

‘We were failed, too’: Lynn Cannon’s family devastated over Floreat murders

By Rebecca Peppiatt, Hamish Hastie and Claire Ottaviano

The sister of a Perth woman murdered by her ex-husband in 2022 says she is sick of hearing the police in damage control, claiming her family was failed by authorities in similar circumstances to the wife and daughter of double-murderer Mark Bombara.

Jacqui Darley said like the Bombara family, calls for help were not acted upon.

Paul Cannon, 55, stabbed his ex-wife, Lynn, 51, to death in their Landsdale home in Perth’s northern suburbs after sending her threatening texts in the days and months prior. It took police more than one hour to attend the scene and find Cannon dying, despite receiving three triple-zero calls, and a welfare check request while she was still alive.

Jacqueline Darley, the sister of Lynn Cannon (inset), who was murdered in 2022.

Jacqueline Darley, the sister of Lynn Cannon (inset), who was murdered in 2022.Credit: Heather McNeill/Supplied

Cannon’s sister, Darley, told ABC Radio Perth that an internal police investigation into the death led to police overhauling how they prioritised domestic violence triple-zero calls, with an officer disciplined for lowering the priority on Cannon’s call-out level.

Darley said police did not communicate the outcome of the investigation to her directly; she only found out last month through a domestic violence advocate she met at a vigil.

She said she was sick of “hearing the police always in damage control” and drew similarities between her sister’s death and the murders of Jennifer and Gretl Petelczyc at their home in Floreat last Friday.

Two months prior to the deaths, Bombara’s daughter, Ariel, claims she raised concerns with police on three occasions about him threatening her and her mother’s life, and owning guns, but was treated with indifference.

“She asked for help in time to save lives,” Darley said.

“It was the same as our situation, we asked for help. It’s like it’s being repeated again. It’s important to note that the parasite that took my sister’s life, it was his first offence. There’s not always the history of violence.”

Ariel Bombara has spoken out after her father killed two Perth women.

Ariel Bombara has spoken out after her father killed two Perth women.Credit: ABC Perth

Another internal police investigation has been launched to determine what police could have done better to protect the community from Bombara – a 63-year-old land developer with no criminal record.


WA Police commissioner Col Blanch said police spoke with Bombara only on one occasion in April in the context of arranging a police escort for his wife and daughter to collect their belongings from the family’s Mosman Park home.

During the three contacts with police, Ariel requested a 72-hour police order against her father, but was told the risk did not reach the threshold for the order to be granted.

“We need to uncover exactly what decisions were made and what avenues we had available to take action … if that’s shown to be the wrong decision, that’s what this investigation will cover,” Blanch said.

Mark Bombara.

Mark Bombara.

He also confirmed that the police dealing with the mother and daughter had suggested on three occasions that the women seek a family violence restraining order, which was not followed through.

A family violence restraining order triggers a removal of licensed firearms, of which Bombara legally owned 13.

“I would never blame someone for not wanting to do something because they’re scared,” Blanch said.

The double-murder suicide has also triggered a last-minute rush for amendments to be made to Western Australia’s gun law reforms to give police powers to remove guns for firearm licence holders at the first sign of an acrimonious marriage break-up.

WA Police Minister Paul Papalia supported the tightening of what he says will already become Australia’s strictest gun laws.

“My personal view is there’s a need to lower that threshold and move into the space of where there’s an acrimonious break-up and there’s known to be guns involved, to move very quickly to remove those guns,” he said.

“We need to change the law because the current law is what dictates the process.


“That’s what dictated what happened here, and it’s inadequate, I’ve acknowledged that.”

Opposition police spokesman Peter Collier called on the Corruption and Crime Commission to conduct its own investigation into police conduct over the period that Ariel and her mother raised concerns about Bombara.

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