

This was published 3 years ago


Troubled times need more than PM’s marketing spin

Without control of his image, Scott Morrison as Prime Minister begins to fade away. How he comes across to the all-important middle group of voters that decides elections are his constant focus. From the moment that Morrison took over in 2018, he has been fully invested in staying on top of how he looks and how he sounds, more so than any other modern prime minister.

Prime Minister Scott Morrison.

Prime Minister Scott Morrison. Credit: Alex Ellinghausen

At the start it was all baseball caps, soft photo ops, lots of smiles, “how good is (insert something Australian here)” all the way to an election win after a campaign in which he sold nothing but his uncomplicated self and an overt unwillingness to offer a single challenging policy idea. Things were apples, for a while.


There are two big problems with basing your success on your image. One is that you can’t afford to let up tending to the front-of-house stuff even for a moment. Morrison discovered this during the bushfires of the 2019-20 summer – first the Hawaiian holiday, then “I don’t hold a hose, mate” and the empathy-bypass interactions with victims. Bushfire Scott took a big hit, but he was soon restored.

In strictly political terms, the Prime Minister’s image was rescued by the global pandemic. Understandably, most Australians have seen the past 12 months as a time to get behind leaders and each other to fight off the deadly threat of the virus.

But now that our population is starting to immunise itself against COVID-19, regular political transmission is resuming and there is room in our heads for other big issues. Thus, the second key problem with relying on one man’s image comes to the fore: if there’s not enough substance behind the style, there’s a problem.

In only a matter of weeks, the allegation of the rape of Liberal staffer Brittany Higgins has opened a roiling nationwide debate about the treatment of women, not just in politics but across society. The Prime Minister tried to treat it as just another issue to be managed and endured, part of politics’ passing parade. By Monday night, with new information about the alleged assault and reports of bizarre exhibitionist acts in Canberra by a whole new set of government staffers, it was set to consume his carefully maintained image, bushfire-style.

And so to Morrison’s Tuesday morning press conference in which he sought to regain control of how Australians see him. Two Scott Morrisons were on display: he toggled between humility and a prickly, glowering defensiveness.


In declaring that enough was enough and women shouldn’t have to take “crap” any more, he went to considerable lengths to explain how little responsibility he bears for what’s gone wrong.

True, he’s been a member of cabinet for more than seven years, Prime Minister for almost three, but it’s not as though he could be watching what’s going on in Parliament House every minute of every day.

Brittany Higgins at the Women’s March 4 Justice at Parliament House in Canberra last Monday.

Brittany Higgins at the Women’s March 4 Justice at Parliament House in Canberra last Monday.Credit: Alex Ellinghausen

Yes, he’s closing in on 53 but he’d needed time to work out what he thought about the treatment of women and anyway, the Australian people also expect him to deal with vaccines, the pandemic, floods and international issues. He’s got a lot going on. And if you work for a company whose HR department has a live sexual harassment complaint, then be careful when you criticise him. Yes, he said that too.

Another thing he said was that apart from hinting that he favoured preselection quotas for women – a Labor policy since the 1990s – he had no solid proposals to offer. This was not the time for that, he said.

Prime Minister Scott Morrison releasing the royal commission into aged care report.

Prime Minister Scott Morrison releasing the royal commission into aged care report.Credit: Jenny Evans

This was reminiscent of another prime ministerial press conference a few weeks ago to mark the release of the report of the royal commission into aged care. That was also, the PM said, not a time for offering policy responses nor even, he suggested testily, to answer detailed questions from the media.


These events highlight the government’s innate tendency to make announcements its core business and to kick what should be its real work – the formulation of policies that produce solutions – into the long grass.

Anyone who has had an interaction with the aged care sector in the past 15 years knew it needed to be comprehensively remade. There was no need to spend millions on a royal commission and change still looks years away.

Other big policy challenges await resolution. Wage stagnation. The setting of firm carbon emission targets and timelines. The notion of using retirement savings as a piggy bank and the cancellation of legislated increases in the superannuation guarantee keep being promoted inside the government. Does the leadership favour these last two ideas? It’s time we knew.

Perhaps the Prime Minister will resume his mastery of the political narrative. Based on what’s happened before, there’s a chance he will. But political success does not necessarily give us competent, far-sighted government.

Shaun Carney is a regular columnist.

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