

This was published 3 years ago


Search for justice can’t undermine judicial system

Labor MP Anne Aly is a good member of Parliament. She’s approachable, intelligent, committed and – importantly – she doesn’t behave as tribally as some members of Parliament on all sides of politics seem to do. It’s no secret I like Anthony Albanese as well. I’d never vote for either of them, but so what? You can like people and respect them without agreeing with their politics or with everything they say.

Labor MP Anne Aly.

Labor MP Anne Aly.Credit: Alex Ellinghausen

Aly was on TV last week in full flight of compassion. She was exclaiming, in relation to the alleged rape of a now deceased woman, how sick and tired she was of people talking about justice presumably for alleged perpetrators, and came to a crescendo with “what about justice for the victim?” It’s popular politics but no more. Justice isn’t for one side or the other. As John Silvester, the crime writer for this paper, so succinctly pointed out, justice is blind.

We have a system of rules worked out over centuries by which we believe we can arrive at the most just solution possible. We weaken it at our peril.

The friends of the alleged victim who distributed the allegation have remained anonymous. That tells us something. We’re told that they are lawyers and business people. Lawyers would understand very well why the names of adults charged with sexual offences are kept under wraps until the conclusion of their first appearance in court. Eminent jurists, including Dame Roma Mitchell in her recommendations for reform in the criminal law in the ’80s, recognise the incredible injustice that can be done by the media and the baying mob. These anonymous people are really no more than lawless vigilantes. Yes, in the search for justice it’s important not to perpetrate injustice yourself.

For children we offer, rightly, even more protection. If this incident occurred in my state, South Australia, decades ago and the police having investigated decided to proceed today it would still be heard in the Children’s Court, despite the current ages of the people concerned. Why? Because they were kids at the time. The identity of the alleged perpetrator would not be revealed. At any time.

The objects of the Young Offenders Act in my state are clear: “to secure for youths who offend against the criminal law the care correction and guidance necessary for their development into responsible and useful members of the community and the proper realisation of their potential”.

That’s what is considered the best and a just outcome for young offenders and for the rest of us. We want young offenders to cease the error of their ways and become decent citizens. That’s in our collective interest. Each case is considered on its merits but it’s a fair bet that had this matter been dealt with at the time and the young man was found guilty he would not have gone to jail. He might have a suspended sentence or a bond. The same applies if it went to the court now, decades later.

Silvester says succinctly, “The criminal case against Porter is not weak. It is now non-existent. The complainant has not made a police statement, cannot be interviewed as she has died, the alleged offender has denied the allegation; there is no forensic evidence, no witnesses, no crime scene and no CCTV.

Christian Porter addresses the media about the historical rape allegation.

Christian Porter addresses the media about the historical rape allegation.Credit: Getty

“There is no case, which is why police shut the file without interviewing Porter as there was nothing of substance to put to him. This is not about what happened that night 33 years ago. It is what can be proven happened 33 years ago. That is the law. Evidence, not opinion is the only test and on this basis the case fails. It is not even close.”

So what do we have ? We have allegations made by some friends of the woman concerned. There’s a few questions surrounding their involvement. When did they know? If they only discovered this a few years ago, did she not trust them in the previous decades? If they respected her wishes in the past, why in effect now do what she chose not to? The call for an independent inquiry into the allegations is simply a desire to allow second-hand information, gossip and hearsay to be thrown into the public arena. The allegations can’t be tested, the woman has died and cannot be cross-examined. It’s got a nasty smell of politics about it.

Separately the police are investigating the woman’s apparent suicide for the Coroner. Whether an inquest is held into her death is a matter for the Coroner.

It’s perfectly understandable that friends of the woman feel deeply for her. That they saw their friend as someone who was bright, charming and witty is heartwarming, but irrelevant. Shy, unfriendly and dull women are equally entitled to be protected from rapists. It’s the weak who we should seek first to protect.


Maybe, like so many sexual assault victims, she just couldn’t face the rigours of a criminal trial. That’s the process by which we seek the truth. Your reliability as a credible witness is put to the test. Your past, your mental health, your use of alcohol, drugs and psychiatrists are all paraded out in court.

For the rest of us there’s a lesson to be learned. We’ve come very close to treating allegations as facts, to allow managed public opinion to take the place of a fair trial in court. It’s becoming all too common. The system we built over centuries is being destroyed. We should not let that happen. Now there’s an irony – people saying they want justice are in fact undermining the judicial system we’ve built over centuries.

Amanda Vanstone is a former Howard government minister and a regular columnist.

National Sexual Assault, Family & Domestic Violence Counselling Line: 1800 737 732. Crisis support can be found at Lifeline: (13 11 14 and, the Suicide Call Back Service (1300 659 467 and and Beyond Blue (1300 22 4636 and

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