

This was published 4 years ago

Liza Harvey: How I will use doorstep politics to fight Mark McGowan in 2021

Up against a popular Premier with a bigger social media following than any other Labor politician in the country, a pandemic that has sucked the oxygen out of any other issue, and ambitious colleagues breathing down her neck, Liza Harvey has one of the toughest jobs in Australian politics. She tells WAtoday how she plans to fight the 2021 state election.

By Nathan Hondros

Liza Harvey admits she has one of the hardest jobs in Australian politics.

A gruelling election campaign against a still-fresh first-term government is a hard enough slog for any state opposition leader, but add the politics of a pandemic and a popular Premier and the task becomes almost impossible.

Opposition Leader Liza Harvey says she is focused on local campaigning in the lead up to the 2021 WA state election.

Opposition Leader Liza Harvey says she is focused on local campaigning in the lead up to the 2021 WA state election.Credit:

By election day next March, she will have been in the job for just under two years. Western Australia would have been in a state of emergency for more than half that time. Since February, the usual battlegrounds of state politics – health, education, law and order, debt – have been replaced by coronavirus and hard borders.

Mark McGowan boasts a social media presence that eclipses any other Labor politician in the country, and most Liberal ones to boot.

Is she overwhelmed at her chances? Ms Harvey says she's not daunted.

"It is a tough job, in politics it's probably the toughest job," she said. "I wouldn't say it's the hardest job in the world … I wouldn't want to be on the respiratory ward looking after COVID patients, I think that would be much harder."

It's about being known locally ... That's how you win. You get known locally.

Liberal leader Liza Harvey

She says she knows the election can turn on a dime, and the most solid of majorities, such as that enjoyed by former Queensland premier Campbell Newman's one-term government, can be washed away with the arrogance of an incumbent.

If she is bothered by the criticism about her performance sometimes levelled at her, both on social media and within the party, she doesn't let on.

Liza Harvey says she expects tradition state political battle ground issues such hospital ramping to be in focus as the election draws closer

Liza Harvey says she expects tradition state political battle ground issues such hospital ramping to be in focus as the election draws closerCredit:

"There's no point in being thin-skinned if you're going into politics, it's just part of the job," she says.

"The reality in politics is that you're never going to keep everybody happy and a lot of people get into politics because they want the leadership position.

"So you're always going to get a disaffected group of people who think that they should be the leader and they could do a better job and that's just politics.

"The important thing for me is to have a functional professional working relationship with all of my team, which I do have, knowing there are political aspirants that want my job. And that's the reality of being the leader in politics."

But she is frustrated at the difficulty she faces in getting out a message with the intense community focus on Labor's response to the pandemic.

"There are genuine issues with the way the government is conducting itself and unfortunately the community don't want to hear any of that criticism at the moment," she said.

"That makes my job fairly difficult, but things can change so quickly in politics and I look at the last election in South Australia, for example. At 6.30pm, all of the media in South Australia were calling it a Labor victory and (Liberal leader) Steven Marshall won in a landslide."

Before the pandemic, the opposition was getting traction until coronavirus subsumed almost every other news story, Ms Harvey says.

She claims credit for a series of stimulus packages released by the government in the face of a sluggish housing and construction sector, higher unemployment than any other state and stagnant or negative wage growth.

People were struggling with bread-and-butter issues, such as the cost of the living and government fees and charges.


Ms Harvey says those issues are still there, which means her campaign will be fought on the ground, locally.

"But when I'm out in marginal seats, and I've been doing marginal seats campaigning since the winter recess, people are coming out with their local issues," she says.

She cites community forums where 70 people show up to talk about issues ranging from schools to the cost of electricity.

"People only get to vote for Mark McGowan in Rockingham, every other seat has a different name on the ballot paper, so all elections are won locally and I'm not just saying that in this environment, that's from day one," she says.

"It's about being known locally.

"I went out there with Scott Edwardes in Kingsley on a Saturday to watch the women's footy team play and everybody comes up to him and says, 'Hi Scott, how're you going, how's the campaign going?' That's how you win. You get known locally."

Neither party has a firm grasp on what people are thinking in the all-important northern suburbs mortgage belt, where WA state elections are won or lost.

But Ms Harvey says businesses in suburbs like Clarkson are concerned about issues like crime, while tradies are concerned about what happens when the sugar hit of stimulus spending runs out.

"They've got a lot of mortgage stress up there, a lot of people who want to sell up but they can't because they've got negative in their homes," she says.


"They want certainty around employment, that's the really big thing up there. And cost living is pretty big as well."

Local issues campaigning – parish pump politics, as it used to be known – is only one part of the story. Ms Harvey will have to run a convincing statewide campaign around a set of policies.

The opposition is already under heat in Parliament because they haven't been rolling out policies.

Ms Harvey says she is waiting for the months-delayed budget to be delivered before she releases details of "big ticket items" on which the Liberals will make a stand.

"We've got all of our policies pretty much bedded down now, so we're really waiting for the budget because the government has given us no briefings from Treasury," she said.

"It's a complete lack of transparency. So when the budget gets handed down, we'll then know if there's a deficit or a surplus, we'll know where net debt is, we can then start to unravel some of their spending and work out which of their announcements are part of existing spend, and which is new spend.

"And that'll give us an idea of what the parameters are in respect to some of the big ticket items we'll be proposing."

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