

This was published 3 years ago

Woman infected in Perth quarantine was pregnant nurse from the UK

By Heather McNeill

The woman who contracted COVID-19 while in quarantine has been identified as a pregnant nurse from Wales.

Speaking from her room at the Mercure Hotel, Alison Rose told ABC Radio she had spent the past year avoiding the virus in the UK and helping administer the vaccine, only to contract it once in Australia.

The UK nurse spent a year in Wales and recently assisted in administering the vaccine.

The UK nurse spent a year in Wales and recently assisted in administering the vaccine. Credit: Getty Images

“It’s been rife over there and I’m a nurse so I’ve been very careful when I’ve been working,” she said.

“We self-isolated for three weeks before we left the UK, we pulled our daughter from school just to make sure.”

Ms Rose said it was a shock to learn on day 12 of their stay, April 16, she and her four-year-old daughter had contracted COVID-19.


“I’m breathless, coughing, just not feeling well, very fatigued,” she said.

“It’s really affected my asthma, I’m quite short of breath at times.

“I’m six months pregnant, it has been [a worry] but I’m reassured because the doctors checked my oxygen levels and I’m fine.”


Ms Rose and her daughter’s stay in the hotel room was extended to a month after they returned the positive results.

“It’s been upsetting but it is what it is, it’s happened and we’ve just got to get on with it, we just can’t wait to get out now,” Ms Rose said.

“I’d like to carry on doing the vaccines here.”

The Mercure Hotel in Perth.

The Mercure Hotel in Perth.

Ms Rose and her daughter contracted the virus from a couple isolating in a room across the corridor at the Mercure Hotel.

That husband and wife had entered quarantine on April 10, a week after Ms Rose arrived, after flying into Perth from India, which recorded a world record 314,835 daily cases of COVID-19 on Thursday.

Ventilation assessments of the Mercure Hotel revealed the 1970s-built venue was the highest risk of all 10 quarantine hotels in Perth.

A report dated April 8 found its corridors had no independent airflow, and instead took its oxygen supply from the adjoining rooms.

“Given the degree of positive pressure, leakage likely between rooms and corridor,” a summary read.

WA chief health officer Andy Robertson, on April 14, recommended the hotel no longer accommodate returning travellers and instead be repurposed to house seasonal workers from low-risk countries.

The hotel was due to be replaced by The Adnate in early May.


Australian Medical Association WA president Andrew Miller claimed the state government had failed in its duty of care.

“This is the opposite of quarantine, this is making somebody sick ... it’s unacceptable ... [the state government] has been negligent,” he said.

“They should be compensating these people not only for their potential physical problems from having caught COVID, but also for the mental anguish that goes along with that.

“They are also putting everybody else who they put into these substandard quarantine facilities in a position of mental anguish because you can imagine being locked in a room and not knowing whether you are being infected by the rooms around you.”

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