- Analysis
- National
- WA
- Coal seam gas
This was published 6 years ago
Fracking FAQs: all your questions answered in 300 words or less
By Emma Young
The McGowan government was elected saying it would ban fracking in Perth and the South West and impose a moratorium in the rest of WA pending an independent scientific inquiry into its safety.
Following the conclusion of the scientific inquiry, the government announced it would allow fracking, albeit with a whole string of conditions attached.
Protesters in Perth on Wednesday claimed fracking in WA could be worse than six Adani coal mines.
There has been vigorous community protesting across WA. At the latest protest, on Wednesday at Perth’s Dumas House, where the government ministers work, a group of protesters dressed as scientists gathered to berate another protester dressed as Premier Mark McGowan.
We’ve answered some common questions below, each in 300 words or less, to inform the community about what fracking is, potential costs and benefits, and who will wear those costs and reap those benefits.
- What is fracking?
- Why is it only a thing now?
- Where is it a thing now?
- What exactly is allowed?
- How has the government’s decision affected industry players?
- In what ways could fracking be bad?
- Is it going to harm our environment, public health wise?
- Is it going to harm our environment, biodiversity wise?
- Is it going to harm our environment, climate change wise?
- So there are potential costs. But will we get money and jobs?
- What do Aboriginal communities think of it?
1. What is fracking?
Natural gas, or methane, is natural gas wherever it is.
Typically, natural gas is trapped in permeable rock formations and can flow freely through the tiny holes in the rock, like a sponge, and can flow freely from the formations when tapped by a well.
Depths different types of oil and gas can be found in WA, compared to depths for coal seam gas being developed in other parts of Australia.Credit: Department of Mines , Industry Regulation and Safety
This is what is known as conventional natural gas and what has been used around the world and in Western Australia for many years. WA’s large LNG projects use conventional natural gas.
Unconventional gas – shale gas, tight gas (and coal seam gas, though WA doesn’t have any of that) are found deeper down, in dense shale rock or compacted stone.
To extract it, you need to drill a horizontal well and use chemically treated water to fracture ('frack') the gas-bearing rock at depths of more than two kilometres to release the gas.
2. Why is it a thing now?
In WA, 610 wells have been hydraulically fractured since 1958 but most were in conventional oil and gas wells on Barrow Island off the Pilbara Coast.
Historically, it involved pumping a small amount of a water-chemical mix under relatively low pressure into underground rocks to open up small gaps in the rock to increase oil and gas flow.
What a fracking project might look like. The average amount of land required to be cleared for a shale gas well site ('pad') is about 1.5-2 hectares.Credit: Styles, Keele University, UK
But advancements in technology in recent years means higher pressures can now be used to create small fractures to release gas from shale and tight rocks.
In recent decades, 'fracking' has made trapped methane a more commercially viable resource.
3. Where is it a thing now?
Canning Basin.Credit: Department of Mines , Industry Regulation and Safety.
The government believes onshore reserves of "unconventional gas" in WA are double those offshore. It is all yet to be commercially developed.
Most of WA’s shale and tight gas reserves are in the Canning Basin (Kimberley and East Pilbara). Canning Basin has been identified as the most prospective region for unconventional gas in the world outside the US, with about 229 trillion cubic feet of gas.
Some is in the northern Perth Basin (the Mid West), mostly around the Dongara area.
Perth Basin.Credit: Department of Mines, Industry Regulation and Safety
4. What exactly is allowed?
Fracking remains banned in Perth, Peel and the South West.
It has restricted fracking to areas where full exploration or production licences have already been granted.
Depending on whose spin doctors you listen to this is either “only 2 per cent of the state” or it is a whopping 5 million hectares.
It ruled out fracking on the Dampier Peninsula between Broome and Derby, in national parks and public water source areas.
No information is yet available on a more specific boundary for the Dampier Peninsula ban.
The fracking can only go ahead with the consent of landowners and native title holders.
Pastoralists will not have the right of veto.
The government accepted all 44 recommendations of the independent scientific inquiry and will implement all of them before any fracking production approvals are granted.
Major changes to the existing regulatory regime include:
- No fracking to be allowed within two kilometres of gazetted Public Drinking Water Source Areas;
- All fracking projects, including exploration and production wells, to require EPA assessment;
- The development of an enforceable Code of Practice to ensure high standards of health, safety and environmental protection; and
- No fracking allowed within two kilometres of towns, settlements or residents.
It's likely to be a lengthy and complex processes to get all this new regulation in place.
