This was published 1 year ago
Satterley’s contentious Perth Hills estate plan quashed – again
The state’s peak planning body has rejected developer Nigel Satterley’s trouble-plagued 1000-lot Perth Hills housing estate proposal for a second time, backing a recommendation to knock it back over its bushfire risk.
Satterley’s property empire has been pursuing the development of the sprawling suburban-style town site — earmarked for 535 hectares of land in Stoneville owned by the Perth Anglican Diocese — for three decades.
But that pursuit was brought to a halt when the Western Australian Planning Commission voted to refuse a fresh iteration of the plan during a meeting on Thursday afternoon.
The outcome of that meeting was not made public until Friday.
In a statement, the commission confirmed the decision was based on the plan’s inability to adequately demonstrate the threat of bushfire risk, including safe evacuation, as well as the true impact of traffic on the road network.
The commission had heard some 21 deputations ahead of the meeting to reconsider the plan, including from Satterley Property Group, the Shire of Mundaring, residents and community groups.
The millionaire property mogul has been trying to build the town north of Mundaring to house 2800 people, three schools and a 193-hectare conservation area, touting its economic and social benefits.
But the proposal has come up against relentless opposition from the community, which has long held that the site is inappropriate for large-scale suburban development and spearheaded a campaign to ‘Save Perth Hills’.
And their stance has been backed by state agencies and two local governments, with both the departments of planning and fire and emergency services knocking it back twice and the councils of Mundaring and Swan vocalising their opposition.
The concerns underpinning that opposition were cemented in a 1200-page report by the state’s planning department last month, which concluded the plan had not demonstrated it could properly mitigate the threat of a bushfire.
Satterley Property Group said a simulation of both the 2014 Parkerville and 2021 Wooroloo bushfires found a safe evacuation could be facilitated based on the staged development plan and planned road network upgrades.
But while the changes proposed addressed some of the commission’s concerns, the report found it still fell short of providing adequate technical traffic impact and bushfire data.
It also flagged inconsistencies and discrepancies in technical information throughout the supplied documents.
The fresh iteration of the proposal was the culmination of a three-year battle between Satterley and the state’s planning department, which he had dragged through an appeal and nine rounds of peace talks in the State Administrative Tribunal.
The mediation came to a close in November 2022, when the developer revealed it was working on a fresh proposal and would ask the commission to reconsider its decision.
But the new design failed to allay the concerns of residents, with almost 95 per cent of 2500 submissions opposing the plan when it was released for public comment.
A directions hearing for the review process is expected to be held in February 2024.
Satterley Property Group declined to comment.
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