

This was published 3 months ago

‘Floreat murders were domestic violence’: Minister at odds with police

By Jesinta Burton

WA Environment Minister Reece Whitby has revealed he is at odds with WA Police over its decision not to classify the murder of a Floreat mother and daughter by an armed man looking for his ex-wife as a domestic violence incident.

Jennifer Petelczyc, 59, and her 18-year-old daughter Gretl were fatally shot on Friday afternoon by Mark Bombara, who attended their house armed with guns about 4.20pm.

It is understood the 63-year-old arrived at the home after learning his former partner had been seeking refuge with her close friend Jennifer amid the breakdown of their marriage.

Jennifer Petelczyc, 59, and her youngest daughter Gretl, 18.

Jennifer Petelczyc, 59, and her youngest daughter Gretl, 18.

When the 63-year-old realised his ex wasn’t at the address, Bombara turned the firearm on Jennifer and Gretl, before fatally shooting himself.

Authorities told the press the incident was not being treated as a family violence matter as there was no family relationship between the man and the two women, a position WA Police reaffirmed in responding to enquiries from this masthead.

While declining to be drawn further on whether police should reassess their position, Whitby insisted the incident was an act of domestic violence.

“It is [domestic violence]… everyone knows what happened here,” he said.

“A man believed that he had a right to harm and threaten women, and it was related to domestic violence — it’s an outrage.”

Whitby’s comments placed him in alignment with Liberal leader Libby Mettam, who said it was hard to understand how the incident hadn’t been classed as domestic violence.


That position has been adopted by advocacy groups, who have taken to social media to include the pair in the national tally of women who had lost their lives to domestic violence this year.

Mark Bombara.

Mark Bombara.Credit: 9 News Perth

It comes just hours after WA Premier Roger Cook conceded his government may consider a further tightening of the state’s gun laws after the two women were killed in an incident he described as “senseless” and “chilling”.

Despite being known to police for non-violence related issues, Bombara was licensed to own the guns used in the crime.

It is understood the Bombara family are property developers who held large parcels of land, including farming properties.

Cook told 6PR the state government would heed the advice of police investigating the incident and would seriously consider further changes to the new gun laws if deemed necessary.

The state has embarked on a $64 million buyback scheme to support the historic legislative overhaul, which will make it harder to obtain a firearm licence, limit the number that any one owner can hold, tighten storage requirements and mandate health check-ins for license holders.

Farmers and gun club members will be restricted to 10 firearms while recreational shooters will only be able to own five.

Cook said more than 11,000 guns had been handed over to police as part of the scheme, more than half of which had originated from the metropolitan area.

The laws are yet to pass parliament, having been subject to scrutiny by the state opposition and gun lobby groups.

Earlier this month, a petition opposing the new laws became the largest of its kind to enter WA parliament.

But Cook vowed to do what he could to expedite the laws and make the necessary changes to ensure community safety.

“We need to reflect on this incident, and we will await the advice of police,” he said.

“If [police] recommend laws that will make us safer, then [the state government] will consider that seriously.”

Premier Roger Cook.

Premier Roger Cook.Credit: Alex Ellinghausen

Whitby echoed those sentiments.

“You look at that picture of Jennifer and Gretl and you tell me we don’t need gun reform in Western Australia,” he said.

“I think West Australians have a right to be outraged and incredibly angry over what this person did.

“No man, if you could call him that, has a right to threaten or harm women or children.

“This is just unacceptable… it was an outrageous, horrible crime.”

Cook described the incident as “horrific” and said he stood in “absolute condemnation” of the violence.


“[My initial reaction] was one of shock and disbelief,” he said.

“This is a circumstance in which a woman has sought refuge from a friend, and it would appear that, as a result of that, her and her daughter have come to harm — they’re innocent people.

“They were simply doing what I think we would all want someone to do when we’re facing a difficult circumstance: a friend that would stand by you and support you with comfort and safety in their home.

“It’s early in the investigation, and we need to let the police establish the facts surrounding this particular incident, but by every measure it looks senseless, chilling and absolutely horrific.”

It is understood Jennifer’s 23-year-old daughter is the last surviving member of her immediate family following the death of her father in 2019.

Neighbours described Jennifer, known to friends as ‘Jenny’, as a “very altruistic and kind natured” person, while Gretl — a recent St Hilda’s Anglican School for Girls graduate — was known as a talented waterpolo player who was studying at the University of Western Australia.

If you are experiencing mental health issues, contact LifeLine WA on 13 11 14, the Suicide Call Back Service on 1300 659 467, or the MensLine Australia on 1300 789 978.

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