The royalty rate for unconventional oil and gas will increase to 10 per cent, the same rate that applies to conventional gas production.
Fracking royalties will fund new renewable energy projects via a special Clean Energy Future Fund with a $9 million seed allocation.
5. How has the government’s decision affected industry players?
The major fracking exploration leases are held by
Major exploration leases across the Kimberley. Credit: Environs Kimberley
Canning Basin
- Squadron/Goshawk joint venture: 80 per cent Squadron Energy (Andrew Forrest, private company) 20 per cent Goshawk Energy (private Australian company)
- Buru Energy ($95 million, WA company) / Mitsubishi (Japanese)
- Other players: Oil Basins, Gulliver Productions
The biggest loser from the government’s ban on fracking the Dampier Peninsula is Andrew Forrest’s Squadron.
It appears none of the eight onshore licences held by the joint venture, covering more than 75,000 square kilometres of the Canning Basin, could be fracked under what the government has allowed.
Mr Forrest had wanted to spearhead the development of an onshore gas industry in the Canning Basin.
The Perth businessman could follow in the footsteps of Gina Rinehart, who sued the Victorian government over its statewide moratorium on exploring for unconventional gas.
She sought $2.6 billion in lost future earnings but reportedly lost the Supreme Court case in September.
Buru Energy has welcomed the government’s decision as allowing it to further appraise and develop its major accumulation of natural gas in the Canning Basin.
It’s yet to be seen whether any Kimberley native title holders or landowners will refuse fracking on their land.
Perth Basin
- Mitsui/Beach Energy joint venture: 50 per cent Mitsui (Japanese), 50 per cent Beach Energy (Australian)
Big Perth Basin players Beach Energy and Mitsui are busy fracking their conventional gas from their Beharra Springs and Waitsia fields around Dongara, “before addressing tight gas potential” surrounding these fields.
You can search more titles here.
6. In what ways could fracking be bad?
The inquiry examined the types of impact it could have on:
1) public health (through the wells failing and polluting air or groundwater)
2) biodiversity (physically clearing vegetation and animals)
3) climate change (through production of gas)
All these things were the focus of the scientific inquiry headed by Environmental Protection Authority chairman Tom Hatton.
This involved 12 months of reviews and analysis of 400 public submissions and diverse scientific literature that was both complex and at times contested.
It resulted in a highly technical report of almost 600 pages.
Summarising its findings, Dr Hatton said the report was "silent" on whether the moratorium should be lifted. That was a decision for government. It made 91 findings and 44 recommendations.
There's more on what it found below.
7. Is it going to harm our environment, public health-wise?
It seems probably not, barring the kind of disasters that can happen at any mine.
The main risk to public health is potential groundwater contamination if something went wrong and a well was compromised.
Long term integrity of wells is important.
The inquiry report said the level of risk depended on the location and scale of industry development.
The panel had considered plausible scenarios of development, for how big projects might become and where they would be.
Strict adherence to global design and construction standards would limit risk of below ground pathways for contaminants to a low level.
Chemical and wastewater spills above ground were a greater risk, and a degree of precaution was justified to protect human health.
The inquiry recommended wells be at least two kilometres from human drinking water sources and towns and the government accepted this recommendation.
The inquiry said links between air pollution and health impacts had not been definitely proved but the link was plausible enough that caution was warranted and the panel recommended full monitoring systems.
The principal recommendation was for an enforceable code of practice aimed at further reducing the risks.
8. Is it going to harm our environment, biodiversity-wise?
Any mining project impacts flora and fauna as it clears vegetation and habitats.
Projects are generally assessed in terms of what species it will damage most, whether those species are endangered and to what extent the damage is therefore acceptable.
There are already instruments in place, via the EPA, to assess these things, which would also apply to the fracking industry.
The scientific inquiry found that this process was, however, limited to considering individual wells, not whole oil and gas fields.
It therefore recommended development proposals for any fields go to the federal government for assessment under the EPBC act, which assesses proposals that could affect endangered species.
The report also recommended industry contribute to a fund for "remediation of any legacy issues" and that "penalties for any environmental issues should increase as an incentive to compliance."
All the recommendations were accepted.
9. Is it going to harm our environment, climate change-wise?
The Paris accord signed by almost 200 nations including Australia pledged to keep warming to 1.5-2 degrees above pre-industrial levels.
Australia has already warmed by about 1 degree. At 1.5, 70- 90 per cent of the world's coral reefs such as Ningaloo and the Great Barrier Reef will die.
