

This was published 6 months ago

‘Makes no sense’: Whitby lashes nuclear power

By Peter Milne and Hamish Hastie

Proponents of nuclear power for Australia are driven by ideology rather than common sense, according to WA’s Energy and Climate Action Minister Reece Whitby.

“When the climate change debate first began, the cynics and the deniers were urged to listen to the science and listen to the facts,” Whitby told a business lunch on Thursday.

WA energy, environment and climate action minister Reece Whitby.

WA energy, environment and climate action minister Reece Whitby.Credit: Peter de Kruijff

And he wants the same approach on the nuclear question.

“The fact is that on every measure, nuclear makes no sense as a solution for us. Australia and Western Australia is the last place it makes any sense at all.”

Whitby, who gained the energy portfolio in December, said nuclear was the most expensive option.

“Renewables are already the cheapest new form of power, and they are getting cheaper all the time,” he said.

“The most ambitious timeframe for nuclear is at least 15 years, so around 2040 — far too late.

“And the fact that Australia has no nuclear regulatory or industry experience or workforce, the time will likely blow out much further.”

He also queried the chance of nuclear plants gaining the support of people living nearby.


“When sleek silent, no waste wind turbines sometimes provoke community angst, how do you think you are going to go with a nuclear power plant?” he said.

Whitby said that nuclear energy output was more difficult than gas to dial up and down to match the variable output of renewable sources.


“Would householders in WA —already facing cost of living pressures — accept power bills massively increased for an energy source that comes far too late, that doesn’t work with renewables and from a plant that nobody wants to live near?” he said.

“These so-called solutions I think are driven by hard core ideology rather than common sense.”

The minister’s lashing of nuclear is backed by recent studies and the track record of nuclear projects.

A CSIRO report published in December estimated electricity generated from wind and solar in Australia would cost about $82 a megawatt hour in 2030, compared to nuclear energy at $282, more than three times the price.

The federal opposition had been pushing the benefits of small modular reactors that have not yet been built.

The only project with an approved design from regulators in the United States was cancelled in November after its expected cost rose by 70 per cent.

Opposition leader Peter Dutton is now promoting large nuclear reactors for Australia and plans to announce six proposed locations at the sites of old coal-fired power plants, with Collie in WA a contender.

Whitby’s claim that nuclear power would not be available until the 2040s is evidenced by the more than 15 years the autocratic United Arab Emirates, with few social license concerns, took to complete its first nuclear plant using established technology.

The Liberal plan involves extending the life of coal-fired power stations, but the UN Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change concluded rapid reduction in carbon emissions is required by 2030 to limit the damage from climate change.

WA Liberal leader Libby Mettam is less enthusiastic than her federal counterpart and on Thursday she distanced the state party from its federal colleagues.

Mettam said she had made clear to shadow energy and climate change minister Ted O’Brien and Dutton’s office that nuclear energy did not stack up in WA.

“We’re not ideologically opposed to nuclear, but we do not believe it stacks up in WA at this time,” she said.

Mettam said the need for additional energy in WA was about one-tenth of the eastern states and the state had abundant gas reserves.

She denied the state party had a differing view on nuclear energy to her federal colleagues.

“My federal colleagues have not been explicit on where they believe a nuclear energy would take place and have been very clear about the fact that they would have to undergo a significant amount of consultation before identifying any specific sites, which is yet to occur,” she said.

Mettam made her remarks while announcing her party supported lifting the ban on new uranium mines in WA.

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