

This was published 3 years ago

‘Gay conversion therapy roadshow’ hits WA churches with ‘reformed’ gay man at the helm

By David Prestipino

A ‘gay conversion therapy’ roadshow visiting West Australian churches has sparked outrage and renewed pressure on state and federal governments to outlaw the controversial practice.

Albany Baptist Church last week hosted two Real Lives presentation events by True Identity International, which claimed to “tell stories of hope, vision and dignity beyond LGBTQ+.”

The Church said more than 400 people attended the first event, which they said caused much “misunderstanding” as about 50 Pride protestors demonstrated outside, calling the event “homophobic” and “just the tip of the iceberg in WA”.

Parker’s talks detail his previous life as a gay rights activist in Britain who was able to embrace heterosexuality after he became a Christian.

Parker’s talks detail his previous life as a gay rights activist in Britain who was able to embrace heterosexuality after he became a Christian.Credit: Stephen Kiprillis

“We heard eight incredible stories of people meeting Jesus, who praise God that their lives have never been better,” the Church explained on its Facebook page.

“We are committed to respectful conversation with people who want to tell their stories. We want to honour the request from some same-sex attracted and gender dysphoric people to share their stories of how the Gospel of Jesus Christ has brought them hope.”

James Parker was one speaker at the initial event who told his story about how he had been gay, but now was no longer. Mr Parker has written online of his support for “sound methods of conversion therapy”.

His Victor or Victim talk online, posted by the Church to explain what was discussed at their event, reveals how he realised he was gay at puberty, then became a gay activist in London and believed himself a heterosexual woman in a male body.

He later discovered God, found himself becoming “more masculine”, and was shocked when he began to notice the curves of women.

The tagline of his presentation: “Come out. Come home”.


Mr Parker’s reach extends across the eastern seaboard. In July 2018 Mr Parker toured Sydney for a series of talks on sexual orientation and sexual culture to parishes including St Charbel’s and St Joseph’s Maronite churches in Sydney.

He was a keynote speaker at the 2019 Fiat Youth Congress in Victoria and is a regular on various podcasts distributed by Parousia Media, which promotes tours and events from Mr Parker and other speakers.

Churches in several Perth suburbs have also hosted Mr Parker and his presentations have been promoted by Family Voice Australia, National Civic Council, Australian Christians and the Australian Christian Lobby.

ACL’s WA director Peter Abetz, a former Liberal member of the WA Parliament and now deputy mayor of Perth local government electorate Gosnells, has co-presented similar events with Mr Parker.

The pair have previously campaigned against marriage equality and the Safe Schools program and have criticised the McGowan state government over its promise to outlaw gay conversion therapy.

Ahead of the same-sex marriage plebiscite in 2017, Mr Parker claimed on Perth radio being gay could lead to an early death, and last year on Sky News the Christian activist likened Victoria’s proposed conversion therapy ban to Nazi Germany.

Gay conversion therapy is now banned in Victoria, the ACT and Queensland. The WA government pledged to use the federal government’s national code of conduct for unregulated healthcare workers to stop it too.

The flyer advertises how attendees would hear stories of hope from those who had previously lived as LGBTQ+.

The flyer advertises how attendees would hear stories of hope from those who had previously lived as LGBTQ+.Credit: Facebook

“If the introduction of legislation and/or regulations is necessary to give effect to the code, that will be looked at,” a WA government spokesperson told WAtoday.

Gay conversion therapy or efforts to change a person’s sexual orientation was not therapeutic and caused mental health harm to LGBTI people, they said.

Regulated healthcare areas such as psychiatry and psychology have codes of conduct that ban conversion practices and the national code would place standards on unregulated areas such as counselling services to give health authorities the power to intervene if someone offered the practice.

Critics say the code doesn’t extend to church groups, where they say the majority of conversion practices occurs. Health professionals, psychologists and advocates have condemned pressure by churches and other groups to make a person change or alter their sexuality or gender identity.

Mr Parker posted a new blog online on Wednesday saying the evening contained no mention of going from ‘gay to straight’, and that the idea of being ‘cured of homosexuality’ through quack conversion techniques was denounced from the stage.