WA’s scientific inquiry said direct emissions produced by the fracking industry would not prevent Australia meeting its Paris Agreement commitments.
A prominent group of 38 leading Australian scientists then published a statement saying the scientific inquiry was not peer-reviewed, didn’t include the impact of burning the gas for energy, and underestimated the industry’s size.
Inquiry chairman Tom Hatton mounted a detailed defence in a letter to The West Australian.
In turn, the Conservation Council president wrote a detailed rejection of Dr Hatton’s statements on social media.
WAtoday will publish a comprehensive report into the details in the new year.
Argy-bargy aside, while gas is a “better” fossil fuel than coal, burning it creates carbon dioxide.
CSIRO Climate Science Centre director Helen Cleugh said on Wednesday the world’s warming was caused by increased greenhouse gases, such as carbon dioxide.
She spoke as CSIRO and the Bureau of Meteorology released their State of the Climate report.
Key observations of Australia’s changing climate were more frequent extreme heat events, marine heatwaves, an increase in extreme fire weather, and declining rainfall.
This follows the October release of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change report that said to keep warming under 2C, the world had to leave its remaining fossil fuel reserves underground.
In this context, it is hard to imagine opening up gas reserves second only to the United States’ on a global scale will have no climate impact.
10. So there are potential costs. But will we get money and jobs?
Left-wing think-tank The Australia Institute released a 28-page report that said fracking would do little for WA in terms of jobs, royalties and prices.
But the report appeared cursory, comparing WA with other states in a way that might be apples and oranges.
The same day, Premier Mark McGowan’s opinion piece spruiked the government’s decision but only four of his 30 paragraphs mentioned economic benefit.
WAtoday asked his office if there was jobs or royalties modelling but it did not provide any.
A spokesman said the onshore gas industry employed about 1200 people, and that our gas market was completely different to the east. WA controlled its own gas and mandated 15 per cent of it was available for domestic use. This meant about 40 per cent of our energy was from gas. This kept prices down and supported valuable industries, and therefore more jobs.
The spokesman said the inquiry was not about economics but environmental impact.
In effect, the government started from an assumption the industry would be economically desirable, and should only be banned if environmental cost outweighed the benefit.
A cost-benefit analysis without the benefit analysis. So why not an economic inquiry?
Well, if the government was spending our taxes or federal funds on major infrastructure, a cost-benefit analysis would have been required to prove the business case.
But governments don’t decide whether whole industries will be big or profitable.
That’s beyond their control, particularly when the effects of complex boundaries and regulatory processes remains to be seen.
Governments can only regulate industries to mitigate risks. Based on this inquiry they decided the risk was acceptable.
The Premier, talking about a ‘significant industry’ with ‘thousands of jobs’ and ‘billions of dollars in royalties’ was not presenting an economic analysis; just helping the medicine go down.
11. What do Aboriginal communities think of it?
Perth Basin
The Southern Yamatji native title claim area. Credit: Yamatji Marlpa Aboriginal Corporation
No native title determination made over land containing unconventional gas reserves. Southern Yamatji native title claim over areas surrounding Dongara is in negotiations.
Canning Basin
Exploration titles held over lands of at least 9 native title holders; views of major six summarised below.
- Who: Yungngora people
Where: Noonkanbah station, outside Fitzroy Crossing
Their inquiry submission said: “Drugs and alcohol are the biggest threat to our community ... we want this project ... job opportunities to work on our own land and a future for our young people.”
Other major native title holders.
- Who: Yawuru people
Where: About 5300 square kilometres in and around Broome.
Fracking decision reaction: “We will continue to go back to our community for their informed consent on any matters associated with development interests on our lands and waters ... If they want to ban fracking they should have banned it in the whole state. All of our country is iconic to us ... this decision is an opportunity for the State government and investors to think beyond the current and divisive debate and seek out new horizons for a clean and renewable future.” - Who: Ngurrara people
Where: About 100,000 square kilometres, including south-east of Fitzroy Crossing to Great Sandy Desert, part of Canning Stock Route. - Who: Nyul Nyul people
Where: area around on Beagle Bay, north of Broome.
Elder Albert Wiggan told Crikey veto rights meant little as developers would go to remote communities and “divide and conquer” families. “It’s terrible, but the industry is just so powerful,” he said. - Who: Nylkina Mangala people
Where: About 26,000 square kilometres extending south from King Sound, near Derby.Walalakoo Aboriginal Corporation stated: “Nyikina Mangala People call on the WA Government to ban fracking in our traditional Country.” They would not support fracking until satisfied the process could be carried out safely.