

This was published 5 months ago


This X-rated man-child is so powerful, he got our politicians to agree on something

Now that Twitter is dead – now that it’s not even Twitter – it seemed a good moment to join. As previous enthusiasts, including our prime minister, marched out in a snit, I went in.

Going on X, formerly known as Twitter, today is like arriving at a party when it’s all stinking ashtrays, stale odours and bodies snoring in their own excreta. But it’s not completely without point. Drug testers discover truths in the sewage. Like The Wolf in Pulp Fiction, it’s now that you can do your best work.

To understand Elon Musk’s opposition to Australia’s so-called threat of so-called censorship of X, you need to get on the level of a three-year-old boy.

To understand Elon Musk’s opposition to Australia’s so-called threat of so-called censorship of X, you need to get on the level of a three-year-old boy.Credit: Getty Images

And there’s a serious inquiry. Anthony Albanese and Peter Dutton, the crossbench and senior public servants have united against the platform and its owner, Elon Musk. The home affairs minister called Musk a “megalomaniac”. Jacqui Lambie said he “should be jailed”. The Coalition wants children protected against X and is backing the eSafety commissioner’s takedown order for footage of the Wakeley stabbing, within Australia at least. The heads of ASIO and the Australian Federal Police called social media “a disgrace”.

What is so powerful about this dying swill that it can get all sides of politics and policing, for once, to work together?

You consult your “feed” – aptly, the word suggests the slurry at the bottom of a farmyard trough. The first thing to note is that X is full of people punching each other. Adults throwing children out of cars. People walking down the street and randomly belting strangers. Scuffles solved by on-the-spot vigilantes. Little wonder that Musk is confused by a government wanting to shut down his footage of a mere stabbing in a church. His entire platform is a turd floating upon a sea of violent imagery. Minute by minute, X provides rolling coverage of Most Berserk Home Videos. So what’s one more assault?

Musk opposes any attempt to limit his freedom. To understand a billionaire, you need to get on the level of a three-year-old boy. His legal case can be summarised as “Don’t want to. Can’t make me.” But he’s not alone. The victim of the Wakeley church stabbing, Bishop Mar Mari Emmanuel, is supporting Musk’s opposition to Australia’s so-called threat of so-called censorship, which seems to be a mysterious way for him to move until you listen to his views on many political and health issues, which are of the libertarian kind that would make him right at home on X.


Advice for the bishop: pinch your nose and close your mouth before you go in. You will find a lot of predictable blah-blah from Musk himself, the emperor of “don’t want to”. There are cat videos, but these cats are hurting or being hurt by humans. There are lots of conspiracy theories about 9/11 and the royal family – yes, Buckingham Palace flew the planes – but in its sewage phase, Musk’s project runs on old fake conspiracies powered by new fake technology. Stay online for footage proving Julius Caesar was taken out in 44BC by a second shooter from the grassy knoll.

There are an awful lot of conspiracy theories about paedophilia. Notwithstanding all it does to divide, social media is equally concerned with unity. Its algorithms drive like-minded customers into the same room: its conspiracy theories build clubs, it provides shortcuts to strongly held emotion.


As in Vladimir Putin’s Russia – the political system that best mirrors social media platforms – when so many are rushing for the exit, those who remain are bonded by common loyalty, and a politicised hatred for paedophiles seems to be part of the glue.

X is fixated with theories of how Hillary and Bill Clinton, Bill Gates, half of Hollywood and “progressive elites” are paedophiles and rapists. Joe Biden, apparently, is a prolific paedophile and rapist. (About actual paedophiles or rapists – Harvey Weinstein, Jimmy Savile – less is said.) As in Russia, where official propaganda holds that Volodymyr Zelensky is a paedophile, this particular hatred is as unanswerable and as galvanising today as a black shirt and a rousing national song were in the 1930s.

For all its projection of virility, X is shrinking. In Australia, it was always small. Twitter reached its peak number of users in 2022, shortly before Musk took it private and changed its name to X. When its community declined by 10 per cent in Musk’s first months, he stopped reporting statistics. (It’s a private company. Don’t want to.)

Its advertising revenue collapsed by one-third in 2023. Even at its peak, Twitter reached only 12.6 per cent of internet users worldwide. It was never higher than the 12th most popular social media platform globally.

Illustration: Simon Letch.

Illustration: Simon Letch. Credit:

Its users, always heavily concentrated in the United States, are mostly male (61 per cent) and under 34 years of age (58 per cent). One-quarter contribute 97 per cent of its content. One-third never expect a single person to read what they produce.

Most of X is, both statistically and as represented by its content, is a masturbatorium filled with young men who think a video of a guy punching a woman is funny, and if 10 people see his clip, then he’s made himself famous. Up the back of the classroom, dying for someone to notice him, this clammy boy has a hero in Musk. “Don’t want to. Can’t make me.” Put a knife in his hand and his manhood is complete.

If authorities want X to shrivel into an easily identified little club of whackjobs, they don’t need more powers. Musk is already doing their work for them. Give him another five years, and he’ll have rounded up every potential young violent incel on the planet.

But this gives one clue as to why Australian politicians are so keen to slam him and why the Coalition can drop its posture of reflexive opposition. It costs them so little. Rich foreigner, diminishing platform, soft target.


Where was this bipartisan spirit when Twitter was actually relevant? Or where is this bipartisan spirit when the issues at stake are more substantial?

Another motivation is simple narcissism. Politicians (and journalists), naturally obsessed by what people think of them, overpopulate social media, which gives them a cheap finger in the breeze of public opinion. It’s a lazy way to test the daily mood and allows them to accumulate their own stores of grievance. From Lambie and Barnaby Joyce to Bill Shorten, if anything can unite politicians, it’s the feeling of being unjustly insulted.

So at a moment like this, when they can scapegoat a lunatic American billionaire and his fast-failing platform, they are primed to react. It’s a tabloid reaction with incoherent and self-contradictory legal consequences (we fear TikTok because governments might use it to spy on users; we fear X because governments can’t spy on users enough). Knee-jerk responses, soft targets and symbolic tough policing: this is where our leadership finds common ground.

Dead it might be, X can unite Canberra in a way that record high temperatures and the death of our planet, widening social inequality, global acts of genocide or the imperative to improve race relations cannot. Major issues requiring real leadership only deliver us game-playing and vote buying. Musk and “don’t want to, can’t make me”, on the other hand, have got an entire political apparatus to work in symphony. That’s some influence.

Australian institutions marshal their bipartisan outrage to stomp on a cockroach. Meanwhile, the cracks keep opening, the bombs keep landing, and our planet keeps burning.

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