

This was published 2 years ago

Nine-month snapper, dhufish ban for WA waters ‘doesn’t go far enough’

By Peter de Kruijff

Seasonal fishing bans are a “half-arsed” response to halting the decline of species like snapper and dhufish in Western Australia, according to one of the nation’s leading marine scientists.

University of WA Marine Futures Lab director Professor Jessica Meeuwig said a better response would be to increase permanent no-take zones around the state.

Dhufish are key target species for recreational anglers in WA and are endemic to the state.

Dhufish are key target species for recreational anglers in WA and are endemic to the state.Credit: David Allan-Petale

The recreational fishing sector has been livid over a state government proposal put forward last week that could see anglers prevented from targeting demersal species – fish that feed on the bottom of the ocean – for nine months of the year instead of the current two-month ban in force between Kalbarri and Augusta.

Meeuwig said seasonal closures did not work, and she wanted to see 30 per cent of the Australian coastline protected from fishing, mining and oil and gas projects.

The target is in line with an international campaign seeking for 30 per cent of the world’s oceans to receive a high level of protection by 2030, but has seen strong opposition from the commercial fishing sector which believes such measures would erode the industry.

Both the recreational and commercial fishing sectors have been wary of no-take or “sanctuary” zones that would lock them out.

About 9 per cent of Commonwealth waters, and 9.6 per cent of waters controlled by the states and territories, are currently protected as no-fishing zones in Australia.

Meeuwig said the WA government’s announcement it wanted to halve the annual total take of demersal fish in the west coast bioregion to 375 tonnes, which comes halfway through a stock recovery plan from 2010, was recognition previous efforts to recover species had failed.


“Scientific evidence confirms that seasonal closures don’t work, all it means is people fish hard before the closure comes in and have awesome fishing once the area is open again,” she said.


“There is a broader question on how do we manage our oceans and an answer to that broader question is we need to stop faffing about with bag limits and partial closures and actually put in full protection where there are refuges for these animals throughout the south-west.

“It’s through that protection that you will end up with thriving populations of these animals that are then available to commercial and recreational fishers.

“But at the moment all we’re doing is driving them into the ground with our half-arsed protection.”

Strengthening marine park protections instead of bringing in seasonal bans and bag limits would be of more benefit, according to Meeuwig.

“Thriving populations will spill over [from marine parks] into the areas that remain open to fishing and support recreational activities,” she said.

“Currently 91 per cent of WA waters are open to fishing. That’s not about balance and it’s not doing these animals any favours.

“Some of these animals like dhufish are only found in south-western Australia; when they’re gone, they’re gone.”

WA Fishing Industry Council chief executive Darryl Hockey wrote earlier this year that calling for 30 per cent of ocean waters to be locked away would destroy livelihoods of fishers.

He has been critical of suggestions for 30 per cent sanctuary zones in the proposed Great Southern Marine Park from Bremer Bay to the South Australian border.


“Already 82 per cent of shark landings in WA occur at the port of Esperance with much of the rest into Albany,” Hockey wrote.

“So the fish and chip shop owners across the state who are based on shark – and importantly their loyal customers – are going to cop the impacts of the south coast marine park right between the eyes unless common sense prevails.

“It’s critically important that society realises that the continued supply of fresh local fish is under threat from the cumulative impacts of industrial developments as well as marine park sanctuary zones.”

Both recreational and commercial fishing peak bodies felt the groups had not been properly consulted over recent marine park designations like the Buccaneer Archipelago in the Kimberley.

Fishing is still allowed in 60 per cent of the marine park but Recfishwest says this was misleading and 95 per cent of the best fishing areas had been blocked.

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