This was published 3 years ago
WA uni mergers: collaborative or predatory and cynical? These are divergent paths
By Richard Robison and Garry Rodan
Not surprisingly, we are seeing yet another call for the amalgamation of public universities in Western Australia.
This time, amalgamation is seen as an easy institutional fix – a silver bullet – for complex problems. These include the decline of a major funding source in fee paying foreign students and growing job losses and unrest within the universities themselves.
The crucial question is whether mergers will enable WA’s universities to productively reinvent themselves or deflect them from addressing the deeper structural problems that have plagued the system for decades. Either is possible.
This most recent merger call comes from WA’s chief scientist, Professor Peter Klinken. He argues that amalgamations will open the door for universities to become more efficient and globally competitive, putting an end to pointless duplication and unproductive competition.
This will enable more cohesive and larger centres of excellence that will lure the best talent and students to WA and provide huge benefits for the state community.
There is no doubt that institutional changes that open the door for better collaboration and economies of scale within WA universities can offer important benefits for those universities.
But while Professor Klinken sees the prospect for a more powerful and ambitious university sector, amalgamations can also be used as a means for avoiding – in the short term, at least – harder decisions needed to revitalise a sector that is increasingly narrowly conceived and lacking ambition.
Amalgamations can be turned into a strategy for addressing funding pressures by shrinking the sector and retreating to the pre-Gough Whitlam era when universities were the preserve of the few.
In other words, amalgamation could end up as nothing more than an accounting exercise and a money saving project that reverses the social value of universities built up over the past decades.
If a merger is to effectively accept the challenge of establishing WA as an international centre for research and teaching, it must also face head on some of the problems that lie within the very structures and culture of the university sector in WA.
Chief among these problems are the systems of governance that have evolved over recent decades and the ideologies that sustain them.
An effective amalgamation must also address the growing influence and control now wielded by the managers and administrators within universities.
Not least is the contentious issue of the composition and contribution of university senates. They have increasingly reflected the ideas and agendas of private business and the conviction that universities must operate on the same principles as a private firm.
An effective amalgamation process would need to ensure the appointment of senates that can understand the central advantage of the university in terms of its ability to operate beyond the immediate and short-term dictates of the market to serve a larger public good.
In particular, the composition of strategically important senate sub-committees shaping budgets for teaching and research priorities need to reflect this.
An effective amalgamation must also address and make judgements on the growing influence and control now wielded by the managers and administrators within universities and their tendency to define the university in terms of their institutional interests.
It should proceed from decisions made about the value of top-down and process-driven governance, huge bureaucracies, exorbitant salaries, and a bonus culture built around KPIs devised by managers themselves.
It should also be built on clear ideas about where bureaucracy ends and where academics themselves make decisions about their own research and what they teach and how.
And we should be clear about exactly how amalgamation would attract high quality academic staff and students to WA and generate more research funding and better teaching.
While Professor Klinken stressed the potential contribution of institutional amalgamations, this is not the whole story.
More competition can be good. Having one large Law School or biology department is not necessarily better than two or even three where each have individual reputations and qualities.
Attracting quality also means that amalgamation must come with the promise of a work environment that attracts the best researchers and teachers and is responsive to a breadth of societal needs.
This is hardly likely where work practices are increasingly based on short-term, part-time and casual work, and where academics are effectively sub-contractors. Such circumstances do not promote long-term staff commitment and loyalty.
Finally, the process of any amalgamation will inevitably be caught in the question of whether there is any room for research or teaching that does not serve a defined market purpose. This may seem an abstract question, but it has concrete implications.
It is reflected in current federal government regulations about the relative funding of courses and departments, and arguments over the values of basic research versus research and teaching that is ‘shovel-ready’.
It goes to the heart of the current swathe of closures of courses and faculties, especially in the social sciences and humanities.
And it would be pointless to embrace amalgamation if it does not embody a rethinking of boundaries between creative and valuable collaboration with the private sector and relationships that are predatory and cynical.
This would mean serious scrutiny of outsourcing and the use of consultants, as well as the consequences and aims of the privatisation of teaching and research.
Deepening funding pressures make any solution to the problems of public universities difficult. And this is where the challenge goes beyond the universities themselves.
Ultimately, governments at all levels face the reality that providing public goods in education – as well as in health or transport and communications – cannot be done on the cheap.
Richard Robison is currently an Honorary Professor at The Asia Institute, The University of Melbourne and Garry Rodan an Honorary Professor in Political Science and International Studies at The University of Queensland. Both are former professors at Murdoch University.