

This was published 4 years ago

From the Archives, 2009: Marysville decimated in Black Saturday fires

By Ben Doherty, Mex Cooper and Clay Lucas

First published in The Age on February 12, 2009

From 'God's garden' to wasteland of death


Days after the firestorm, the scale and horror of the disaster visited on Marysville becomes apparent.

The aftermath of the Black Saturday fires in Marysville.

The aftermath of the Black Saturday fires in Marysville.Credit: Wayne Taylor

MARYSVILLE does not exist any more. Residents of the historic mountain village north-east of Melbourne used to call it "God's own garden". Now it is just a wasteland of ash and death.

Four days after Saturday's firestorm, bodies still lay in the street yesterday and just a handful of buildings were left standing.

As forensic police scoured the ruins for bodies and clues, the scale of the disaster visited on Marysville was becoming more apparent.

"I've seen the inside of hell," said local bed-and-breakfast owner Ian Pearson. He left the annihilated township on Tuesday, having lingered for two days in one of the surviving buildings.

"It's just flat ash. It's like it was never there. If you've seen pictures of Hiroshima, that's what it's like. The pictures you're seeing in the paper (of other towns), that's not representative - it's worse."


Fifteen people are officially confirmed dead in Marysville. The final death toll may not be known for weeks but it is certain to be much higher. The latest estimates put the toll in the town at anywhere between 50 and 100 - or up to one in five who lived there.

Mary Kenealy from the Marysville Historical Society

Mary Kenealy from the Marysville Historical SocietyCredit: Joe Armao

"Marysville doesn't exist any more, Marysville is gone. There is nothing there," Mr Pearson said.

The town is still shut off, even to those who once lived in it, while forensic police, clad in white, undertake their methodical task.

They are moving carefully through ash-filled streets, looking for bodies and identifying those found - in homes, in cars, in the street. Some were cut down by the fire as they made their final hopeless, frantic, attempts to flee.

In some cases the forensic teams are unable to tell if one, two or three bodies lie in a particular spot, such is the devastation. Large guesthouses may yield several bodies each.

Days after the blaze, residents still don't know the fate of family and friends. But memories of the day are vivid.

Ian Pearson had precious little warning before he found himself having to defend his Darwin Street home and B&B, Delderfield.

He was putting out spot fires with a mop head when the sky went black and a "dirty big gum tree" crashed down, injuring his hand.

"I didn't know what hit me because I didn't hear it. There was a 727 busy landing on top of me," he said.

"I got back inside because I knew that was the fire front coming. The noise is just absolutely horrendous. You cannot believe how loud this forefront of wind is; it's just like a 727 landing in your living room.

"It's dark and then it all started to go light because it's just burning orange. It's just bright orange lights everywhere."

Marysville after the Black Saturday bushfires

Marysville after the Black Saturday bushfiresCredit: Wayne Taylor

For 45 minutes his home was surrounded by leaping flames. Exploding gas bottles sent orange plumes into the sky and shook the ground while Mr Pearson worked to stay alive without power or water.

"It was just appalling mayhem," he said. "Everything was burning all around me. I thought I was stupid to have even stayed but I thought 'I worked hard to build this home and property, I'm going to work hard to keep it'. Now I'm thinking, 'I don't know if that was wise' but I'm here, I'm alive."

Max and Val Cockerell also managed to save their home and stay behind in Marysville. Together Mr Cockerell and Mr Pearson surveyed what was left of their town on Sunday.

"It's just absolutely, unbelievably spooky and scary because there's nothing left," Mr Pearson said. "It's just deathly silent and it's still smoking."

For two days, Mr Pearson's wife Jaqui didn't know if he was alive or dead. On Tuesday they were reunited and "had a hug that lasted a couple of hours".

John Munday, a 20-year firefighter and a CFA lieutenant at Acheron, 30 kilometres north of Marysville, sheltered helplessly with his crew as the historic town burned to the ground.

"If we'd had 500 Elvises and 1000 tankers there it would not have made any difference, it was that extreme," he said.

On Saturday afternoon he and his crew were driving to help fight the Wandong blaze when they got the call that fire had broken out at the old Murrindindi mill.

The fire had started on private property, but close to bushland, and was running hard over ranges towards the south-east. It was expected to threaten Narbethong in hours. It reached that tiny hamlet in minutes.

Mr Munday's crew drove south from Alexandra. "We got to Buxton, and it was a shocking sight down towards Marysville - a boiling mess, black, brown, purple boiling inferno above the area where we knew Marysville was."

The crew reached Marysville just ahead of the fire front, which was being swung around by a changing wind, now pushing the flames from the south.

"I don't think that I could find words to describe it: the incredible power of the wind, and the sky - it was black - and the air was just full of burning embers and rocks," Mr Munday said.

Acheron CFA's initial plans to defend Marysville had to be abandoned. As the fire worsened, the only priority was keeping the crew alive.

Slowly the crew made its way to the only safe area in town, Gallipoli Park oval - named after another Australian tragedy.

Burnt out cars from the Marysville fires.

Burnt out cars from the Marysville fires.Credit: Wayne Taylor

Already residents had gathered there. Cars were strewn about, one crushed by a fallen tree, another alight and abandoned in panic. The pavilion was on fire.

"We... went into our emergency entrapment procedures, which is we all get in the back, and we huddle down, pull our full equipment on and blankets, and just try to bunker down and try to get through it.

"The heat and the wind and the ferocity of the fire were indescribable. All around us, the whole town, within a matter of seconds it seems, the whole town was just engulfed."

Allawah Country Cottages owner Jenny Pullen, who lost her bed-and-breakfast business and home, said about 100 residents sheltered at Gallipoli Park oval.

Mrs Pullen took her 81-year-old mother to Alexandra before she and her husband Graeme - both experienced firefighters - tried to return to Marysville to protect their property.

"At the last roadblock we spoke to our local policeman and he said 'I can't stop you going in but you have a 50 per cent chance of coming out alive'," she said.

"We still kept going until we saw the red ball coming towards us. Then we turned around and thought 'Our lives are worth far more than this'."

Mr Munday has hardly stopped since Saturday afternoon. He has had "a little bit of sleep", but his own town of Acheron has been on high alert since so he is ever watchful.

He feels a sense of helplessness that he wasn't able to stop the worst firestorm this country has ever known.

"I just want people to know that it wasn't from lack of trying, it wasn't from lack of courage. It was a mountain too high to climb. We could do nothing, and it's a horrible, horrible, horrible feeling."

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