

This was published 4 months ago

WA moves on anti-knife laws in wake of Sydney stabbings

By Michael Genovese

Western Australia is a step closer to anti-knife laws in the wake of the Bondi Junction attack and church stabbing in Western Sydney.

Attorney-General John Quigley has met with Queensland Police Minister Mark Ryan and the parents of Jack Beasley, a teenager fatally stabbed on the Gold Coast in 2019.

His death prompted legislation known as Jack’s Law, which gives Queensland police the power to use metal-detecting wands in entertainment precincts and around public transport.

Jack’s parents, Brett and Belinda Beasley, have been advocating for the legislation to be rolled out nationally and said in their view, Quigley seemed in favour of Jack’s Law.

“He liked it and, and I think he’s going to go for it. But it’s got to go through the [parliamentary] process,” Brett Beasley said.

“They were very keen. [The meeting] was very positive,” he said.

Jack, 17, was stabbed in the chest and back in a brawl at Surfers Paradise.

The legislation that followed has seen more than 50,000 people wanded and more than 400 weapons seized from across Queensland over 12 months. Those weapons included hunting knives, knuckle dusters and tomahawks.

WA’s version of Jack’s Law could extend further to allow metal detection inside shopping centres, an option Quigley was investigating in a submission being prepared for WA Premier Roger Cook.


Senior Queensland police officers attended the virtual meeting along with representatives for WA Police Minister Paul Papalia.

“The Cook government is considering every option available to keep Western Australians safe, including laws already in place in other parts of the country,” a government spokesperson said.

“WA Police and the Department of Justice are developing urgent advice for government about legislation to give police enhanced powers to remove knives from our streets.

“Any changes would need to be carefully considered and would take time to be implemented.” the spokesperson said.

WA Attorney-General John Quigley.

WA Attorney-General John Quigley.Credit: Philip Gostelow

In March, Cook reaffirmed his intention to explore anti-knife legislation following the stabbing death of 22-year-old Mauwa ‘Melanie’ Kizenga in Balga.

The Beasleys have urged the premiers of every state to enact the legislation.

“You shouldn’t have to lose a child, you shouldn’t have to lose a loved one,” Belinda said.

“This is working, and it’s keeping people safe.”

9News Perth

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