

This was published 3 years ago


Suddenly the ‘lab leak’ theory can’t be so readily dismissed: the stifled search for COVID’s Patient Zero

What a mess. The world wants to know where the COVID virus came from, but so many obstacles have been put in the way it’s likely we will never know.

Vital information has been withheld, data banks have been tampered with, official investigations have been nobbled, some scientists are too afraid to speak while others are covering their backsides, prestigious journals have put politics before science, and important lines of inquiry have been shut down after accusations of racism.

And that’s before we get to what the Chinese government has been doing.

The Wuhan Institute of Virology is at the centre of the controversy.

The Wuhan Institute of Virology is at the centre of the controversy.Credit: AP

The collapsing reputation of the World Health Organisation has been one of the more spectacular bits of collateral damage.

In the early weeks of the outbreak in Wuhan, WHO head Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus was heavily criticised for his lavish praise of President Xi Jinping’s great leadership and the Chinese government’s transparency. Now, apparently having worked out that sucking up to the Chinese Communist Party only makes you beholden to it, Tedros is demanding transparency from China. Give us the data, he said the other day – the raw data we have been asking you for since the early days of the pandemic.


This change of heart was evident in March, when he was critical of the joint WHO-China report into the origins of the pandemic, which said the “lab leak” hypothesis was extremely unlikely.

On Thursday it emerged that the report contains a serious error in its identification of Patient Zero, the first person to catch the SARS-CoV-2 virus that causes COVID-19.

Identifying Patient Zero is the most important clue to the origins of the virus. If Patient Zero can be found we can work out whether he or she was scratched by a pangolin in the Wuhan seafood market, bitten by a horseshoe bat in a Yunnan cave or infected by a lab sample spilt from a test tube at the Wuhan Institute of Virology.


Yet the joint WHO-China report identified the first known case of COVID as living on one side of the Yangtze River in Wuhan while the Wuhan government had previously identified the case as a 41-year-old man living on the other side of the river. A WHO spokesman explained away the discrepancy as an “editing error”. Seriously?


Uncovering this mistake follows the revelation that in May 2020 valuable data on early cases of the virus in Wuhan had been scrubbed from an international database. The Wuhan University scientists who had deposited the genome sequences had soon deleted them. We don’t know why, but US biologist Jesse Bloom managed to retrieve some of the data from the Google cloud.

It’s not just Chinese scientists, under intense pressure from Beijing, who have impeded the search for the origins. Some Western scientists have not covered themselves in glory.

In fact, the saga has raised some troubling questions about the role of Western virology researchers and whether some have been running interference on attempts to find the truth.

A recent study by Ryan Clarke and Lam Peng Er of the National University of Singapore reveals that China’s virology laboratories have a dense and opaque network of links and collaborations with virologists in Western countries, including Australia.

In fact, Western virologists trained China’s virologists, helped establish their labs, provided funding and carried out joint research, including extremely risky gain-of-function experiments to make SARS viruses more infectious to humans.


The COVID calamity puts them in an awkward position. Some have intervened to steer attention away from the lab leak hypothesis. Within weeks of the Wuhan outbreak, the prestigious journal The Lancet published a statement by 27 prominent public health scientists condemning “conspiracy theories suggesting that COVID-19 does not have a natural origin” and hinting that to say otherwise was racist.

At the time, almost nothing was known about the origin of the virus so the statement by these scientists seems to have been driven less by good science than by protecting careers and funding. The Lancet has gone to ground but appears to have put political correctness before science.

In what the British Medical Journal is now referring to as “a conspiracy to label critics as conspiracy theorists”, it transpired that the statement was orchestrated by Peter Daszak, a zoologist who has been a close collaborator with the Wuhan Institute of Virology on SARS-related coronavirus research.


The same Peter Daszak was selected by the WHO for the joint WHO-Chinese government team to investigate the origins of COVID, the one that effectively ruled out the lab leak hypothesis.

It’s only in recent months that independent virologists and biologist have overcome their reluctance to speak out and have called for a thorough, independent review of the lab leak hypothesis.

China is likely to become the world’s leading virology power in a couple of decades, courtesy of Western aid. As Clarke and Lam point out, that will make China the nation best prepared for the next pandemic.

With a population and an economy shielded from the worst effects of a pandemic, Beijing could use this to extend its political and strategic influence around the world. And that’s not good for scientific truth.

Clive Hamilton is a professor of public ethics at Charles Sturt University in Canberra.

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