

This was published 8 months ago

Bold Park move: Perth Festival splashes down in a City Beach public pool

By Mark Naglazas

When actor-turned-writer Steve Rodgers landed on the idea of setting a play in a public pool he imagined the Olympic-sized pond at the heart of the story would exist purely in the imagination, evoked by dialogue and splashing sounds.

His collaborator, Black Swan artistic director Kate Champion, had other ideas. She felt the best way to tell the story of a diverse group who used their local aquatic centre for exercise and recreation, physical and emotional healing and as a community hub was to stage Rodgers’ play in an actual public pool.

The Pool writer Steve Rodgers and Black Swan artistic director Kate Champion.

The Pool writer Steve Rodgers and Black Swan artistic director Kate Champion.Credit: Jessica Russell

And the realism is taken to the next level with audience members invited to join the cast for a water aerobics class finale.

“Taking The Pool out of the theatre and making it a site-specific work opened the way for so many exciting possibilities,” Rodgers said.

“In a traditional theatre piece the focus is on the main action. In a site-specific work such as ours the audience are liberated to explore the entire space, to follow the different stories that are unfolding across the aquatic centre.

“It allows for subtlety and nuance and truth. It’s also incredibly brave storytelling.”

Set and staged in the Bold Park Aquatic Centre in City Beach, Rodgers’ play centres on a group of varying ages, identities and abilities who each day gather at the pool for a variety of reasons.

There are a pair of frisky teens escaping the prying eyes of their parents; there’s an older gent using the gentle exercise afforded by water to rehabilitate his knee; and, most compelling of all, there’s a recovering drug addict whose inability to float mirrors her failure to break away from her elderly parents.

And keeping all these parts moving are centre manager Sandra and her young swimming instructor Kirk, who are struggling with the influx of youngsters because of the post-COVID baby boom.


Rodgers was exposed to the benefits of swimming at a very young age – “I was an overweight little kid and the doctor told my mother I had to do something or I’d be in trouble” – so he has been immersed in the culture of suburban swimming pools for much of his life.


“Public swimming pools represent the best of Australian society. They’re a true celebration of what it means to be egalitarian,” Rodgers said.

“They aren’t exclusive, but inclusive. They bring us together and enhance community spirit because we are literally all bathing together. Sharing the freedom of being in water. Public pools belong to all of us.”

Those years spent in suburban pools also opened Rodgers up to the metaphoric possibilities of people coming together from all backgrounds and immersing themselves in the carefully controlled yet challenging environment.

“Pools are all about parenting,” Rodgers said.

“So the play for me is about how tightly we hang on to people and how gently we let them go. And swimming lessons are the perfect metaphor for that.”

Before Rodgers sat down to write The Pool he interviewed dozens of swimmers at HBF Stadium and Beatty Park, as well as staff who kept the facilities ticking over (the iconic North Perth centre built for the 1962 British and Commonwealth Games provided much of the inspiration, but was unavailable for the Black Swan production because the venue is being upgraded).

“I talked to a guy who has been at Beatty Park virtually since it opened. He told me about another 50-metre pool that used to be where the car park is today and about the old diving pool. His memories are included in the play’s dialogue,” Rodgers said.

Rodgers’ research also opened him up to how generations of migrants have altered the demographic and culture of public pools.

“Swimming was very much a white Australian activity for much of the last century,” he said.

“But when you go to a suburban swimming pool in Sydney, where I live, or in Perth the youngsters doing bombies or flirting with each other are very different from the kids I grew up with. It’s a beautiful thing.”

Actors Kylie Bracknell and Geoff Kelso during rehearsals for The Pool.

Actors Kylie Bracknell and Geoff Kelso during rehearsals for The Pool.Credit: Daniel J Grant

The play’s theme of encouraging people to step outside their comfort zone and try something new was matched by the production itself, in which Champion used her background in dance to choreograph an immersive spectacle sure to draw Perth Festival audiences to the beautiful Bold Park pool.

Instead of sitting back and taking in the story in a passive manner, as in a traditional theatre piece, Rodgers and Champion’s production is closer to the expansive, multi-layered, leisurely movies of Jacques Tati or Robert Altman.

Each performer will be wearing radio microphones and there will be mics hidden around the aquatic centre, so the audience, who will be wearing headsets, will hear something closer to a naturalistic sound mix of cinema instead of the artificial soundscape of a theatrical work.

“I love those films that take their time and don’t shove you from one moment to the next but allow your eye to explore a scene, to look and to hear, to take in the nuance and the layers,” Rodgers said.

“The audience is encouraged to carry out their own work, do their own imagining, to take themselves to other places, before being yanked back into the story.”

While Rodgers has been performing consistently since graduating from Theatre Nepean (University of Western Sydney) in 1990 he’s rarely been given the lead, spending much of his career in support roles and evolving into one of Australia’s most lauded and recognisable character actors.

Those long hours watching plays being put together was the perfect training ground for his move from acting to writing for the stage and screen.

“The best place to learn about plays is in rehearsal rooms. A play is not literature. It’s not sacrosanct. It’s a living, ever-evolving thing,” he said.


“So watching a director work with actors to bring words and scenes to life was the best training ground for me as a writer.”

Rodgers has high hopes that The Pool will have an extended life beyond Perth Festival and tour to places where aquatic centres are a central to the life of a community, which is basically every sizeable town in the country.

It will have a core cast and a locked-in script but when it moves from place they will bring locals into the production and feed in local references.

For this production, Rodgers interviewed members of Superfins WA, the club for swimmers with disabilities, and members are included in the Perth Festival season.

“The play will be adjusted to the community putting it on, so the production has to be versatile,” he said.

“The heart of it will remain the same — the stories, characters’ dilemmas, the themes — but each participant will bring their own experiences and their own culture.”

Black Swan’s The Pool is on at the Bold Park Aquatic Centre from February 9 to 25.

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