

This was published 2 years ago


Where you send your child to school means so much, yet maybe so little

I am aware of my substantial privilege in facing the kind of choices presented in this article. Many, many Australian families would be glad to have “problems” like these. That has been the subject of many previous and future articles. That said…

Finally, teetering on the far edge of my 30s, I gave in and had a baby. And wow, was I ever unready for the question that in short order arrived: Where To School It?

I never thought of myself as a person on the front foot with such a decision. Better things to think about, right?

So cute, yet so complicated.

So cute, yet so complicated. Credit: Emma Young

Yet I definitely want to be on the front foot regarding that most exciting of topics: my finances.

Before our rash last-minute decision to procreate my husband and I had a tidy financial plan enabling us to substantially retire by our mid-40s, me to pursue fiction writing full-time, him to be my housekeeper (might have forgot to tell him that part).

This is not thanks to us earning fistfuls of gold, but more about being frugal, saving and investing wisely with the aid of a good independent financial planner.

Baby Augie certainly threw off the Emperor’s groove lifestyle-wise but does not in himself pose problems for this financial plan in the short term.

Public hospital birth: free (bonus: wonderful memories of going home within four hours)
Upkeep: minimal (cloth nappies, free breast milk the first year, secondhand clothes and toys)
Daycare: roughly $30,000 total (ouch, but does not in itself derail the Plan)
Public primary school: free (and relatively uncontroversial as regards His Future).

What can significantly throw my plan out of whack?

Well, it is commonly accepted that where you send your child to high school can substantially influence their future path.


As someone who attended three different high schools myself I must concur. Schools differ enormously.

Seems even if your child is a toddler it’s time to either get their name down somewhere swanky or to hastily rejig your early retirement plan lest it go down the gurgler.

Next step: clarify some distinctly unappetising options.

  1. Pay up to $120,000-$150,000 for private school?
  2. Pay outlandish price to enter catchment area for one of the few decent public high schools sprinkled through the city (‘decent’ meaning league tables show them producing comparable academic results to the top private schools long-term) despite having no desire to move there?
  3. Send boy to local public school despite alarming stories about bullies, gangs etc?

Some people have strong and clear opinions and values.

Such as, “My child must go to a Catholic school because we are Catholic”.

Future scientist or future carefree lawnmower man: who can tell?

Future scientist or future carefree lawnmower man: who can tell? Credit: Emma Young

Or, “My child must go to Pinstripe Manor because his father and grandfather did / academic league tables matter, this is how we guarantee our son gets sparkling ATAR and becomes a doctor/dentist/pharmacist/lawyer/engineer / We earn plenty and this is a logical way to spend our money, I’m happy to drive him wherever, every morning, plus work til I’m 70 because I love my job, and love the thought of him being at that imposing, leafy school that “amplifies his true potential”.”

Or, “I hate private schools. Those little princes and princesses aren’t prepared for the real world in private schools, it’s weird dressing them up like miniature businesspeople, that “amplifies his unique potential” stuff makes me wanna puke and don’t even get me started about stuffing religion down their throats. Anyway, I can’t afford it.”

Both are valid viewpoints. Your values are yours. If either of these is you, the choice is easy. Realistically your kid will be fine either way.

But knowing your kid will likely be fine either way doesn’t really help when you’re on the fence and considering being the only one at playgroup/mother’s group/the gym/the dinner party contemplating sending your kid to Stonewall High.

I know he’ll be fine, you think, but what if he could have been exceptional? Worked out how to use kelp farms to both save the world from global warming and deliver a thumping good renewable energy economy? Is it selfish to want to care about my future too?

Hang on though, what about if I put that $50K, $60K or $100K into slowing down, being around more, helping with his homework, show him what life looks like when adults plan well and do something different? Isn’t it best for a child to have fulfilled parents with plenty of time to spend with him and no regrets? And shouldn’t we support the public school system?

(Then again, those league tables for Stonewall High sure are alarming…?)

I can’t be the only parent thinking, “I don’t love those bowler hats… but if it’s a really good school… if it’s got that guitar program… everyone else says Saint Stuffy’s is wonderful and it’s co-ed… there are plenty of cheaper schools if I want to drive him to X, Y, Z… but I mean, it’s the really expensive ones on the top of the table…”

Of course you’d make sacrifices and compromises if you knew it was truly best for your child to go to a good school, but are the “best schools” really all “good”?


Does going to a public school, or one low on the league table (generally the same thing in Western Australia) limit their prospects?

Or will a smart kid from a high socio-economic background do well wherever they go?

Can a better school make an average kid brighter? (Not that you or I would have a merely average one, of course).

Do you really pay a premium on house prices to move to the catchment for one of the golden few public schools? What is it, exactly, and how does it compare to school fees?

Why won’t the state government publish league tables any more as of this year, and how are you supposed to research the academic performance of individual schools? (spoiler alert… they don’t make it easy).

How do you frame and research your questions about a school’s non-academic attributes?

In my future columns I’ll explore some of these questions, for all those who want information other than chit-chat over coffee and attention-grabbing yet ultimately unhelpful headlines about Perth’s “best schools”.

Because we might need a lot of kids, and a lot of kelp farms, if we’re going to save the world.

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