“Storytellers merely shared how their life choices had brought about a deeper hope, a greater dignity, and a wider vision for their lives. Wouldn’t anybody wish the same for their LGBTQ+ neighbour?” he wrote.

He also said WA’s state government had yet to listen to the stories of many same-sex attracted and gender dysphoric people who had significantly benefited as a result of types of therapeutic help which politicians now seemed assiduous in their attempts to ban.

On Wednesday Mr Parker wrote that it was becomming clearer that the tail was now wagging the dog, as “public servants”, in reference to the ABC’s coverage, bowed down in servitude to LGBTQ+ lobbyists.

“As a former gay activist, I know firsthand that this was the goal we planned more than three decades ago – and most people have fallen for the propaganda, only the cracks are now rapidly beginning to show,” he wrote.

“Not only are mental health issues consistently disproportionate in the LGBTQ+ community, government funding is often increased to deal with mental distress in LGBTQ+ individuals with few signs of any significant, long-lasting improvements.

“Compare this to the advances which have transpired in the lives of the eight speakers who shared their real-life stories, and you might wonder why a macro minority would not want to replicate the hope, dignity and vision this micro minority of courageous individuals have found?”

Albany Baptist Church had promoted last week’s events on social media as an opportunity for parishioners to hear from people who embraced religion and ceased being same-sex attracted or transgender but removed the post after widespread criticism.

Albany Pride spokesperson Tiger Bird said the context of Mr Parker’s presentations could harm a person’s mental wellbeing.

“The questioning and ‘coming out’ experience is really unique to LGBT people; it’s a confusing and troubling time, and it’s inevitably made a lot harder when the people and society around you are opposed to LGBT people or view them as disordered or damaged,” he said.

“For people that have spent their lives in these churches, whose family and friends are all connected with a particular church or religion, the damage is immense.


“It puts them in a position of having to accept who they are and live authentically, or to lose everything and everyone they know and love.”

Mr Bird said society often mistook gay conversion therapy with extremes such as electro-shock treatment, torture, physical abuse and “corrective rape”.

“It can be a lot more subtle than that – such as the idea that you can effectively ‘pray the gay away’,” he said.

Albany Baptist Church senior pastor Phil Beeck said a youth-focused session on Friday promoted “counselling” for same-gender attraction while the first event was well attended.

“It was an amazing night, around 430 people attended and we received only positive responses from all who came,” Mr Beeck said.

What is gay conversion therapy?

  • Gay conversion therapy can take place in health clinics but mainly involves faith-based groups providing counselling and group support activities designed to “overcome” same-sex attraction and change gender identity or expression of lesbian, gay, bisexual, trans and gender diverse people.
  • The practice includes prayer, scripture reading, fasting, spiritual healing and spiritual deliverance to “heal sexual brokenness”.  
  • Despite claims to the contrary, exorcism (as popularly understood in the west) has not been a feature of gay conversion therapy practised in Christian communities.
  • Some faith-based organisations have referred people to registered medical and psychological clinicians known to provide psychotherapy, pharmacological and aversion therapies.
  • Gay conversion therapy is based on the belief that everyone is born with the potential to develop into heterosexual people. Despite the term including the word gay, which refers to sexual orientation, conversion therapy is also based on the belief that people’s gender identity should accord with that assigned to them at birth.
  • It emerged in Australian conservative Christian communities in the early 1970s and continues to be promoted by many churches, mosques and synagogues, through print and digital media, and some Christian radio programs.
  • About 10 per cent of Australians who are attracted to people of the same sex or who are gender diverse are vulnerable to conversion therapy practices.
  • Although the number of religious groups advertising gay conversion therapy in Australia and New Zealand has fallen sharply over the years, researchers have been unable to determine whether the practice itself has actually dropped off.
  • Some religious groups engaged in gay conversion therapy have moved away from suggesting same-sex attraction can be overcome, instead promoting activities to help same-sex attracted people live chaste and celibate lives in accordance with their religious beliefs.

Source: La Trobe University, the Human Rights Law Commission and Rainbow Health’s Preventing Harm, Promoting Justice study, 2018.

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