

This was published 2 years ago


Voters deserve a detailed proposal for constitutional amendment

I recently returned from the Republic of Ireland, a nation with a modern history of referendums – mostly successful – on socially divisive issues such as same-sex marriage and abortion. I stepped off the plane in Sydney into an unfolding debate about the level of detail required for a constitutional amendment to enshrine a First Nations Voice, as called for in the Uluru Statement.

The Irish referendum experience can teach us much about how to run a referendum, in particular about the need for detail. Basically, the lesson is to treat voters with the respect they deserve as the ultimate sovereigns of our constitutional order.

How to secure a yes vote in the referendum for the Voice?

How to secure a yes vote in the referendum for the Voice? Credit: Ben Plant

The Irish people are wary of vagueness in referendum proposals; they rightly want to know what they are being asked to do. But there is also an understanding of the role of the people and the role of the legislature, in particular amendments.

For instance, in the abortion referendum the proposed amendment was to remove a prohibition on abortion and return the authority to the Irish parliament to regulate abortion in the country. When the referendum was proposed, the government also published a policy paper that detailed when abortion would be permissible, and how it would guide the subsequent enactment of legislation.

For the Voice referendum, voters are not being asked to vote on “the vibe of the thing”.

Work that has been led out of the Indigenous Law Centre at the University of NSW has produced the wording of a possible constitutional amendment. The constitutional amendment will establish the Voice. It will set out its core function of advising parliament and government on the development of policy and laws that affect Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people. Then it will leave the development of the detailed model to the parliament to enact in legislation.


Every word of the constitutional amendment is being carefully considered by constitutional experts and others across the country. There is a conflation occurring between the need for specificity, detail and certainty on the constitutional amendment, and the specificity, detail and certainty of the model that will follow that amendment. The former is what Australians will vote on in the referendum, while the latter is the process of how the Voice will be implemented through legislation.

Putting forward a detailed draft of the model would be giving the wrong information to voters. Voters are not being asked to constitutionally entrench a model. Indeed, if a full draft model were provided to voters, it might make future parliaments reluctant to amend the legislation setting out the model, which would undermine its adaptability and flexibility that will be pivotal to its enduring success.


However, the Australian people should also be given a sense of the likely consequences of voting yes in a referendum to establish the Voice. This can easily be provided through a combination of principles and process.

First, a set of detailed principles that have been developed and informed by over a decade of public debate and independent parliamentary and government processes. We have this detail: there is increasing agreement on matters such as the function of the body, its necessary relationship to parliament and government, the scope of its remit, its composition and accountability back to local communities, and finally the need for structural independence, funding, resource and expert support.


In addition to these principles, there should be a commitment from government and parliament to undertake a process, immediately after a successful referendum with a strict timeline. This process should learn from best-practice engagement with Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander People and must be governed by the design principles that are released.

The Australian people need a combination of a detailed and explained constitutional amendment, a set of design principles to implement the first model of the Voice, and a commitment to a process. This will provide Australian voters with the respect and detail they need to make informed choices as the ultimate constitutional sovereigns.

Gabrielle Appleby is a professor of law and a member of the UNSW Indigenous Law Centre.

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