

This was published 5 years ago

Social media 'undermining democracy', former WA premier warns

By Hamish Hastie

Former WA premier Geoff Gallop doesn’t like the term ‘fake news’, but warned it was undermining democracy and leading to a callous mob mentality.

Former West Australian Premier Geoff Gallop.

Former West Australian Premier Geoff Gallop.Credit: Quentin Jones

Speaking ahead of his appearance on the Fixing Truth panel at the Disrupted Festival of Ideas later this month Professor Gallop said new media was undermining democracy.

“In our type of democracy there is an expectation that we speak properly and we research what we say and we take into account the facts and we try to do the best with the evidence that's available to us,” he said.

“That's been undermined by the concept that anything goes. You can now say anything and not be in any sense shape or form be held to account for it.

“The spread of deliberately fake news is having an impact. I don't quite like using that expression but I'll use it, it can have impacts on elections and it’s undermining the whole concept of democracy, which is traditionally linked to science, evidence, considerations, care and reason and all those sorts of things.”

Professor Gallop said without science and reason, society turned into a mob. He said there were already mob-mentality signs emerging.

“If you have democracy without [science and reason] then you've got the mob, you haven't really got a proper system,” he said.

“We've now got elements of what we might call 'the mob' where there is just no care at all about what is said and what the implications might be.

“Hate speech and all of these sorts of things are now being facilitated in new media.”


When Professor Gallop left his role as premier in 2006, society was grappling with MySpace as the king of social media, but the landscape has since drastically changed.

Print, TV and radio media were the main focus of his advisors but now PR teams are active across most social media platforms.

Professor Gallop said it was incredible the amount of information modern politicians pumped out.

“I'm amazed what the politicians get out but I'm not sure whether the electorates are looking at that stuff,” he said.

He said accountability had increased but the risk of a political downfall was greater.


“There is more accountability in a way over your day to day thinking,” he said.

“In politics you need to be reflective as well as action oriented and if you're action oriented all the time and willing to pump out things and put out statements there is a risk that you will make a mistake.

“On one level, yes a lot more accountability, a lot more access to the population through the use of that media on the other hand, more risks associated with your role as a public figure.”

The free Disrupted Festival of Ideas will take place at the State Library of WA from July 27 to 28.

Keynote speakers joining Professor Gallop include Dr Karl Kruszelnicki, Leigh Sales, Professor Tracy Westerman and Bri Lee.

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