

This was published 5 years ago

Rosie Batty, lawyers push for family law reform as fresh inquiry looms

By Miki Perkins and Judith Ireland

Family violence campaigner Rosie Batty and women’s legal services from across Australia have joined forces to call for reforms of the family law system that would strengthen its response to family violence.

The high-profile push comes after Prime Minister Scott Morrison announced a controversial new family law inquiry, with One Nation senator Pauline Hanson tipped to be deputy chair.

Rosie Batty is calling for family law reform

Rosie Batty is calling for family law reformCredit: Joe Armao

Senator Hanson sparked a furore when she claimed women lied about family violence to gain an advantage in family courts. Her comments have been discredited by statistics which show just three per cent of fathers who go before the Family Court are refused access to their children.

Women’s Legal Services Australia, which represents more than a dozen women’s legal services around the country, has urged family law courts to strengthen their response to family violence and provide effective legal help for disadvantaged clients.

It has also asked courts to ensure family law professionals understand family violence, to increase access to safe, alternative dispute resolution and iron out the information gaps between child protection, family violence and family law systems.


Ms Batty said any reform should prioritise the safety of children.

“When you consider that family violence is a reality for 70 per cent of families that come into the law court system, there’s clearly a level of expertise required to deal with this complex issue,” Ms Batty said.

Anti-violence advocates were resigned to the government’s new inquiry, Ms Batty said. But she urged the government to address the recommendations of two previous extensive inquiries that preceded it, one from the House of Representatives and the other from the Australian Law Reform Commission.


“We’ve had two inquiries over the past three years, not one of which has had any recommendations implemented or acknowledged,” Ms Batty said.

Women’s Legal Service Australia’s director of policy Helen Matthews said while working as a lawyer she often came across people in the court system who said they didn’t believe family violence was widespread.

“We see family report writers saying ‘The child gave the father a hug so obviously there’s no fear there’. It shows no understanding of coercion within a family.”

On Tuesday, Minister for Women Marise Payne defended the government's controversial decision to hold a parliamentary inquiry into family law.

Senator Payne - who was representing Attorney-General Christian Porter at the Senate estimates hearing - said parliament was "entitled" to inquire into the family law system.

Minister for Women Marise Payne.

Minister for Women Marise Payne.Credit: AP

"This is an important inquiry. It has a varied membership in terms of the committee. It is moving away from that focus on procedural and substantive law, which the Australian Law Reform Commission [inquiry] had."

The ALRC handed down 60 recommendations to government in April as part of its comprehensive review of Australia's family law system, commissioned by the Coalition in 2017. Estimates heard that Mr Porter and his department are still working on the government's response.

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