

This was published 1 year ago

Why WA is gearing up to chase hydrogen riches

By Peter Milne

Hydrogen, hydrogen, hydrogen, why all the fuss?

WA Premier Mark McGowan’s ministers, Australia’s biggest oil and gas company Woodside, and the nation’s richest hater of oil and gas companies – Andrew Forrest – all go on about it endlessly.

Sun, wind, space and iron ore as well - the hydrogen and green steel opportunities for WA are enormous.

Sun, wind, space and iron ore as well - the hydrogen and green steel opportunities for WA are enormous.Credit: Getty Images

So, why is such a disparate group getting excited about clean hydrogen when today it has negligible demand?

Hydrogen is a wonderful fuel because it gives off water, not climate-warming carbon dioxide, when used. The trouble is it is now made almost exclusively from coal or natural gas in a process with enormous carbon emissions.

All the excitement is about cleaner ways to make hydrogen.

The premium product is so-called “green” hydrogen, made by splitting water into hydrogen and oxygen using renewable energy.

The alternative is “blue” hydrogen: the current dirty method with extra equipment to capture and bury much but not all the carbon dioxide produced.

The lowest on the hierarchy, and not accepted by some as clean, is to use the current process and plant trees to offset the emissions, as Woodside plans to do in Kwinana. Offsets are losing favour as many schemes are not storing the emissions they claim, and there are concerns about their longevity.

So to make green hydrogen, the ingredients are vast sunny and windy areas, blue needs lots of gas and reservoirs to store CO2, and WA has all of these in abundance (although a shocking record in burying CO2 thanks to Chevron’s Gorgon project). Opportunity knocks.


Secure the space to shine and blow

This week the WA government moved to make it easier for green hydrogen projects – like the $54 billion BP-led Australian Renewable Energy Hub planned for 6500 square kilometres of land between Port Hedland and Broome – to secure the vast areas they need.


The key is a new form of land tenure before parliament called a diversification lease that allows a number of users – especially pastoral, mining and renewable energy – to share the same area. The government wants the different parties to negotiate a deal, but where they cannot agree it will step in.

Companies investigating a site for a green hydrogen project will be able to secure exclusive rights to an area of up to 12,000 square kilometres for up to four years, so they don’t waste millions of dollars and then lose the land to a rival.

While WA has many advantages for investors in green hydrogen, large projects need myriad environmental approvals and land access agreements to proceed, which can take many years.

To streamline the process, a 37-strong team called the “green berets” by Environment Minister Reece Whitby will help push hydrogen, battery metals and critical minerals projects through the system.

Changes to legislation to facilitate carbon storage will help blue hydrogen.

Who wants hydrogen?

Clean hydrogen, despite the hype, is not the main way to cut carbon pollution to minimise damage from climate change.

The best thing to do is increase efficiency, so less energy is needed – think roof batts, fridges with high energy ratings, public transport and industry using new processes.

The next step is to electrify everything – electric vehicles, induction cooktops and reverse-cycle airconditioning for heating as well as cooling – and generate that power from the wind and sun.

Then, and only then, does clean hydrogen have a chance to shine for applications that cannot be electrified, like long-distance shipping and aircraft and providing high heat for industry.

Clean hydrogen might rank number three on the climate to-do list, but when the aim is upending the globe’s energy system in a few decades, it is still a massive market to chase.

More clean hydrogen is required for non-energy uses: making fertilisers and other chemicals.

Yara is building a trial green hydrogen plant in the Pilbara to supply a small fraction of the hydrogen its ammonia plant needs with plans to scale it up later.


The Norwegian firm wants to sell the “green ammonia” to fuel ships and to be burnt with coal in power stations to lower their emissions.

To give local green hydrogen production an immediate market so technology can be tested and capability built, the WA government will mandate that one per cent of the power on the south-west grid comes from the clean fuel.

WA Hydrogen Minister Alannah MacTiernan likened the mandate to renewable energy targets that boosted the wind and solar industries when they were in their infancy.

The added cost will be about $64 million a year and the government is yet to decide whether to pass it on to large power buyers. Government-set tariffs shield households and small businesses.

Export or value add?

The West Australian economy is all about exporting commodities, but hydrogen does not fit that model. While WA is an ideal place to make hydrogen, the stuff is difficult to move.

Ammonia, a gas made by combining hydrogen and nitrogen, is easily compressed into a liquid, making it the most likely way to transport hydrogen in large quantities.

The alternative – to cool pure hydrogen to a liquid at negative 259 degrees, about 100 degrees colder than liquified natural gas – is likely to be insanely expensive.

Given the transport difficulties, the biggest hydrogen opportunity for WA is not exporting, but using it here.

In the Pilbara, where wind, sun and space coexist with iron ore, the interest is making steel with fewer emissions.

Korean steelmaker POSCO, a colossus with 67,000 employees, told the Australian Hydrogen Conference in Perth this week it wanted to use hydrogen to make high-quality pellets of iron called hot briquetted iron. If fed into electric-powered steel furnaces in Korea, coal would be completely removed from the steel-making process.

POSCO plans to invest an eye-watering $US40 billion ($60 billion) worth of hydrogen and “green steel” projects in Australia by 2040, according to The Korea Times.

It’s a dash for green cash

Unsurprisingly, the race is on to attract those billions of dollars and much more from other companies.


The US shot to the front earlier this year with the oddly named Inflation Reduction Act that will direct $US369 billion ($550 billion) to energy and climate change over the next 10 years, including tax credits for hydrogen production that are higher for lower emissions products.

BP vice president for hydrogen in Australia Lucy Nation said hydrogen investments in Australia would slow if there were no response to the US initiative.

Nation said the federal government’s efforts to reduce emissions could stimulate demand for clean hydrogen and called for action to ensure Australian projects had the equipment they needed, including solar and wind components, power transmission, and electrolysers that made green hydrogen.

“Australia’s response is crucial,” Nation said.

“We need to consider how we can build our own competitive supply chains rather than looking across the globe for them, where the rapid pace of the transition means everything will be in short supply.”

MacTiernan said the government wanted to replace WA’s fossil fuel industry with a green hydrogen industry.

“Given our natural advantages, we’ve got to make sure that we don’t fall behind what’s on offer,” she said.

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