

This was published 4 years ago

Rio Tinto knew of 46,000-year-old Pilbara site's significance 'as recently as March', traditional owners say

By Cameron Myles

Rio Tinto knew of the “high significance” of rock shelters in Juukan Gorge in Western Australia’s Pilbara as recently as March, months before they were blown up to make way for a mine expansion last Sunday, the region’s traditional owners say.

And in an even crueller blow, the Puutu Kunti Kurrama and Pinikura Aboriginal Corporation claim they only learned of the miner’s plans to blast the sites earlier in May, when they were making their own plans to access them for NAIDOC Week celebrations.

The view looking north over the Juukan rock shelters in 2013.

The view looking north over the Juukan rock shelters in 2013. Credit: PKKP

The blast destroyed an Aboriginal heritage site which had shown evidence of human occupation stretching back more than 46,000 years and has prompted calls for an urgent review into state and federal heritage-protection laws.

Federal Indigenous Affairs Minister Ken Wyatt said WA’s Aboriginal Heritage Act had “failed”, while WA's Aboriginal Affairs Minister Ben Wyatt said new laws were being developed to remove a section of the Act which paved the way for companies to get ministerial consent to destroy or alter heritage sites.

Environment Minister Stephen Dawson revealed in WA Parliament a week before news of the blast emerged that there had been 463 approvals granted on mining leases since mid-2010. None had been denied.


The caves were the only inland site in Australia to show evidence of continual human occupation through the last Ice Age. But Juukan Gorge also sat on the site of Rio Tinto’s Brockman 4 iron ore mine and the miner had deemed the caves too close to the ore body to avoid.

Rio Tinto, which has never contested the significance of the site, has consistently maintained it secured all legal approvals and ministerial consent – as well as that of the PKKP traditional owners – despite an archaeological dig in 2014 turning up finds which showed the site was much more significant than previously thought.

This included a 28,000-year-old tool made from bone and a piece of a 4000-year-old plaited hair belt which was linked via DNA to today’s PKKP traditional owners.


The PKKP had applied to visit the sites and negotiate to stop the blast or limit the damage but said they were told explosives had already been laid and it was impossible to remove them. Rio Tinto claimed it was unaware the traditional owners did not want the blasting to proceed.


Rio Tinto iron ire chief executive Chris Salisbury said the company was sorry for the distress caused.

"Our relationship with the PKKP matters a lot to Rio Tinto, having worked together for many years. We have operated on PKKP country under a comprehensive and mutually agreed Participation Agreement since 2011," he said on Sunday.

“At Juukan, in partnership with the PKKP, we followed a heritage approval process for more than 10 years. In 2014 we performed a large-scale exercise in the Juukan area to preserve significant cultural heritage artefacts, recovering approximately 7000 objects.

“We will continue to work with the PKKP to learn from what has taken place and strengthen our partnership. As a matter of urgency, we are reviewing the plans of all other sites in the Juukan Gorge area.

“From a broader perspective, as we already work within all existing frameworks, we will launch a comprehensive review of our heritage approach, engaging Traditional Owners to help identify, understand and recommend ways to improve the process.

“Three decades ago we were the first mining company to recognise native title. Today we also recognise that a review is needed in relation to the management of heritage in Western Australia more broadly, and we will advocate where relevant for legislative reform."

Puutu Kunti Kurrama spokesman Burchell Hayes said the PKKPAC had relayed the significance of the gorge and rock shelters to Rio “on numerous occasions since 2013”.

“This information was made clear in an independent ethnographic report in 2013, a report by Scarp Archaeology in 2015 and a documentary commissioned by the Yamatji Marlpa Aboriginal Corporation for PKKPAC (and funded and currently in possession of Rio Tinto) in 2015, in which traditional owners were interviewed at the gorge about its significance,” he said.

“On October 28, 2019, during a site visit to Purlykuti, PKKPAC culture and heritage manager Dr Heather Builth told Rio Tinto Brockman 4 mine operations manager Brad Webb of the significance of the rock shelters.

“In that conversation Mr Webb advised Dr Builth that there were no plans to extend the mine and Rio Tinto had been monitoring Juukan Gorge for vibration effects of local blasting.”

Mr Hayes said the significance of the site was again relayed to Rio Tinto as recently as March this year, and the corporation only found out about the intention to blast “by default” on May 15 when it was making plans to access the sites for NAIDOC Week in July.

“At all times the PKKPAC has been direct and explicit in the archaeological and ethnographic significance of these rock shelters and the importance that they be preserved,” he said.

“For Rio Tinto to suggest otherwise is incorrect.

“We believe Rio Tinto’s outrageous statement is a bid to minimise the adverse public reaction and community outrage about Sunday’s blast at Juukan Gorge; and the distress and upset caused to the Puutu Kunti Kurrama people.”

Rio Tinto has been contacted for comment.

With Emma Young, Nick Toscano and Hamish Hastie

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