

This was published 2 years ago

Senior nurse says PCH still has no dedicated resuscitation teams

By Peter de Kruijff

Nurses are still being pulled away from the emergency department floor at Perth Children’s Hospital to be part of resuscitation teams for severely sick patients, putting strain on remaining staff, a senior nurse has told the coronial inquest into the death of seven-year-old Aishwarya Aswath.

Registered nurse Cathryn Davies was the afternoon shift coordinator on April 3 when the young girl came to the hospital and died from multi-organ failure due to sepsis.

She said the night Aishwarya died there was supposed to be 15 nurses rostered on, but they were reduced to 14 when one went home sick.

There were 200 presentations that day, with 96 coming in the afternoon.

Davies told the coroner’s court on day four of the hearings that there had been a ratio of nine patients to one nurse.

“It is insane, it is impossible, it’s meant to be a four to one ratio,” she said.

Perth Children’s Hospital nurse Cathryn Davies, centre, and her colleagues after giving evidence at the coronial inquest into the death of Aishwarya Aswath.

Perth Children’s Hospital nurse Cathryn Davies, centre, and her colleagues after giving evidence at the coronial inquest into the death of Aishwarya Aswath.Credit: Peter de Kruijff

Davies said there was never a four to one ratio at the PCH ED, however, with nurses often looking after five to six patients, and she remembered having to look after 11 by herself once.

Other states have a mandated four to one ratio requirement but not in WA.


The Australian Nursing Federation WA has previously campaigned for legislated nurse-to-patient ratios.

Davies said she did not recall asking for additional help from the hospital manager the night Aishwarya died but that whenever she usually did the answer would often be “no”.


The nurse of 12 years told the coroner’s court that state government claims the afternoon shift had seen an increase in nursing staff from 15 to 26 was not accurate.

Davies said the number on average was probably closer to 19 or 20 with many graduate nurses employed straight out of university coming into roles that previously would only ever be filled by experienced staff.

“When I started working in PCH, you had to work at least two years in a separate area before coming to ED,” she said.

The staffing problems extended to the lack of dedicated resuscitation teams, according to Davies.

Resuscitation teams at PCH have consisted of four doctors and four nurses who are activated when a patient needs extra care and could potentially be facing a life-threatening situation.

At the time of Aishwarya’s death there were designated nurses who had to jump on resuscitation teams and leave their other patients when activated, which could mean they were not free again for hours.

The introduction of a dedicated resuscitation team at the PCH ED was a recommendation by the Australian Nursing Federation WA in a 10-point plan provided to the Child and Adolescent Health Service just days after Aishwarya’s death.

CAHS approved last August for additional nursing resources to have a dedicated resuscitation team on every shift, but it would take 12 weeks of recruitment.

One year on from the approval for recruitment and Davies said “hand on heart” there was no dedicated resuscitation team in her department.


“I think we’re one of the only tertiary hospitals in Australia that doesn’t have one and it’s ridiculous,” she said.

“Not much has changed to be honest. We are still extremely busy and we are not covered enough and if [resuscitations] come in we are in trouble.”

She said there had been an occasion she was the shift coordinator and if there had been the need for a resuscitation team the staff would have embarrassingly needed to come from different departments at the hospital other than ED.

This was because there were not enough of the staff with the right experience to be part of a resuscitation team in the ED at the time.

“ED shouldn’t be calling code blue, we are code blue,” Davies said.

Australian Nursing Federation WA secretary Janet Reah said outside court the inquest evidence from nurses on Monday had been damning.

“They’ve told us not much has changed, they still don’t have a dedicated resuscitation team in a tertiary children’s hospital ED which quite frankly as they have stated is embarrassing,” she said.

“As an ED nurse myself I cannot believe some of the evidence I am hearing, it is absolutely appalling.

“Nothing has changed, this is going to happen again. They are warning us again. We need to change something now.”

ED nurse Sarah Hanbury also gave evidence on Monday and said while patient loads had been reduced for nurses there was still more work to be done.

She said the Child and Adolescent Health Service had been making efforts to rectify the situation but not in the timeline needed.

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