

This was published 3 years ago


WA Crown royal commission: No more blissful ignorance of corporate ‘Frankensteins’

By Dr Elise Bant

The Perth Casino Royal Commission kicks off today. Among other matters, the commissioners will inquire and report on the ‘suitability’ of Crown Resorts and its local subsidiaries to continue to hold a license for Crown Perth.

After a similar inquiry in NSW, Crown will be keen to show that it has addressed the scathing criticisms levelled at the group. It has shed many of its directors, and its new chief executive has pledged the corporation has changed its ways.

Corporate Frankensteins pose real challenges for the rule of law.

Corporate Frankensteins pose real challenges for the rule of law.

But what makes a corporation a ‘suitable person’? And how do we know when a corporation has ‘reformed’?

Corporations are very different creatures from you and me. They are artificial ‘legal persons,’ created by the law. All going well, corporations are immortal. They can stay awake (and trade, wheel and deal) 24 hours a day simultaneously across the globe.

They can split themselves into numerous subsidiaries or multiply into related companies, often to reduce or eliminate legal responsibilities such as tax. Using these advantages, modern corporations have developed wealth and power that, in some cases, rival nation states.

They have no natural mind, conscience or memories to guide their conduct, or a will to establish or rehabilitate their good character.

Such corporate Frankensteins pose real challenges for the rule of law and for inquiries like that of the royal commission.

For example, wrongdoing that would make Crown (or any other person) ‘unsuitable’ to hold a gambling licence would be conduct that is dishonest, unconscionable or predatory. This would include deliberately facilitating crime, such as money laundering. All reflect a highly blameworthy state of mind and, hence, character.

Put simply, minds matter when you are investigating the integrity of a person.


Commissioner Bergin described the failure to advise Packer of these matters as inexplicable but from another perspective, these so-called system errors look like an entirely familiar corporate strategy.

But where do we find the corporate mind? Traditionally, the law says that a corporation’s directing mind and will is found in its board of directors. What the directors know and intend, the company knows and intends. But here’s the problem. Modern corporations are often structured to create information silos, and to keep relevant knowledge below board level.

Knowledge about the corporation’s activities will often be dispersed through its lower-level employees (the corporation’s ‘arms and legs’) who carry out its activities. In a complex corporation like Crown, employees number in the thousands and employees may well have no idea of how their individual role contributes to what is, overall, unlawful conduct. They are just doing their job.

Crown Perth resort and casino in Burswood, Perth.

Crown Perth resort and casino in Burswood, Perth.Credit: Philip Gostelow

This diffusion of responsibility can ensure that a corporation’s board (and, through it, the company itself) remains blissfully ignorant of unlawful activities being carried out on its behalf.

In other words, while the corporation’s behaviour is shameful, its conscience is kept clean.

We may have already seen this play out in relation to Crown. One of NSW Commissioner Patricia Bergin’s most damning findings was that Crown actively facilitated money laundering, likely worth hundreds of millions of dollars, over many years. This was done through the accounts of two Crown subsidiaries; WA company Riverbank and its Melbourne counterpart, Southbank.

But Commissioner Bergin also concluded that Crown was not knowingly or intentionally involved. This reduced its level of blameworthiness.

Commissioner Bergin based this conclusion on the fact that low-level “cage staff” at Crown carried out an “aggregation process” of individually suspicious transactions occurring through Riverbank and Southbank accounts. Individual cage staff were no doubt honest and just doing their job.

Nonetheless, this aggregation process wholly and unavoidably undermined other Crown employees’ capacity to do their jobs of spotting money laundering activity. On top of this, key Crown officers failed to ask relevant questions, and read relevant documents, relating to the accounts that would have revealed the problem, and did not report available warning signs further up the chain.

Consistently, James Packer’s evidence was that, even though he was Crown chairman and director at the time, he was kept entirely in the dark. He knew nothing about even the existence of the companies, let alone banks’ warnings that the accounts showed signs of money laundering.

Commissioner Bergin described the failure to advise Packer of these matters as inexplicable but from another perspective, these so-called system errors look like an entirely familiar corporate strategy.

James Packer said he was kept entirely in the dark.

James Packer said he was kept entirely in the dark.Credit: Getty/Nick Moir

Does this mean that we can expect more of the same before the WA Royal Commission? Not necessarily. The law, slowly but surely, is coming to grips with corporate Frankensteins.

My research into corporate fraud, funded by the Australian Research Council, has identified a powerful new model of corporate responsibility emerging in Australia, called systems intentionality, which operates in addition to traditional approaches.

It may be a game-changer, turning excuses of systems errors on their head and making it far harder for corporations to whitewash their guilt.

On this approach, a corporation’s state of mind is manifested, or revealed, in the systems, policies and processes it applies. This idea is something we can all understand. Systems are inherently and obviously purposeful —they aim to produce some outcome — and a certain amount of knowledge is necessary to make a system work and so can be taken as read when the system is applied.

When I intend to make a cake, for example, I use a system (a recipe) designed for the purpose. And I must follow the recipe by using my knowledge of the required ingredients (flour, eggs and so on) and process (what is meant by beating eggs).

So too, the model of systems intentionality explains that corporations intend the systems they implement and know what is necessary for those systems to function. It is even possible to say that corporations must think and act through systems. Individual directors and employees come and go: what remains behind are the systems, policies and processes that dictate the behaviour of the next round of directors and employees.

Systems intentionality might not sound exciting or novel but its implications are profound, including for the Crown inquiry.

Judging by the Bergin report, the cage staff at Crown, for example, were carrying out a well-established data entry system that actively facilitated money laundering. They were individually honest cogs in a system that was inherently apt to break the law. This perspective may require an uncomfortable re-assessment of Crown’s organisational culpability in such cases.


While individual (or even all) directors might have been oblivious of the systems in play, that is not the key question for the royal commission. The inquiry cannot and must not stop with its human figureheads. The key question, after all, is whether the corporation is an “appropriate person”.

To answer that question, the royal commission must have a close look at Crown’s character as revealed through its day-to-day systems, policies and processes. It can readily assess whether Crown’s character has ‘reformed’ by examining whether it has engaged in real, systemic change.

Anything less by Crown is arguably just window-dressing.

Dr Elise Bant is a researcher and professor of commercial regulation at the UWA Law School. Her research is available here.

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