we once tried to take down ourselves!”


We have a chance now to change the script. Meghan Markle, who has said she had to leave Buckingham Palace or lose her mental health, is alive and well. But a recent report by Bot Sentinel, a Twitter analytics service, outlines the details of a co-ordinated online campaign spreading racist, anti-Markle sentiment, including threats against Markle and her family. It’s clear the appetite to destroy her is strong.


Does nobody see the dark irony? This is her mother-in-law we’re using as a type of talisman for our collective catharsis; a woman who, apparently, doesn’t even get a break in death, while we continue to pour invective on Markle?

There’s something fundamentally wrong with a society that enjoys telling the same story about the demise of one woman, 25 years after her death. We’ve got plenty of other things to grieve over in 2022, let’s find some other story.

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