

This was published 2 years ago

‘I was heartbroken I couldn’t save Aishwarya’: Resuscitation doctor’s emotional statement

By Peter de Kruijff

A senior emergency department doctor who led the resuscitation team that treated seven-year-old Aishwarya Aswath on her fatal trip to Perth Children’s Hospital last year has recalled her dramatic decline in condition from sepsis.

Dr William Hollaway also made a direct statement at the conclusion of his evidence to Aishwarya’s parents, speaking of the pain and suffering he saw them go through on the night of their daughter’s death.

“I was heartbroken I couldn’t save Aishwarya,” he said. “[I want] to assure you every single person at PCH involved in her resuscitation will never forget her.”

Hollaway put his hand on his heart as he walked by the family and was visibly emotional after appearing at the coroner’s court.

Earlier on day four of the inquest examining the young girl’s death, he spoke of being surprised he that he was called to a resuscitation room shortly after escalating her care for another doctor or nurse to make an assessment after 7.09pm on April 3 last year.

The specialist in paediatrics is a consultant at the hospital and acts in a supervisory role that also assists with patient flow from the ED to the wards.

Dr William Hollaway, left, leaves the coronial inquest into Aishwarya Aswath’s death on Monday.

Dr William Hollaway, left, leaves the coronial inquest into Aishwarya Aswath’s death on Monday.Credit: Peter de Kruijff

Hollaway was approached by then-junior nurse Caitlin Wills about 7.09pm, an hour and a half after Aishwarya arrived, who was concerned because the young girl had a blank stare and was unable to lift a cup to her mouth.

The specialist escalated Aishwarya’s care and found a room in Pod B at the hospital where he wanted her to be assessed within 10 to 15 minutes, as he was called away to check an infant, and where more frequent observations could be made.


“I noticed she was particularly floppy and had difficulty in holding up her neck,” Hollaway said.

“She was not suitable to be assessed in Pod C [a non-urgent waiting area where the family was after triage] and she definitely needed assessment.”

Not long after another nurse made the call for a resuscitation team, usually made up of four doctors and four nurses who would help treat a patient who may become life threateningly unwell, to care for Aishwarya.

Aishwarya Aswath died after waiting for help at Perth Children’s Hospital.

Aishwarya Aswath died after waiting for help at Perth Children’s Hospital.

Hollaway came back as Aishwarya was being wheeled into the resuscitation room about 7.18pm.

“I certainly had the impression she was sicker than my first glance in the waiting room,” he told the court.

“Her consciousness was altered ... it wasn’t normal consciousness.”

Hollaway thought at the time Aishwarya had a severe infection which might have been due to something happening in her brain.

She also had severe acidosis, high levels of acid in her body.

In spite of being floppy, Hollaway said there also appeared to be stiffness in her limbs which was a sign of something happening in her brain.

Aishwarya was treated for a potential seizure because of a decrease in consciousness.

The team was able to stabilise Aishwarya, although her heart rate remained high at 7.58pm.

Hollaway said there was potential she could go into cardiac arrest which happened shortly after when she vomited.

Aishwarya’s parents left the room as CPR was performed.

At one point Hollaway handed over the resuscitation to Dr Jarrod Cross while he went to speak to Aishwarya’s father Aswath Chavittupara and mother Prasitha Sasidharan.

“I said to the parents we had just got her heart rate back, and she was extremely sick and she very well could have another cardiac arrest,” he said.

“I then returned to Aishwarya’s resuscitation.”

The team kept working but made the call there was nothing else that could be done.

During her treatment doctors were unable to find the source of Aishwarya’s infection.

‘Completely exhausted’

Hollaway agreed with deputy state coroner Sarah Linton that Aishwarya’s death had been devastating for all staff involved.

He said in December, 2020, as many as 300 patients would come in every day with about half the amount of staff to be able to deal with it.

Hollaway said the February and March period leading into April had been the busiest on record for the hospital.

“We were completely exhausted,” he said.

“We felt we were short of doctors but primarily we needed more nurses.

“I sat on one meeting of executives where we highlighted those concerns.”

Hollaway said he did not feel the concerns were being addressed but there was now more staff at the hospital including doctors and having two waiting room nurses at all times.


“You certainly feel a bit safer. We still have long waits in our waiting room but it feels a bit safer,” he said.

The coroner’s court was read a statement from Wills earlier on Monday, where she said she was concerned about being assaulted because she thought Aishwarya’s father had aggressive body language after being taken to Pod B.

When the resuscitation started, Wills went back to her other duties and found out after 9pm that Aishwarya had died.

She said she broke down as it was her first death on the job and that other staff were distressed.

Wills said she was on shift the next day and there was a large number of people standing around the ED who she was told were from Aishwarya’s family.

The nurse said in her statement the situation was not controlled and she did not feel management had done enough in response.

Wills also wrote about being pressured to make a statement to an immediate hospital root-cause analysis process that happened after Aishwarya’s death.

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