

This was published 4 years ago

From the Archives, 1978: Six members of a family die in plane crash

By Lindsay Murdoch, Damien Murphy and Ken Piesse

First published in The Age on July 11, 1978

Plane hits house: 6 die - Father comes home to find family wiped out

Six members of a family died when a light plane exploded through the roof of their home in Essendon last night.

All three men in the plane survived.

The crash site at the Gulle house at 55 Matthews Avenue [on right].

The crash site at the Gulle house at 55 Matthews Avenue [on right]. Credit: John Krutop

Killed were a mother, her four children aged one month to 12 years, and the children's grand-mother. The father arrived home soon after the crash.

Two of the plane’s occupants were in a satisfactory condition in hospital last night.

The third was critically injured.

Dead are Mrs. Pauline Gulle, 30, sons Michael, 12, Robert, 6, Graeme, one month, daughter Karen, 7, and Mrs. Gulle's mother, Mrs. Phyllis Margaret Thoms, 60.

Police said the owner of the house, Mr. Sam Gulle, 34, arrived home within minutes of the crash. He was quickly sedated and taken to a private hospital in deep shock.


The twin-engined plane hit power lines on take-off from Essendon Airport.

It crashed into a house at 55 Matthews Avenue, smashed through the house and a bungalow before slamming into the wall of an adjoining house 40 metres away in Elstone Avenue.

The plane wreckage wedged against the home of Giuseppe and Angela Corrso in Elstone Avenue.

The plane wreckage wedged against the home of Giuseppe and Angela Corrso in Elstone Avenue. Credit: John Krutop

Part of the plane broke off and hit another house in Matthews Avenue.

On board the plane were Mr. Geoffrey Walker, about 30, Mr. Alan Baskett, 40, of Airport West, and Mr. Uwe Meinhardt, 36.

Lost power

Mr. Meinhardt was reported to be in a critical condition in Royal Melbourne Hospital, and Mr. Baskett satisfactory in Royal Melbourne. Mr. Walker was in Western General Hospital with a broken forearm.

Two of the three were still conscious when cut from the wreckage.

Mr. Walker told reporters the pilot tried to weave between the houses when he realised the plane was in trouble.

He said the crew tried everything possible, but lost power. The next thing he could remember was being dragged out of the wreckage.

Mr. Walker was reluctant to say anymore pending an investigation.

Firemen used "jaws of life" hydraulic-press equipment to cut one of the men out of the wreck. He was trapped for more than an hour.

An ambulance officer who helped pull the men from the wrecked plane said: "I just don't know how they got out of there."

"The plane was a complete mess. It's back was sticking out of the back door of the house.

The front part was a complete wreck."

Sam Gulle at the graveside of his family

Sam Gulle at the graveside of his familyCredit: Bruce Postle

The plane took down power and tram wires causing one terrific mess.

Transport Department officials last night said the plane was on a short intra-airport training flight.

It was owned by Speedair Pty. Ltd., an Essendon-based flying school and charter service.

The aircraft, a twin-engined Partenavia, crashed at 6.55 pm.

Its fuel tanks exploded on impact as it plunged through the roof of the Gulle home.


Police said the family were sitting in the lounge at the front of the house.

Claudio Gargano, 20, of 56 Elstone Avenue, was one of the first on the scene.

"I heard a couple of explosions and I just rushed out of the house." he said.

"I saw a house in the next street (Matthews Avenue) all in flames then as I ran toward it I noticed that there were also flames coming from the back of 62.

"There was a wing sticking out of the back of the house and some people were still inside the plane.

"We got one bloke out. He was pretty bad. There was blood all over his face and he was badly injured. I think his leg was broken.

"He muttered that there were two more inside, but we couldn't get them out.

"Some of the neighbours were using garden hoses to put the fire out so I helped them until the fire brigade arrived and cut the other two out."

Police said the family were about to have dinner.

Witnesses said they had no hope of escaping.

The lounge and living area of the house went up in a ball of flame.

Neighbours tried to get inside.

Flames forced them back.

Two explosions rocked the house before firemen arrived. Part of the plane’s tail sheared off and crashed into Mr. Walter Johnson’s home next door.

He and his wife escaped injury.

The plane flattened a bungalow behind the brick home.

The cabin cartwheeled another 40 metres into the rear of the home of Mrs. Angela Corrso, 36.

Flames singed Mrs. Corrso’s hair.

She was not seriously injured.

Police and ambulancemen took an hour to free the three men from the plane.

They had to use heavy cutting equipment.

The plane stood vertical against the house.

Only the tail was distinguishable.

Mr. Johnson, 65, said he was watching television when he "heard an almighty crash".

"The side of our house just went. I yelled to my wife: ‘God, what's happened?

“She was in the kitchen. We ran outside and the house next door was being engulfed in flames.

"I ran to the house to see what I could do. But you couldn't get near it because of the heat.

"Nobody knew if there was anybody inside.

“Then there were two explosions.

“Somebody with a garden hose tried to get near the blaze but it was no use.

"I went out the rear of the house and saw that the bungalow had been demolished."

Inspector Martin Bolger of St. Albans police said it was not known why the plane hit the power lines.

An investigation had begun, he said.

Police said the six inside the house "would not have known what hit them".

The Department of Transport closed Essendon Airport for about 15 minutes.

Traffic jams blocked the Tullamarine Freeway.

They made it hard for rescue vehicles to get to the scene.

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