

This was published 3 years ago

Melville appoints high-profile design firm to redraft unpopular Canning Bridge precinct plans

By Marta Pascual Juanola

Melville council has appointed a high-profile design firm to redraft its Canning Bridge precinct plans after facing fierce backlash from the local community over building heights and increased density.

Hatch RobertsDay will look at height limits and controversial bonus provisions, which allow the council to approve developments above the maximum height, as part of the review.

The Canning Bridge zone is transforming.

The Canning Bridge zone is transforming. Credit: Emma Young

    The Canning Bridge Activity Centre Plan aims to guide increased housing density in Como and South Perth on one side of the freeway bridge, and in Applecross and Mount Pleasant on the other.

    By 2051, it is projected the population in the newly zoned area will skyrocket from 3800 to 24,000, accompanied by an additional 10,000 dwellings and 5800 jobs.

    The activity centre plan was originally approved by the WA Planning Commission in 2016 and the area is recognised as a district activity centre, meaning it has significance in a wider Perth context.

    But South Perth, which was among the first inner-city councils to make zoning changes to boost high-rise development, has long struggled to juggle community expectations and developer wishes.

    Its latest Activity Centre Plan draft to be considered by the WAPC was the result of a three-year saga that saw the government strongarm the council into scrapping building height limits twice.

    Melville hasn't been spared criticism either.


    New City of Melville Mayor George Gear said the council had kickstarted a review of the plans after it became clear many residents felt development in the precinct wasn't meeting their expectations.

    "We need to ensure that we can meet the state government's infill targets while being sensitive to our community, and in a way that adds value to their quality of life and amenity," he said.

    "We’ll aim to reach an agreement on our shared core values and aspirations for the Canning Bridge Activity Centre Plan and jointly decide on a renewed vision for the future."

    RobertsDay, which merged with Canadian powerhouse Hatch earlier this year, had previously been appointed by the South Perth council to amend its end of the Activity Centre Plan.

    The firm came under fire in South Perth after proposing a big increase in density over previous plans, with the community and developers having fundamentally opposing believes on heights.


    Hatch RobertsDay partner Duane Cole said Melville was facing similar issues to those raised in South Perth.

    "In South Perth, we looked at the quality of architecture and how it related to the street. We reconsidered how best to combine residential, commercial and recreational land uses into the precinct. We also addressed traffic issues to create a more pedestrian-friendly environment that reduced traffic congestion," he said.

    "We were delighted when [Melville] council was attracted to our approach and our reputation for resolving complex issues that unlock more potential for areas such as Canning Bridge."

    Mr Cole said the firm's priority would be to reconnect the community and other stakeholders.

    Hatch RobertsDay has already launched a community survey and is planning a number of key stakeholder group meetings and workshops.

    They will submit their planning recommendations to council on February 2021.

    with Emma Young and Heather McNeill

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