

This was published 2 years ago

Footage of shooting released after police officer acquitted of Geraldton woman’s murder

By Heather McNeill

A WA Police officer who fatally shot a Geraldton woman while on duty has been found not guilty of murder.

The first class constable, whose name has been suppressed for legal reasons, was acquitted of murder by a Supreme Court jury on Friday after a three-week trial and three hours of deliberation.

The Yamitji woman, referred to as JC for cultural reasons, was killed after police were called to a street in the regional town of Geraldton, 415 kilometres north of Perth, responding to a welfare call from JC’s sister, who was concerned that she was walking down a street holding a knife and pair of scissors.

At the crux of the prosecution’s case against the police officer was CCTV footage from a nearby house which Director of Public Prosecutions Amanda Forrester SC alleged showed JC was standing still with the knife by her side, and was not a threat, when the officer fired his gun.

“[The footage proved] JC did not take a step or move towards the officer when he shot her,” she said.

“He cannot have believed what he did was necessary.”

Eight police officers were on the Petchell Street scene on September 2019, but only three were out of their vehicles.

The accused was one of the most junior officers at the scene and was the only one who drew his gun.

One of the officers who recognised the 29-year-old got out of his vehicle and was walking nearby her trying to talk her around. He noted she was agitated, grinding her teeth, and not responding.


A second officer was following JC on foot with his Taser drawn.

The acquitted man then jumped out of his car, drew his weapon and shouted repeated demands for JC to drop the knife. Within seconds, he shot her in the stomach.

Yamatji woman, JC. This photo has been published with the permission of her family.

Yamatji woman, JC. This photo has been published with the permission of her family.

He told the jury JC had turned and “squared off” to him in a “fighting stance” while she was around four metres away.

“She was going to attack me,” he said, wiping away tears and trying to compose himself.

“She raised the knife up and her body has come forward like she was going to lunge at me and I just shot her.

“She had the knife down by her waist and her knife has come up and I thought I was going to get stabbed – I thought she was going to stab me.”

The accused’s lawyer, Linda Black, successfully argued her client believed JC posed a lethal threat to himself and his colleagues.

“It is not the case the accused woke up that day and thought, ‘I hope I kill someone today’,” she said.

“Instead, he was the man brave enough to risk his own career, his own life by being the person on the frontline to pull a gun to protect his fellow officers.

“Police training requires a police officer to have a weapon higher than what the person has. You don’t bring a fist to a knife fight … you bring a gun to a knife fight.”


A post-mortem revealed JC had methamphetamine in her system. She had recently been released from jail and suffered complex mental health issues.

Outside court, family and supporters of JC said the verdict showed the government did not care about Indigenous people.

“You are showing us the government that you are, and the government you’re not,” JC’s sister Bernadette Clarke told media.

The police officer was the first to be charged with murder in WA in nearly a century.

The only other record found was 94 years ago, when the bodies of 20 Aboriginal people were found slaughtered and burned in WA’s Kimberley region.

The community was rocked when it became clear the ringleaders of the massacre were two police officers seeking payback over the death of a white pastoralist, who were then arrested and charged with murder.

After a police inquiry and royal commission into what became known as the 1926 Forrest River massacre, the two men walked free.

JC’s troubled life

JC’s short life was one marred by disadvantage, mental health challenges and drug abuse.

Her foster mother, Anne Jones, said she entered the foster care system at five months old before starting to drink alcohol at the tender age of seven.

She was suspected of having foetal alcohol spectrum disorder, but was never diagnosed, and had attempted suicide at 12 years old.

JC as a young child.

JC as a young child.

Days before her death, JC had been released from Bandyup Women’s Prison after serving jail time for stealing a mobile phone from a house and then setting fire to her cell because she thought “spirits” were inside.

With a rap sheet 22 pages long, including 13 convictions for criminal damage, JC was well known to local police.

During JC’s most recent sentencing in the Supreme Court of Western Australia in May 2018, Justice Lindy Jenkins remarked it would be a “disaster” for both JC and the community if she was released at the end of her sentence without being on parole or supervised.

Despite this, she was released by the Prisoners Review Board without parole or supervision at the completion of her sentence.


The 29-year-old’s tragic death has cast a damning spotlight on the lack of mental health services available for regional West Australians who are dealing with entrenched trauma and stirred Aboriginal community members to march in the streets, some holding black lives matter signs.

The port town of Geraldton is home to about 38,600 people, with Indigenous people making up around 10 per cent of the population.

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