

This was published 5 years ago

These are the three big things Australia's space industry has going for it

By Tony Moore

Australia’s "unique view of the galaxy" gives its space industry some key advantages to capitalise on, the deputy head of the national space agency says.

First, as a wide, open land in the southern hemisphere it offers “plenty of potential” for deep space tracking.

The International Space Station is far from the only destination in a changing space economy.

The International Space Station is far from the only destination in a changing space economy.

Second, a range of orbits are possible from Australia, offering cheaper fuel costs.

Third, the trend towards more frequent, smaller satellites at lower orbit heights provides a new range of uses for satellites.

These were the advantages Australian Space Agency deputy head Anthony Murfett pointed out to an audience at the World Science Festival in Brisbane on Sunday.

Australian businesses are negotiating to locate the world’s largest radio telescope in the southern hemisphere with “cores” in both Australia and South Africa.

Already, Australia’s Parkes tracking station has connected the world to major space events ranging from the 1969 moon landing to 2019's ongoing Mars surface explorations.

Mr Murfett and Gilmore Space Technology representatives were almost mobbed on Sunday by young men and women at the conclusion of a speech about the future of Australia’s space industry.

Most were looking for advice on careers.


Mr Murfett said one existing Australian space industry specialty was Australia’s ground communication with satellites.

“This is a real opportunity because Australia is a very large block of land in the southern hemisphere,” he said.

“That means we have a unique view of the galaxy.

“So there is very real opportunity in how we can leverage our location.”

North Queensland also had an advantage as an equatorial orbit launch site.

“Here the northern part of Australia does provide a viable alternative because if you launch to the east, it [the satellite or rocket] actually goes with the orbit of the Earth which means it costs less fuel to get into orbit,” he said.

“It also means you can carry more payload.

“So there is a cost advantage and a real competitive advantage in that.”

The Parkes radio telescope.

The Parkes radio telescope.Credit: Glenn Hunt

But he said the private commercial market was providing the real drive in that area, not state or federal governments.

Queensland-based rocket and satellite company Gilmore Space Technologies is planning to launch two low-orbit rockets in 2019. 

“Satellites are now very much smaller than they were 30 years ago,” Mr Murfett said.

“Which means you can bundle a whole lot of more on to launches.

“Rather than just one big launch to 3600 kilometres, they are putting them into low orbit, which is roughly between 300 kilometres to 900 kilometres.”

Mr Murfett said one example of the utility of lower orbiting satellites was how they could benefit farmers.

“These low-orbit satellites can take images of the Earth,” he said.

“It means farmers can look at the lie of their land and how to manage their crops.

“You can imagine a farmer who has all of this water infrastructure - dams and pipes - all over his property.

"Normally it involves a 1000-kilometre round trip to check everything.

“Now you can put in a little chip on it, a sensor on it and he can check it on his phone in his lounge room.”

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