

This was published 1 year ago


Shrill critics of Chalmers’ essay are missing the point

The outrage and alarm about an essay by federal Treasurer Jim Chalmers on the future of capitalism has veered wildly in recent days from ominous fear for the free market to almost comic scaremongering about the threat he poses to the nation’s corporate chiefs.

The public debate has been shrill and superficial when the point of the essay was to attempt a conversation about the failures of governments and markets over the past two decades.

Under fire: Treasurer Jim Chalmers’ essay drew some heavy - and excessive - criticism.

Under fire: Treasurer Jim Chalmers’ essay drew some heavy - and excessive - criticism.Credit: Alex Ellinghausen

Those failures are real. From the global financial crisis to today’s energy and inflation shocks, leaders have struggled to regulate the markets while households have watched their real incomes fall.

The essay is personal and thoughtful. The message for voters is no cause for alarm. Chalmers has his heart in the right place when he considers the state of the world in a crisis unleashed by Russian President Vladimir Putin’s invasion of Ukraine. “The ghosts of Guernica must weep for Mariupol and Bakhmut,” he writes.

The reaction, however, has been splenetic. The front page of The Australian claimed on Tuesday that business chiefs “wake in fright” at Chalmers’ ideas. In fact, the mild response from corporate Australia was to ask for company tax cuts and a stronger focus on productivity – in other words, options A and B in their press release folder. In a kindergarten cartoon on Thursday, The Australian likened his ideas to communism.

It is impossible for a news story or a piece of commentary to reflect, fully, an argument that takes 6000 words. So, the best approach for anyone interested in the government’s direction, and Chalmers as a leader, is to read the essay in The Monthly.

But three messages cut through. The first is that Chalmers is engaged, rightly, in how to change Australia for the better. He is a policy wonk by nature and is forming a philosophical view he can take to G20 meetings in Washington, DC, and elsewhere. It was only a few years ago that an earlier treasurer, Scott Morrison, skipped those global talks and sent the finance minister instead. Chalmers is immersed in the global debate.

The second point is that Chalmers is not being prescriptive about concrete policies. He has a long career ahead of him and avoids making commitments in print that will expose him to accusations of hypocrisy in years to come. Every major declaration comes with a caveat. The ferocious reaction has misrepresented his words.


The third is that he flags his interest in specific challenges. He praises “impact investing” that seeks to raise private capital for social policies such as housing affordability, so voters should watch for more on this front. And he uses the essay to strongly back new ways to invest in the economy, such as public funds backed by debt.

What does this mean? Chalmers argues for more bodies such as the Clean Energy Finance Corporation, which offers debt and equity to projects that reduce carbon emissions. This fund requires public debt but is off the budget, so it does not deepen the deficit. Is this news? Not really. Labor is already creating a National Reconstruction Fund with $15 billion in debt, a Housing Australia Future Fund with another $10 billion and a Rewiring the Nation Corporation with a whopping $20 billion, all on top of the $10 billion set aside for the CEFC.

Nobody should need an essay in The Monthly to tell them Labor believes in borrowing money for state intervention. Labor told us this at the election. But here is the thing: the Liberals love their own brand of intervention. The previous government kept the CEFC after it was set up by Labor and the Greens in 2010. As the years went on, the Liberals found they needed the CEFC to invest in renewables and act on climate change.

The debate on this approach is not about whether these funds should exist – the Coalition caved on that – but about how many of them Australia really needs and about the safeguards required to prevent taxpayer cash from being poured down the drain.

Chalmers has an eye on the horizon while he writes about the immediate crisis. His message about fairness and equity is aimed squarely at progressive voters so Australians know he stands for more than budget management. He is building his profile as a potential successor to Anthony Albanese as prime minister and making his case from a position of strength. When voters were asked in the latest Resolve Political Monitor who was best to manage the economy, 37 per cent named the government and 29 per cent named the Coalition.

All of this means the ferocious media debate about the essay should be handled with care. The essay is being painted as a repudiation of the free market and a wholesale rejection of “supply-side” economics when it is no such thing. The conservative critics are setting up a straw man.

 Jim Chalmers’s essay sparked outrage and alarm.

Jim Chalmers’s essay sparked outrage and alarm.

For example, here is Chalmers: “For a decade before the pandemic, when most advanced economies had a terrible record, governments and independent authorities, backed by conservative prejudices and vested interests, still mostly stuck to a negative form of supply-side economics. They pursued loosely defined goals for competitiveness through a race to the bottom on wages and public investment.”

His complaint is about a “negative form” of economics which he never clearly defines – this is the only reference to supply-side economics in the essay – and his substantive point is about the fall in real wages. That fall is a blunt, hard fact.

On the free market, here is Chalmers again: “Carefully constructed markets are a positive and powerful tool.” There is no rejection of the free market. There is certainly a signal about tougher regulation.


Communism? Well, the Liberals grew steadily fonder of their market watchdogs during nine years in power. They berated energy bosses, imposed gas controls, set prices, created a banking royal commission, announced a surprise bank levy and blocked foreign investment deals. Yes, some business mates did very well in those years, but it was transactional. Where was the free market ideology back then?

What stands out from the essay is not a policy pledge or imminent decision but a statement of intent. The key phrase is “values-based capitalism” but it is never defined. It is a work in progress, to be demonstrated in policy later.

“Governments and investors can be partners, not protagonists,” he writes. “Our local communities can gain choice and control over their own futures. And the same regulatory frameworks that ensure that for-profit capital in the private sector creates value for investors can generate public value in the for-purpose economy. This is what values-based capitalism can look like.”

One implication of the essay is that the progressive side of politics can use Chalmers’ own catchphrase to demand action on social spending. There are rumours of an increase in the JobSeeker rate in the May budget. Without one, Chalmers is open to the charge that he is failing his own “values-based” test on fairness. On another front, the argument about equity surely lends support to the case to amend the “stage three” tax cuts.


It is true, as The Australian Financial Review said in an editorial this week, that Chalmers did not say enough about how to expand the economy by improving productivity, the central achievement of the reforms when Bob Hawke and Paul Keating held power. Chalmers wrote about investing in people and technology to lift productivity, but he did not flesh this out. The unfairness in the criticism is to assume he has nothing to say on growth. Chalmers has no shortage of speeches and interviews ahead of him to make his case.

The sheer volume of the outrage has been like a heavy-metal band screaming at an audience deafened by years of electric guitar. Some of the critics clearly feel their readers and listeners need to be panicked into a stampede. But Australians are not deaf and will shrug off the hectoring.

Chalmers wants an economy that improves fairness and reduces inequality. Australians should welcome a treasurer who engages on these ideas. His essay is not the first word, nor the last, on what to do about the problems of the past two decades.

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