

This was published 1 year ago


This sickening insight shows just how much better Aishwarya deserved

It’s hard to describe the sickened, horrified feeling that washed over me while reading the coroner’s report into beautiful little Aishwarya Aswath’s death in the emergency department at our state’s premier children’s hospital.

A newsroom full of seasoned journalists reading this report – people used to shockingly bad news – exclaimed in disgust over and over as the failings of this prosperous state’s health system were today laid bare. We knew the system was understaffed and overwhelmed. But this?

Systems for nurses and doctors to share information not used, not working, or not understood by those meant to be relying on them. Doctors and nurses rushing between patients and pods without the time to actually talk to children and parents to complete holistic assessments.

Nurses forced to write information on their arm. Doctors without the time to record information at all. Oxygen assessment machines not working. Design failures in the new building meaning the triage nurse can’t even see a parent properly as they try to explain what’s wrong with their child. The physical design of the triage desk making a fast sepsis diagnosis incredibly difficult. A nurse expected to act simultaneously as security, and as assessor of our most sick and injured children.

It goes on. Decisions for medicines or assessments or moving of patients not followed through. Staff without the time to communicate with each other properly, assuming someone else has given the meds or checked on her again.

Whilst it may be the case that earlier treatment may not in the end have saved Aishwarya’s life, it was the only chance she had and it was missed.


And at the heart of this devastating debacle was Aishwarya and her parents. If I feel this sick over just reading about what they went through, I cannot fathom what it was like to be them.

Have you ever read a more heartbreaking line?

“Aishwarya’s parents can be seen on the CCTV footage trying to make eye contact with staff members as they walked by, but no one acknowledged them. They can also be seen reassuring and comforting Aishwarya, while looking increasingly worried as they talked to each other,” deputy coroner Sarah Linton wrote.


Imagine these two parents trying not to alarm their desperately ill child, all the while realising that help was not coming and she was getting worse by the minute.

For 3½ hours.

They begged for help, from nurses, from clerks, while their child lay on a bed feeling as though she was falling, barely able to speak, at times her head “lolling”.

The devastation of the family’s loss is clear.

The devastation of the family’s loss is clear. Credit: Marta Pascual Juanola

The staff who did come to check on her were often only afforded an excruciatingly short time to make an assessment, without all the relevant information available, before being required elsewhere. Handovers between staff were lacking or nonexistent. Someone else needed something else. Nobody had the entire picture, and therefore good decisions could not be made.

This is a system where a family is so fobbed off and the decision-making and follow-through so lacking that a father has to carry his own dying daughter to the beds where a doctor said she needed to be for escalated care. Nobody had acted on this direction as a priority.

Then the nurse taking over her care where a doctor said she needed to be was “not aware there was any other kind of urgency” and the panicking father gets told to “stay calm”.

To be clear, as Linton said, this is a resourcing issue. It’s a management issue. It’s clearly a systems issue.

Aishwarya may not have survived even if she got the level of care and consideration we all expect for our children. That we think we will rely on if we ever need to.

But she didn’t get it. And that is our state government’s fault.

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