

This was published 1 year ago

‘I have two kidneys, but I only have one sister’: Perth woman given life-saving gift

When Melissa Cranfield heard her sister Nicky O’Brien needed a kidney transplant she didn’t hesitate. The whole process has brought them closer together and made them realise the importance of becoming transplant donors.

By Brendan Foster

Mel: Nicky and I were very close as kids and I was always sneaking into her bed at night. But this whole process has meant we have become a lot closer.

We didn’t have TV as kids so Nicky and I were always playing at the nearby orchard. I would wait for Nicky to get home from school and we would play the Famous 5. I remember thinking she was so beautiful and smart because she was always reading.

I never had a moment’s doubt. Of course, you would do it for someone you love. I don’t want my sister to die. That is the reality.

Nicky and Melissa were close from a young age.

Nicky and Melissa were close from a young age.Credit: Brendan Foster

Nicky never made me feel like I had to do it. I’ve been scared at times but I’ve never had any doubts. I did a lot of research so I knew you could lead a normal, healthy life after.

When I first found out all I knew was Nicky had been flown to Albany and the doctors thought something was going on with her kidneys but they didn’t know what. I was with Nicky when the social worker came in to speak to her. She was just given the news that both her kidneys had shut down so in my mind, I knew then that she was going to need a donor.

Nicky never asked me. Not once. No one has ever asked me to. I was sent some information from Fiona Stanley [Hospital] about who to get in contact with and took it from there. It’s not like it’s thrown upon you, you have a year to think about it. I always knew I would do it. I was never going to wait to see if she could get a deceased donor because I knew that wasn’t ideal. I always knew if I could do it, I would.

The only time I ever doubted doing it was if it had been something hereditary, then I would have to consider my kids, if something was in the family, but that was ruled out early on, so there were never any doubts.

If you saw what it’s like to go through kidney disease and dialysis and all medical intervention, it’s just horrible. She was away from her family for months, so it’s been so hard to watch. Hopefully, Nicky can lead a normal life after the operation.

Nicky O’Brien has been given a kidney by her sister Melissa Cranfield.

Nicky O’Brien has been given a kidney by her sister Melissa Cranfield.Credit: Brendan Foster


I’ve learnt that it’s incredibly important that people consider becoming donors. It’s very personal and you have to work it out and weigh up the options for yourself but for me the whole process so far, I’ve never had a moment of doubt. I have been overwhelmed by the support of friends and family, even the nurses and doctors have been kind and supportive.

I will be a donor now. I was never against it, but it’s the biggest gift you can give somebody. It doesn’t cost you anything, and you can change someone’s life. I have two kidneys but I only have one sister.

Nicky: We did lots together when we were kids. We used to do lots of bushwalking and collect firewood. We were very close.

Even still, I couldn’t believe it at first when Mel said she was going to donate a kidney. I think there was a bit of me that thought, why would you do that? I don’t think I comprehended how long the process would be and I thought that it was amazing what Mel was doing without realising what was involved. I don’t even know how to say thank you to Mel. I don’t even know how to express how much it means to me.

It was never a question. Melissa knew she’d give her kidney to save her big sister.

It was never a question. Melissa knew she’d give her kidney to save her big sister.Credit: Brendan Foster

I was really in shock when I was first told my kidneys had only 2 per cent function. I went to have a blood test to change some medications I was on. My kidneys had always been fine. I was told to have a blood test and within an hour of that test, I was flown from Albany to Perth to start dialysis.

I didn’t know anything about dialysis or what it meant. The medical staff were pretty quick to discuss donors, but I don’t think I took any of it in because I was in shock. I have been on dialysis for more than a year, I just feel wiped at the end of it and can’t do anything.

Within the first week, the doctors started talking about donor transplants and Mel was adamant from the get-go that she was going to donate her kidney. That’s pretty amazing. I tried to be fair and a couple of times I told her you don’t need to do this. I was on the deceased transplant list, so there were other options but given my rare blood type that meant it could’ve taken a long time to wait for that donor.

I haven’t been able to swim because of the Hickman line in my chest, so the first thing I want to do once I recover is go for a swim. And I want to have a normal shower. I just want to be able to stand under the water.

Anyone who is thinking about becoming a donor should do it. One body can save 23 people. It’s truly incredible, so if you don’t need it, please donate.

Mel and I have become closer. You learn that everyday life isn’t that important when something big happens in your life.

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